Web Forms :: FRAMESET Is Causing Page Load To Fire Twice

Nov 17, 2010

for obvious reasons using master page instead of iframes is good in my view but the current project which is on Framework 1.1 has some some limitations to do any modifications as client is already using some 3rd party controls. Now, the issue i am facing is with page load event which is firing twice. see the below html code.


from the above code when eFolderTree.aspx is called with iframe "TreeAppFrame", the "page load" event in eFolderTree.aspx.vb is firing twice. I debugged for the issue and found that this is happening because of iframe "primaryAppFrame" which is calling "SiteFolder/ShowSiteFolderTable.aspx?Site=<%=sSiteId%>". when commenting the page reference "ShowSiteFolderTable.aspx?Site=<%=sSiteId%>" in iframe "PrimaryAppFrame", this is working correctly. What else do i need to do, to make sure that page load event fires only once in page "eFolderTree.aspx.vb"

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Web Forms :: FRAMESET Is Causing Page Load Fire Twice?

Nov 17, 2010

for obvious reasons using master page instead of iframes is good in my view but the current project which is on Framework 1.1 has some some limitations to do any modifications as client is already using some 3rd party controls.Now, the issue i am facing is with page load event which is firing twice. Please see the below html code.


from the above code when eFolderTree.aspx is called with iframe "TreeAppFrame", the "page load" event in eFolderTree.aspx.vb is firing twice. I debugged for the issue and found that this is happening because of iframe "primaryAppFrame" which is calling "SiteFolder/ShowSiteFolderTable.aspx?Site=<%=sSiteId%>". when commenting the page reference "ShowSiteFolderTable.aspx?Site=<%=sSiteId%>" in frame "PrimaryAppFrame", this is working correctly.What else do i need to do, to make sure that page load event fires only once in page "eFolderTree.aspx.vb" ?

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Web Forms :: 2 Instances Of A User Control On The Same Page Causing Page_Loads To Fire On Both?

Jan 12, 2011

I've created a User Control (.ascx), which has a dropdown. When an item is selected, it uses some model classes to pull back a set of data which it then dynamically displays as a list of checkboxes in a panel control.

When I add one to the page, it works very well indeed.

However, when I add another I get this behaviour:

1. Select an item from the first dropdown, the checkboxes appear underneath ok.

2. Select an item from the second dropdown, the new lot of checkboxes appear ok, but the first lot disappear.

It's rather frustrating, they both have different IDs on the page, so they shouldn't interfere with each other should they? There is some Javascript that I've added but I use the Panel.ClientControlID to separate these out (I've already thought of that one).

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Security :: IE 6 - Information Causing Partial Load Of The Page?

Mar 11, 2010

I have a website where different comapny and users can login. Till now I have not seen any issue on IE 6. But in case of one account, when try to login the website, users are getting security information "This page contains both secure and non-secure items.

I can reproduce the same easily for the same customer but not happening for any other customer. I have "ReportViewer" control (gets rendered as iframes) on the page.

In this scenario, whether user selectes "Yes" or "No" button, the home page with charts loads 30% and other controls remains invisible. Though I see same out in "View source" for this and other customers. We dont change anything much then the data and charts for the users. We use https for this website and has few links with "http" in page. But then this is same for all the users, but it happens only in case of one customer.

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Web Forms :: Multiple User Control With Update Panel Causing Multiple Page Load?

May 2, 2010

I have an update panel in a user control and I am adding multiple instances of it for example 5.

When that update panel refreshes the page load occurs 5 times.

How can I prevent it only for once?

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Web Forms :: Cannot Fire Grid View RowEditing Event In Page Load

Jan 31, 2010

Can not fire Grid View RowEditing event in page load?

I have a grid view , select the grid line item from popup when click the image button which is located in header template. When click the select button in popup window , fill up the grid row and allow to edit the quantity text box.

In page load
If Page.Request.Params("__EVENTTARGET") = "ctl00_popupField" Then
AddHandler grdDOLineItem.RowEditing, AddressOf grdDOLineItem_RowEditing
End If
Protected Sub grdDOLineItem_RowEditing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewEditEventArgs)
'bind the grid view row
End Sub

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AJAX :: Button Fire & Page Load?

Dec 29, 2010

i have button that fire some times on Firefox or IE or Chrome

and on another page i have grid view that have reponse to another page


some times it don't go to page_load

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How To Logout The Frameset In Page

Apr 4, 2011

I have a web page in that page I'm using 3 frame set one for heading, 2nd one for left side navigation and 3rd frame for main page. When i click left side navigation automatically main page will be displayed.

My problem is i have a Log out button in frame one(head page).when i click the logout button the frame one gets logout and displays the login page. frame 2nd and 3rd still exist i want to close all the frame and displays a complete login page in the browser.

I'm not using link button...

I'm using Button(Asp.net)...

I need c# code only....

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Openfire Fastpath Chat Causing Site To Load Slowly?

Jan 13, 2010

We are adding openfire fastpath chat to our site. It will determine and indicate when live chat is available or not and display an appropriate image to indicate the current status and links for each state.

The javascript call hit's a function that is on another box and this function uses document.write to output the html to the page. I know there is a delay because it is making the request to another server and waiting for a result to be returned. The pause here is about a half second, but causes the rest of the page load to be held up.

Has anyone experience a similar issue or offer any tips for getting this to load synchronously somehow. I tried putting this into an aspx ajax panel, but that seemed to cause other issues.

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Web Forms :: How To Load From Secondary (Derived) Master Page Controls In Page Load

Feb 25, 2010

I hv Declared two Master page one Is Base and Derived.. Base Page Load is working but when i hv written load controls in Derived Page Load Using C# it's not working..

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Web Forms :: Dynamically Change Frameset Contents?

Mar 20, 2010

I have two frames side-by-side in a .aspx webpage.The frame on the feft is set a source page called

category.aspx and the one on the left is set to data.aspx.Now,category.aspx has saome buttons and data.aspx has a datalist control to show data from a database table. What I want is that when the user clicks different buttons on the category.aspx frame ,the data in the data.aspx frame change due corresponding changes in sql query of the datalist in the right-hand frame.

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Web Forms :: Dynamically Add Object In Page Causing Second Postback With Ispostback?.

Jan 17, 2011

I dynamically add the webcontrol in onInit or onload (page_load). it will cause the second post back and with the ispostback==false;

if first enter the page is no problem. but if I click on the some button. it will trigger postback two times.

first time: ispostback = true.

second time: ispostback = false.

the second time postback caused me headache because all my value has been initialized due to the coding like below:

DataTable _temp;

if(! ispostback)


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Web Forms :: Page.FindControl Causing Null Reference Exception?

Aug 20, 2010

I developed a page in VWD 2008 and it works perfectly locally, but when I deployed it on the server every Page.FindControl() call is causing the NullReference Exception "Object reference not set to an instance of an object. " Can anyone help me out? Code is below


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Web Forms :: Open A New Browser From Code Behind Without Causing Page Refresh

Feb 12, 2010

I need to implement a "preview" functionality where people make changes to a form, click a button and a pop-up window displays the preview while the original form retains the user's changes in the various <textarea's. Right now, the preview is working, but when they come back to the form, their changes are gone, the page has refreshed. How do I prevent the page from refreshing? I need to go to the server to get the URL to the preview page.

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Web Forms :: Find The HTML Of Entire Page Causing The PostBack ?

Jul 30, 2010

I need to know if there is any server-side function/custom-code available to find out the HTML of the entire page which is causing the PostBack.

I don't want to do it using JavaScript/jQuery but instead do it at server side.

A JavaScript workaround that implements it can be found at this link. [URL]

Reason, Why I need it? I am writing some inline javascript in page which performs some vital actions and supposed not to be tampered by user(hacker). So, when a postback occurs, I would like to find out the HTML of entire page (at server) so that I can verify it (I have already generated the hash code for entire HTML while rendering the page to check it on consecutive postbacks) for non-tamering and then process further.

This is the reason why I need a way to find out the HTML of the page causing the PostBack.

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Web Forms :: Alternative Present For Frameset And Frame Element In HTML?

Mar 3, 2011

I am creating sample application for master page layout, it contain three parts as follows

1. Header

2. Content

3. Footer

and wanted header and footer will be static content in web page.(Content will be scrollable)

For that I have found one solution in HTML (frameset and frame) but I am looking for pure ASP.NET solution.

So question is, Is there any alternative present in ASP.NET?

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VS 2008 - Load Controls Dynamically - Won't Fire

Mar 12, 2010

I have a problem that I can't solve when I load controls dynamically. I have 3 states on a page that I traverse through and I load as many buttons on the page as the page state number + 1. For example, on state 0, I load 1 button, state 2 - 2 buttons, etc. The problem is after I move to a new page state, the button click event(s) of the dynamic buttons will not be wired up and won't fire until the second click of each button.

CSharp Code:....................

PHP Code:.......................

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Web Forms :: Create Via C# In An Event Causing Page Validation To Occur On Postback?

Feb 14, 2011

I'm having trouble with an image button I create via c# in an event causing page validation to occur on postback. The CausesValidation attribute is set to false at time of creation in the event. I also wire up the Click event in the page_init with postback so not to loose the event handler if the page posts another way. Here is the code I'm using in the click event of a Button. I've also tried to enable and disable viewstate for the button with no luck. What am I missing here that continues to fire page validation in the Click of this imagebutton?


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Web Forms :: Load Panel After Page Load A Window Is Visible?

Jul 1, 2010

how i can load an panel(that contain for example Weather information) after page load

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Using Frameset With Treeviews In C#?

Mar 5, 2010

Afternoon, I am trying have an HTML file containing a frameset which contains two frames. I have populated the left Frame with a URL containing a TreeView with URL's for the nodes.

I would like the to be able to select a URL from the treeview in the left hand frame, and have it set the src of the right hand frame to be that URL.

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AJAX :: Modalpopupextender With Frameset?

Sep 10, 2010

I have a typical frameset page that separate the page into Top, Left and Main. I want to add modalpopupextender on the frameset page so that it covers the WHOLE SCREEN.------------- Default.aspx file ---------------

<form id="form1" runat="server">
<div style="display: none">


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C# - Page Enter Key Causing Post Back?

Nov 17, 2010

I have an aspx page that postsback when it should not. there are two text boxes, two listboxes and two buttons on the page. if at any-point the enter key is pressed the first button is given focus and "clicked" resulting in a loss of selection within the listboxes.

How do I disable this? there are tons of tutorials on how to capture the enter button and execute a method but I could find one on how to simply disable the neat "let me grab the first button I find and click it" feature mentioned above.

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MVC :: Is It Possible To Use A Frameset In A Visual Studio 2010 Application

Sep 9, 2010

A reply to the following post says not:


If it is possible, can anyone point me at an example?

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Getting The Exact Page Causing An Error Using Server.GetLastError?

Aug 30, 2010

Using vb.net/asp.net 2005. in the global.asax page in the application error page I am getting the exception information as follows:


To find out when there are any exceptions when users are using the system, then the ErrorDetails are being auto-emailed to members on the IT team to help in troubleshooting. The problem is this: I want to find out what page is the user is on when the exception happens, sometimes the stacktrace does not list the aspx page. Does anyone know how to get this information?

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Security :: Form Authentication Isn't Working In Frame Or Frameset

Dec 8, 2010

I have website under "aaa.com" domain, and it's form authentication is working in that domain.

But when i call login page from "bbb.com" in frameset or frame, can't pass login page. İt's always redirect login page me.

internet explorer not working. But firefox work.

(There is no problem when i call "aaa.com/login.aspx" but if i call in frame "aaa.com/login.aspx" from bbb.com not work.)

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