Web Forms :: Get Remember Me Manually In Website?

Jan 7, 2011

am new in .net in my website Remember me check box is there with out using login control am writing own login stuff

when Remember me check box checked is true when page loads it will automatically load usrname,password

i can write like this


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Web Forms :: How To Remember Login In Website

Mar 27, 2014

my problem is when i close the tab in browser consisting of my application it logs off therefore i want to know that even after closing the browser it should not log off till i press logout button ,as many application provide the same functionality like facebook or even aspforums.net

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C# - Customize Website For Anonymous Users And Remember Settings And Information?

Mar 2, 2011

I have a E-Shop Site and I need some customization for my users like following :

Store favorite products in their own basket.Customize products list in order to what are their favorite. It must remember their basket next time they want to visit our site.

my question is how I can store information for my customers who are new to my web site also most of customers don't like to have username and password then login first they like to buy during a week and at the end of week pay for them then we can send some products to their locations.

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Sep 5, 2010

In login control of asp.net there is a remember me checkbox. What is the functionality of this checkbox? What it does basically? Is there any way to put space between checkbox and its associated label?

I saw Windows Live login control has an extra checkbox Remember my password? How can we achieve this feature in our custom login control? I have read many tutorials but I can not able to solve my queries.

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Security :: Using "remember Me" Function Without Through Remember Me Checkbox

May 26, 2010

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Security :: "Remember Me" Doesn't Remember

May 10, 2010

im having a login control in my website with a remember me option. i check the remember me but it does not remember me. here is a part of my web.config. i browsed over the other answers on this forum but nothing :( I also have the cookies allowed


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Feb 8, 2011

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I tried,but it did not work.

My code is


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Aug 23, 2010

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Web Forms :: Dropdownlist Doesn't Remember The Value After New Selection

Apr 29, 2010

I have already spent two day to solve this on my own but for some reason I can't. Maybe I'm missing the live cicle of the dropdownlist. I hve a three dropdownlist that filter a gridview and the other two dropdownlists One is "Year" the other is "Country" and the other "Species" Each one of them is filter by the other two. So if I filter for one year it will only show me the species and countries that have records on that year. So I have to reload the gridview and all the dropdownlist.

What happend is that since I'm filling again the dropdownlist with less values he can't remember the previous one. I have tried with the events: DataBinding, Load Unload and Init of the dropdown list to force it to remember. The conclusion I have reach is that the databinding and the load have the dropdown list of the previous page. So if I do

String strYears = ddlYears.SelectedValue.ToString();
ddlYears.SelectedIndex = ddlYears.Items.IndexOf(ddlYears.Items.FindByValue(strYears));

And the year was on the index 4 but after changing the country the year is now index 3 he mantains the index 4 showing me another year.............................

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Asp.net.3.5 gridview on sorting problem The control not remember the last sort direction on the source side



on the server event


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Forms Data Controls :: Remember Checkboxes In ListView?

Nov 3, 2010

I have a listview with paging.Every paging has 10 rows with with a username, an email and a checkbox.

I need to be able to check a couple of checkboxes, in different "pagings", press a button and send an email every to ever user that has been checked.

Trouble is I don't really know how to remember the selected checkboxes between each paging-press.

Deos anyone have a similar solution or a few tips on how to do this? I'd prefer to solv this without jQuery, but ordinare javascript or a C# solution works fine.

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Aug 18, 2015

what is the way to code for Remember Me.

when we do login in any website the there a optional checkbox about remember me for future login.

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Jul 22, 2012

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Jan 25, 2010

I have a multiple page gridview and edit link on each row.

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Apr 27, 2016

Can We check te checkbox to remember the password in window based application using c#.

If Yes, how to check the checkbox to remember password in login Form.?

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IIS Configuration :: Membership Forms Remember Me Is Not Retained When Hosted On Shared Hosting

Jan 17, 2013

Why remember me doesn't work? As you can see in picture below Expire date is at the end of session although I set expiration to 1 month. This is my login button codes

protected void btn_login_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
if (!Page.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) {
if (GetMemberAuthenticate(txt_uname.Text, FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile(txt_pass.Text, "MD5")))

[Code] ....

And this is in global.asax

And in web.config

<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms loginUrl="Default.aspx" defaultUrl="~/" name="MyCookieName"
[Code] ....

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Jul 25, 2010

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Oct 21, 2010

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Jan 14, 2011

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Jun 3, 2010

My MVC 2 app is somewhat complicated in that a user can reach different parts of the site in different ways

How can i add a "back" link so that it remembers where it came from?

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Sep 23, 2010

I have a web forms page with a button that involkes a __doPostBack callback to the page. I would like to invoke this manually - by "manually" I mean from outside the webpage, for example by using wget.

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Web Forms - Manually Invoking A __doPostBack Call?

Sep 23, 2010

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Sep 15, 2010

Iam developing a html reporting. on this i provide the manual settings of the report page like font name, font size, border style,border width,..

in the settings.aspx i save these settings in database like for border style i place a drop down None,thin,thick.

and in report.aspx i get the saved by placing a datatable and fetch the details.

i saved the border style value as thin. i fetch the value and i declare a string and assign the value. after that i have to set the border style to the string.

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