Web Forms :: >>>Remove Dashes, Hashes, Spaces Populating Dropdown?

Aug 8, 2010

I have been searching the forum for how to populate a dropdown without "spaces" or "-" but I can not find exactly what I am looking for.Actually the data input by the user contains specaial character and using datasource the dropdown is being populated with the original data but every user has different style to insert data so I want to populate dropdown(within forview) without spaces or dashes, hashes. By making this change I may be able to populate dropdown in an asc or desc order.I know it can be handle from database but I want to do it with some coding technique in vb.net or asp.net.

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Web Forms :: Populating A Dropdown Box With Contents Based On The Selection Of Another Dropdown Box

Sep 16, 2010

I am a complete newcomer to ASP.NET. However in the few weeks I have been playing with it I have got pretty far and have mastered things like stored procedures, gridviews, formviews and templates.I have a dropdown box which is populated from SQLDataSource1

I have a second dropdown box which is populated from SQLDataSource2, but i need the query feeding this to be dependent on what was selected in the first dropdown box. I assumed it would simply be a case of modifying the select statement on SQLDataSource2 using the SelectedIndexChanged event on the first DropDownList to update the second SQL source, but I cannot work out for the life of me how to do it. Pretty much all of the code I have is ASP.

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FYI I am using Visual Studio 2010 and SQL/Server

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Web Forms :: Remove Spaces In TreeView Node

Feb 2, 2011

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as you can see, I want make space formatting in node, but after show it node to browser, all redundant spaces was removed. How I can deny removing spaces in treeview?

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Web Forms :: Remove Extra Spaces (Space Character) From A Sentence

Oct 21, 2015

How to remove whitespaces if it is more than 2. What i want to say is -

1. If there is one whitespace, its OK.
2. If there is two whitespace, its OK.
3. BUT, if there is more than two whitespace than replace them with only two whitespaces.

String may be like this :- (it may contain any character)

DuntaviDilaniyd.dilaniy@woridnitattnit                        15 jim alixandir id         PALESTINE      TX

48568 2470325837 US              FEMALESunday, April 09, 1939 162       170     A+      • Duntavia

Delaney           Jon Muller         Sherman                          TX        84321 US          9974766226 NO           NO       YES


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Remove Spaces And Newlines From Server Response?

Apr 30, 2010

When i request a page using browser / AJAX request i see lot of spaces and newlines which i think must be adding some overhead for retrieving the response as they too belong to characters means bytes and size. right ?

Is there some way it can be removed while sending from the server ? how ? (I am using IIS and asp.net for development)

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SQL Server :: Remove Excess Spaces Between Words?

Mar 23, 2011

Sometimes, we need to remove excess spaces (including leading and trailing spaces) in a string like ' test test test test '.

We can do this in SQL server with the following user defined function:


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C# - Remove Extra Spaces And Many Tags Using String.Replace() Method?

Dec 11, 2010

I have a long string containing the ,<p> </p> and <br>. I want to clean my string from all these tags and spaces. How it can be done with String.Replace() method. I am doing separately right now, it is working but is there a way to do it at once, without replace() method.

String.Replace(" ","").Replace("<p>","").Replace("<br>","")

It is giving me clean code but I am looking for a general solution, means if I am having more tags (10 to 20) to filter then how to do it efficiently.

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Forms Data Controls :: Populating Dropdown Box With XML Data Filtered From Another Dropdown Box?

Jul 29, 2010

I've currently got a form with two dropdown boxes on, and an XML file sitting on the site.

My two drop down boxes are Location and Date and what i'm trying to do it get the Location box to filter the XML and put the dates in the Date dropdown box.

I'm using C#.

Unfortunatly, its not working.

My code is:


and my XML is like this:


why my dropdown boxes are not being populated?

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Forms Data Controls :: Populating 3 Dropdown Each Other?

Aug 31, 2010

I have a complicate problem. I'm not sure if I can explain it clearly. I have SQL table with columns: id, PartNo, ManuPartNo, GovtPartNum.

My boss want to do like this with 3 dropdown or 1 Dropdown with 2 listbox: If he select any PartNo, it will pull associated value For ManuPartNo & GovtPartNum

Also, if he select any ManuPartNo, it will populate back to other dropdown

Also, if he select any GovtPartNum, it will populate back to other dropdown

I'm so stuck & I don't know where to start on this.

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Web Forms :: Populating Dropdown List To Show Many Integers

Mar 19, 2010

I want to populate a Dropdown list from divisons of a figure in my projects database

for example database figure 50

I want the dropdown list to show 5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50

The database figure wont always be the same.

how would i go about doing this ? esp the populating of the dropdown list itself based on the way i want to show it.

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Forms Data Controls :: Populating Dropdown In DataLIst?

Mar 8, 2011

Trying to populate a Dropdown in a DataList

Error is on line

cboCompany.DataSource = drSQL
Error is NullReferenceException was unhandled by user code

Code Behind


Code on ASP Page


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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Not Populating With Dropdown Values?

Oct 5, 2010

when testing my query in the grid configuration wizard it works fine, but when i run the page it does not.

first - i select values from my cascading drop down list then enter values for two textbox (dates). then when i hit the button to populate my grid nothing is return back.


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Web Forms :: Populating A Text Box With Data From DropDown List On Page Load?

Mar 9, 2011

I have a dropdown control that has a list of names in it called PlayerNameDropDownList_Insert and a textBox called PlayerName.

When I select a name from the dropdown it populates the textbox correctly.However, when the page opens the first name is selected in the dropdown but nothing in the textbox. How can I get the textbox to populate with the value of the dropdown at pageload?


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Populating Values From One Dropdown To Another?

Jan 17, 2011

I have 2 dropdowns on my form, ddlMake & ddlModel. I want that ddlModel should have the corresponding value for which I have clicked the ddlMake dropdown, something like the cascading dropdown.

Here's my code :


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MVC :: Populating A Form From A Dropdown If Customer IDs?

May 4, 2010

I need the simple task of populating a form from a dropdown if customer IDs.

The problem is I'm new to MVC and I no longer have events, so I'm not sure how my dropdownlist can have a postback event that does one thing, and my update button can have a postback event to do another thing.

Example, this only goes to the post action, so how does it know to load the customer or do an update:


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Populating A DropDown List With Multiple Items?

Apr 30, 2010

I am running into some additional difficulties with dropdown lists, and I'm hoping you can correct my thinking.

I have a table populated with items; ITEM_ID, ITEM_NAME, ITEM_COST.

Here is my code:


With this code I get this error: DataBinding: 'ITEM' does not contain a property with the name '2'.

If I remove the assignment of DataSource to c1, the dropdown generates this error: 'DropDownList3' has a SelectedValue which is invalid because it does not exist in the list of items.

Parameter name: value

How should I code this so that the user is presented with a list of ITEM_NAMES, and that the ITEM_ID is stored in the value field so I can use it when the selection event is fired? I know I could databind the source directly to the dropdown list, but I am trying to understand the behind the scenes working of a dropdown list object.

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C# - Populating Dropdown List With Enum Using Reflection?

Mar 29, 2011

I am populating a page with controls reading properties of a class using reflection. If the property type is 'String' I will add a text-box. If the property type is enum I am adding a dropdownlist. Now I have to populate the dropdown options with enums. How can this be done?

Both the enum definition class(Assignment) and the class(classOne) using which I am populating the page with controls are in the same Namespace(MySolution.Data). While looping through classOne properties when the property name is 'SkillLevel' I will have to go to assignment class get the members of enum SkillLevelEnum and populate the dropdown.

Same needs to be done for other dropdowns also.

My Code:

namespace MySolution.Data
public class classOne : MyAdapter
private string _Model;


View 4 Replies

Configuration :: Remove White Spaces From Aspx And Aspx.cs?

Oct 14, 2010

I think that there is a good solution to remove white spaces from aspx page and from aspx.cs files. There are some solutions how to remove white spaces from html (aspx) but there is nothnig about aspx.cs.

Is that possible using Web Delpoyment Project?

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Update Panel - Populating Dropdown List From Database

Mar 25, 2011

I have a ASP.NET AJAX Autocomplete Textbox and Two other dropdownlist in a Update Panel. On selection of an item in Autocomplete Textbox, I want to populate Dropdown list from Database.

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AJAX :: Populating Dropdown From Database Using JavaScript Webservice

Jan 27, 2012

I wanted to use using database to populated the dropdownbut i am getting error as type or list space cannot be foundat ListCountry GetCountriesas its defined staticthe web methood code is in the same aspx.cs pagehow culd i use it if a different webmethod page .asmx is created

ref : [URL]

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Security :: Membership, Password Hashes And MachineKey?

Jun 29, 2010

I have a question about the encryption key/keys the standard ASP.NET Membership provider uses for creating the password hashes.Although we haven't deployed this new system we are working on yet, we might switch servers in the future. So I thought it might be a good idea to specify the encryption key/keys in the web.config file to avoid any problems with mismatched hashes if we do switch servers.We use the standard ASP.NET Membership provider ("AspNetSqlMembershipProvider"), passwordFormat is set to "Hashed" and we use Forms authentication.The current web.config file initially did not have any machineKey element. I used the web application and had registered and thus created an account and the hash of my password is stored in one of the aspnet_* tables.Then I created a machineKey element in the web.config file, and specified validationKey, decryptionKey, validation and decryption attributes. I had expected not to be able to log in with my password anymore, but I was surprised that I could still do so with the existence of the new machineKey specifying new encryption keys.So - why can I still log in?Does the AspNetSqlMembershipProvider not use the encryption keys specified in machineKey?

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Custom Server Controls :: Populating Values To Dropdown Listbox From Xml File?

Jan 11, 2011

I have a textbox for City field and a drop down list box for office location which has to be filled up based on the City value.

How to populate the values of drop down list box from an xml file keeping the above consideration.

I am doing this in a asp.net user control and C# code behind

In future i need not change the code every time. Its only the xml file i change and the corresponding city related office locations get listed in the drop down list box.

I am referring to


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Forms Data Controls :: Remove Databinding Of DropdownList When Another Dropdown List Changes?

Aug 27, 2010

I have many controls on my form, but in particular, I have 2 dropdownlists. 1 dropdown list has 2 values, and each value controls what the second dropdownlist displays. This is an edititemtemplate and both dropdowns have the selecteditem set via '<%# Bind("fieldname") #>' on page load.

THe problem is, if I change the value of the first dropdown, it errors out because the second dropdwon has a bound value that is no longer acceptable.

Can I cancel the bind of the second control, if the the first one is changed? I would like to cancel the bind, and update the values by using a different datasource depending on the value of the first dropdown or hardcode the new values.

If Dropdown1 has a value of "A" for example Dropdown 2 Shows Values "1", "2", "3"

If Dropdown 1 has a value of "B" , Dropdown2 Shows Values "4", "5", "6".

It binds fine initially, but if I change Dropdown1 from A to B, I want Dropdown2 to show the new values, maybe with a default of "Select an Item" and not error out b/c it's attempts to bind a value of 1, 2, or 3.

View 8 Replies

Skip Dashes While Grabbing Number?

Mar 25, 2011

I have a number of 0-12345-67890 and I want to capture 0123456789 in a named capture group. I got this far:


Which captures the string as-is. How do you skip the dashes while grabbing the number as a single named group? BTW, this is ASP.NET Regex.

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