Remove Spaces And Newlines From Server Response?
Apr 30, 2010
When i request a page using browser / AJAX request i see lot of spaces and newlines which i think must be adding some overhead for retrieving the response as they too belong to characters means bytes and size. right ?
Is there some way it can be removed while sending from the server ? how ? (I am using IIS and for development)
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String.Replace(" ","").Replace("<p>","").Replace("<br>","")
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Oct 21, 2015
How to remove whitespaces if it is more than 2. What i want to say is -
1. If there is one whitespace, its OK.
2. If there is two whitespace, its OK.
3. BUT, if there is more than two whitespace than replace them with only two whitespaces.
String may be like this :- (it may contain any character)
DuntaviDilaniyd.dilaniy@woridnitattnit 15 jim alixandir id PALESTINE TX
48568 2470325837 US FEMALESunday, April 09, 1939 162 170 A+ • Duntavia
Delaney Jon Muller Sherman TX 84321 US 9974766226 NO NO YES
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(ex: city____08242010)
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TRIGGER [dbo].[tr_AddID1]
ON [dbo].[tblIncidents]
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One, Two, Three,
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