Web Forms :: How To Access User Control From App_Code Classes

Jan 28, 2010

I have create a user control. now i want to crate instance of that user contorl in App_Code floder Class.

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Visual Studio 2010 C# And Classes In App_Code Folder?

Jan 7, 2011

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In both 2005 & 2010 I create a new website and a Default.aspx, in 2005 using VB, C# in 2010.

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Class1.vb code: [Code]....

Class1.cs code: [Code]....

In my VB project Default.aspx.vb: [Code]....

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My Default.aspx.cs: [Code]....

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Command-line unit testing of website class files in App_Code directoryBeing able to modify those class files w/o stopping/re-starting the web debugger.

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Custom Server Controls :: How To Use An User Control In A .cs File Located App_Code Folder

Jun 21, 2010

I create a user control named ExampleControl and add <%@ Register src="ExampleControl.ascx" tagname="ExampleControl" tagprefix="uc1" %> to aa.aspx file So I can use ExampleControl cw = Panel1.FindControl("ExampleControl1") as ExampleControl in the file aa.aspx.cs

Now I hope to use ExampleControl cw = Panel1.FindControl("ExampleControl1") as ExampleControl in a .CS file located App_Code folder, but I get the following error, how can I do?

Error 4 The type or namespace name 'ExampleControl' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

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Mar 5, 2010

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Web Forms :: Access User Control Properties In Another User Control

Nov 9, 2010

I want to use a couple of instances of the same control on a page. The user control is intended to display a list of records in a repeater. The aim is that the second control will show a list excluding the IDs in the first control The control has a number of public properties, including IDsInThisList, and IDstoExclude. The query will exclude the IDs in the second property.

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How can I get the controls to fire in order and pass values to each other?

Screen grab of test page + uc and test page code attached


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Jul 28, 2010

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Jun 11, 2010

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Access Session / Cache From Class In App_code?

Feb 8, 2010

Is that possible to get access to Session, Cache, Server.MapPath() from a class in App_code?

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Web Forms :: How To Access A Webform Control From A Web User Control

Dec 11, 2010

How can I access a webform control from a Web User Control?

I have a web form with some textboxes and dropdownlists. I created a Web User Control with other controls (other textboxes) inside it. Now I need to call from the web control source code the values that the controls in my web page have. How do I do it?

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Web Forms :: Access A Control In Templated User Control?

Apr 15, 2010

I want to access a label in templated user control.

I find this code in internet, but it doesn't work.

Error:Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

public static Control FindControl(Control parent, string id)
Control recurse;
if (parent.ID == id)


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Web Forms :: Access A Control Inside User Control?

Mar 1, 2010

i have a Wizard control with 3 steps, in step 2 i have a formview, inside formview1 a have a label and a button.

When i click the button i would like the label to over wright the text of the label.

how can i access this label.

i tryed this with no success.


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Architecture :: Access Class Files Not In App_Code Folder

Feb 25, 2010

I have a single project. and I have two folder in it. In the 1st folder I have a class named Class1 and in the 2nd folder I have a class named Class2. Can anyone tell me how I can access members of Class1 in Class2. I have tried by adding namespace in Class1 and Using that namespace in Class2. But it is giving error. It is easy to access classes or their members from App_Code folder. I don't want to put my classes in app_code folder.

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Localization :: Access Resource String From Class In App_Code Folder?

Mar 8, 2011

Or any class that's not X.aspx.vb. I've imported the Globalization, Threading, Threading.Thread, and UI.Page namespaces. But it won't come up in Intellisense and it gives error lines in my code. Is there a way to access use the GetLocalResource("Y") method in other classes?

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Web Forms :: Access Events In User Control?

Dec 30, 2010

I have DropDownList inside User Cotrol and i use this User Cotrol in my asp Page , in my page i have method that take paramter string

now i want to access the the DropDownList SelectedIndexChange from my page to execute the method by passing the DropDownListSelectedValue

(when user selecte value in dropdown list ,when it post back i watn to excute the method depent on value of selecte value )

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Web Forms :: Access To User Control's Properties?

Mar 11, 2011

How to access userControl's properties, when use FindControl method?

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How To Access Connection String From App_code Folder In 3.5 Update Panel Of Gridview

Jan 25, 2011

i am making an application in which i have stored connection string in security.cs file under app_code folder...all is my application is going well except update panel of gridview using sql datasouce..i dont know what to write in connection string .. i mean i have connection string in class file.. so what to write in aspx page so that it will get the connection string from app_code


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Web Forms :: How To Access Parent's Property From User Control

Apr 13, 2010

I'm having trouble to access a Parent's property in User Control. I don't know how to access the parent. The Parent Page's name is Search.aspx. I saw the example below and tried it:


Than I could access the Parent's Property, but when I ran the website I got these errors:

1. The user control is not declared in the parent page
2. The user contol has a circular reference

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