Web Forms :: How To Merge The Image

Mar 18, 2011

I want to merge image(image format png)I use this code


But How can I merge 7pictures to use this code?

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Image Manipulation (resize - Merge) In ASP Environment

Feb 22, 2010

We are trying to find a suitable tool that allows image manipulation (resize, merge etc.) server-side. what the state-of-the-art solution are at the moment?

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Web Forms :: How To Send Some Merge Emails

Feb 8, 2010

I need to send some merge emails. Today I'm doing it in word with an excell plan, but I need to automatize this.

I need to get some information from a excell archive and put it into a email body and finally send these emails to their own destination.

How can I do this ?

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Web Forms :: Merge GridView Rows?

May 14, 2012

how to merge grid view on the basis of some condition........

for e.g i hv table given below........

A1                  A2                      A3

Level Of -


ss                     ss                   ss

aa                     aa                  aa


al                      al                     al

Now in case of "Level Of -Information" and "Amit" column A2 and A3 are blank.........

I want these rows to merge

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Web Forms :: Merge HTML In An Existing Asp Page?

Nov 30, 2010

I have a method in a separate class which returns a string. This string actually has a HTML in it (Head, body, etc). I am retreiving this string in one of the method in my code behind and I want this html to merge into the current existing HTML and display the contents on the returned string (HTML) in the current page creating a new div or some other good method. If some one has any idea related to this, please help. Ask for any further information in case you need to get a clear understanding.

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Web Forms :: Word Mail Merge On A Web Page Using C# .Net

Feb 17, 2010

I have all the data in excel/or some of database which has forexample to and from email addresses,names etc. I need to Mail Merge data into Word Document and this word document should be editable for any additions or modifications. Need to have the ability to type in the text or attach an attachment. should be filled with all the To,CC,subject fields from database/excel sheet and send an email. I need all this on a web page so i can distribute this webpage url to the user and he can get all this.

Is there any way to do this and if some one provide me some links to work on this or send me some code for this. I really donot have any idea and need to start from starch on how to accomplish this task.

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Web Forms :: Mail Merge With ITextSharp Library?

Sep 27, 2010

i'm looking for a way to implement a simple ail merge with iTextSharp library.

I have data stored in database (addresses) and a pdf template.

I need to create a single pdf file where each page contains one address.

How can i do this?

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Web Forms :: Merge Two Stored Procedures In SQL Server

Oct 5, 2012

I use below store procedure that don't allow insert duplicate data in database in code column 

ALTER procedure [dbo].[insertestate1]
@position nvarchar(max)
,@Transfer nvarchar(20)
,@Type nvarchar(20)
,@Behcode nvarchar(10)

[Code] ....

And this is my other SP that  I define Condition ,and  according to that condition  it update or insert data in database

USE [behtop]
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[insertestate] Script Date: 10/04/2012 11:36:21 ******/
ALTER procedure [dbo].[insertestate]

[Code] ....

In first SP @code parameter is column in table that I don't want accept duplicate value and condition of that is:

IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT behcode FROM Estate_p WHERE code = @code)

And  in second SP I have @code parameter that I don't want it insert duplicate data on it too. But here condition is 

IF @id > 0 AND EXISTS(SELECT behcode FROM Estate_p WHERE id=@id)

Now I want merge two SP .. How I can do it?

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MVC :: Web Forms Merge With MVC 3 Can't Find Menu Item To 'add Controller'?

Feb 21, 2011

I have hybridized my web forms application and I am in the midst of creating pages but my add coontroller dialog and or add view is tuff is missing. How can I get this linked up in my project. When I create a from scratch MVC application all that stuff appears.

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Forms Data Controls :: Merge Cells In Gridview

May 4, 2010

i have a gridview in my website and i want to merge two cell of that in same column but in different row , for example i have a data about tours in an agency , now i define a tour that has two hotel with difference grade , i want tow show my grid view in this manner :

tour a
hotel a1
100 $
2010 / 5 / 5
hotel a2
200 $

View 2 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Merge All Columns Of A Row In Gridview

Jan 15, 2010

I've created a DataTable by programming and I'v inserted a new DataRow into it, I binded it with a gridview (It's ok), but that new row has many columns, how can I merge all columns of that new row and set the value will be show of that row.

Here is my snipet:


row [Column1],[Column2],[Column3]

row [Column1],[Column2],[Column3]

Store2 (new row I've created and I want to merge all columns and show the value is Store2)

row [Column1],[Column2],[Column3]

row [Column1],[Column2],[Column3]

View 2 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: How To Merge Two Datasets Into One Grid

Mar 19, 2010

I have two datasets called ds and ds1 that I want to merge into a grid. I get data from the first dataset to display in the grid but the second dataset where I want to display a count I don't get any data from it. I am trying a ds.Merge(ds1). here is the code i have for the sub. What am I doing incorrectly?


View 4 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Merge The Columns Into Gridview?

Oct 1, 2010

want to merge the columns into gridview example SELECT b.TableName,c.ColumnName,a.DataProfileAction,(a.ForeignTable+'/'+a.DataProfileAction) As MergeRecords From DataProfiling As a Inner Join TableList As b ON a.TableId= b.TableId Inner Join MetaDataTable As c ON a.ColumnId=c.ColumnIdquery working.. suppose if any one column empty while binding times it come as empty..

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Forms Data Controls :: Merge Like Cells In Column In Gridview

Mar 18, 2010

I'm working on a project in vb.net framework 2.0 and have a column that has server names. I have the accessdb sql setup to order by the db, what I would like to do is to have it look like the following picture below. I'm pretty stumped on how to do it as the methods I've found online haven't worked so well. Also just a small tid-bit the gridview is bound to a ddl which selects the application and the gridview refreshes with server data. Country would be server name and state would be the environment.

View 5 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: How To Merge Gridview Columns (cells)

Nov 5, 2010

How to merge gridview columns in a grid when the items in the grid are duplicate. i mean in one row four columns are there i need to merge the columns which are repeating

eg: Mango Mango Mango Apple

i want like: Mango Apple

i the columns mango is getting repeated i need to merge it into one

View 14 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: How To Merge Columns In DetailsView Control

Oct 8, 2010

I have a DetailsView control with two columns and 7 rows. I need the two columns to merge in row two and get rid of the header. I only the data from the DB to display no the header name in row two. How do I merge it in DetailsView control?

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Forms Data Controls :: Merge Columns Like Excel In Gridview

Sep 29, 2010

I have a excel file which is in structure a class routine:

| 9-10 | 10-11 | 11-12 | 12-01 | 01-02 | 02-03 | 03-04 | 04-05 |

tue | subject1 | subject2 | subject3 |

wed | subject2 | subject3 | subject1 |

thu | subject3 | subject2 | subject1 |

I am able to display it in gridview but not in the above style, that is the columns in excel above are merged, but I have fail to merge gridview column. I have searched google for solution but what I found is that of merging row or header, but what about this one? Note, I can not fixed this style as user can upload excel routine files to server of different style.

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Templatefield Merge Header?

Dec 3, 2010

How can I merge three of the templatefields header of gridview?

I want to just merge the header not creating new header such as "l Modify l PO l Arranging l" --> "l Action l"

Could you give me the answer for me?

I have some code behind.

--Grid View--

<asp:GridView ID="GridItem" runat="server" AllowPaging="True"
AllowSorting="True" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
DataSourceID="itemSql" EmptyDataText="THERE IS NO PROPER ITEM" Width="980px"[code]....

View 10 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Merge Column Cell In Datagrid?

Dec 11, 2010

I have a datagrid, I want to merging cell. I want my datagrid look like this

Material Name
Material A
Material B

I want to merge the cell programmitically when ItemDataBound.

1,2,3,...,31 are material date request. If I request Material B with quantity 4500 from 2nd until 4th the cell will be merge.

I already read about Merge Cell in Gridview in this forum, but this solution is different with datagrid.

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Forms Data Controls :: Merge Cell Or Rowspan In Gridview?

Jun 16, 2010

I Want To Merge The Rows Of Grid View My Codding is Row data Bound

if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
int row1 = e.Row.RowIndex;
Label grouplabel = (Label)e.Row.FindControl("lblgroupname");
int count = 0;


My Out put comes Likes

groupname itemname
4 3

I want To need 4 comes in middle and rows merge .

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Forms Data Controls :: Merge And Sort Selected GridView Cells

Apr 9, 2010

I have a GridView known as GV_R001 with IssueType, ActID, IssueID cells. I want to Merge the similar IssueType cell accordingly. How do i merge and also sort the IssueType cell accordingly. The following is my codes:

Protected Sub GV_R001_DataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles GV_R001.DataBound
For rowIndex As Integer = GV_R001.Rows.Count - 2 To 0 Step -1
Dim gvRow As GridViewRow = GV_R001.Rows(rowIndex)
Dim gvPreviousRow As GridViewRow = GV_R001.Rows(rowIndex + 1)
Dim cellCount As Integer = 0
If gvRow.Cells(cellCount).Text = gvPreviousRow.Cells(cellCount).Text Then
If gvPreviousRow.Cells(cellCount).RowSpan < 2 Then
gvRow.Cells(cellCount).RowSpan = 2
gvRow.Cells(cellCount).RowSpan = gvPreviousRow.Cells(cellCount).RowSpan + 1
End If
gvPreviousRow.Cells(cellCount).Visible = False
End If
End Sub

Apart from that, after sorting i want to calculate the amount of IssueID are in a particular IssueType and display in a cell called "Total". Is it possible to do so? By the way, I am using Web Developer 2008, VB.net.

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Forms Data Controls :: Grid - Merge Cells Or Hide Borders?

Oct 11, 2010

I am working on ASP.NET 4.0 application.I want to bind the data in a datatable to a grid control and i want to do some formatting. I want to merge the cells or hide the cell border in the first three columns (Merge every 5 cells in a column). And Vertical align the text to center. Also i need row border at the end of every 5 rows.

For example, If i am binding 10 rows to the Grid i need row border only at the end of 5th and 10th row. And merge every five cells only in the first three columns. All the other columns should not be changed. I also want to change the background color of the cells in all rows based on the value in that cell. How to achieve this in ASP.NET 4.0 and which control can be used to display in this format?

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Forms Data Controls :: Merge Merger Header Columns In Gridview?

Nov 16, 2010

How can I create below type of gridview with merge merged header columns? If anybody have example share with me.

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Web Forms :: Implement Mail Merge In Project Using Email Built In Function

Sep 22, 2012

I want to implemet mail merge with my on going project, I know well how send news letters to authorized clients, but need to do it with mail merge like the email from this forum.

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Web Forms :: Display Image In Image Conrtrol When User Select Image From Selection_Dialogbox

Sep 27, 2010

I want to achive on functionallity like below.

I want to Dispaly image after image selection.so Users can see image at that moment.

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