Web Forms :: How To Assign Functional Keys

Feb 24, 2010

I develop a project for this project i want shortcut key, how to assign functional keys

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Web Forms :: Assign Shortcut Keys For Menu Item

Dec 29, 2010

How to assign shortcut keys for menu item of asp.net menu control e.g. i have one menu which open like this Trouble Ticket -->Trouble Ticket --> Add or Update or Edit so i wnat when i will press CTRL + TA for Add , CTRL + TU for update , CTRL + TE for edit.

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Assign The Function Keys In Web Application With C#?

Mar 1, 2011

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Assign Shortcut Keys For Menu Item?

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Forms Data Controls :: Deleting A Record On A File With Multiple Keys / Access The Rest Of The Keys?

Feb 8, 2010

I have a DataGrid that I need to be able to use to delete records form a file



I use


To access the data in the Grid for updating, but it doesn't work for deleting

I can use

string id = GridMenuOptions.DataKeys[e.RowIndex].Value.ToString();

but that only returns the first key.

How do I access the rest of the keys?

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Configuration :: Web.config AppSettings - Keys Referencing Other Keys?

Dec 7, 2010

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<add key="Environment" value="Development"/>

<add key="WebServiceLocation" value="http://<<Environment>>/text.asmx"/>

I've done some searching and haven't come up with an elegant solution. I'm aware that .config files can make use of system variables, but this seems like a bit of a high wire act.

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Dec 2, 2010

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Mobiles :: Hardware Backbutton On Droid Only Semi Functional For Browsing

Sep 3, 2010

I have just completed my first mobile website. It works beautifully with an iPhone, and ALMOST does likewise on a Droid. That "almost" is an ultra-frustrating bug that I'm afraid is hardware-based and will not permit a software solution. Allow me to state my hypothesis: "When you perform a software redirect to another page on your website, you cannot return to a functional version of the page you were on when the redirect was launched via Droid's hardware backbutton. You'll have the graphics, but the code behind the form will be gone and it will be nonfunctional. The ONLY functional route back from a redirect to the originating page on a Droid is via software switching.

I've experimented endlessly with redirect option parameters, page cache settings and the pagestatepersister class in Visual Studio. Nothing works. And I HAVE to use the redirect method to open the second page, because I have to derive some complex information before I'm ready for it to open -- onclientclick and navigateURL aren't options. This is NOT an issue with an iPhone ... its backbutton always returns from a redirect to a still-functioning originating page. Is my hypothesis correct, or does somebody know some workaround that will enable me to offer iPhone functionality to Droid users? If I could open a new window after processing data, that would solve my problem (Droid does return properly from a new window), but there's no way that you can call Java's window.open command from VB code, and no VB equivalent.

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Question is:

LDAP authentication required Internal users automatically authenticated, external users requires login
Where do I store complex access control rights?

In the AD/LDAP or in the Application itself (asp.membership db).

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Jan 8, 2010

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The grid should allow user to sort and page the data.

could any body drive me to the proper technology or a useful link.

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Web Forms :: Changing The Debugging Keys In Vs?

Apr 27, 2010

is it possible to change my debuging kyes instead of function keys..

because am using the laptop and always i have to press "fn" key to prss the f10 or f11

is there any solution ..or can i permanantly press the fn click event ?

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AJAX :: Cannot Have Functional Timers In Both Master Page And Content Page?

May 22, 2010

The following is an edited version Let me describe what I have observed and I hope some Ajax guru can shed some light on this. The master page has a timer (Timer1) and a content page also has a timer (Timer2). When Timer1's interval is shorter than Timer2, Timer1 works and Timer2 does not (i.e. Timer1's Tick handler is called periodically, but Timer2's tick handler is never called). If Timer2's inerval is shorter, it seems Timer1's handler is invoked by Timer2(i.e. Timer1's interval appears to be shortened to exactly the same as Timer2). Both of these timer controls are in their separate UpdatePanels.

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Web Forms :: Pass Auto Numbered Primary Keys?

Mar 15, 2010

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Aug 21, 2010

Can i upload multiple files using ctrl or shift keys in asp.net?As it happened in windows folder.

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Forms Data Controls :: FormView Keys Count Is Always Coming Zero?

Aug 11, 2010

I have a very simple formview which opens fine with FirstName and LastName as the values in it. But when I click on the update button and inside the onitemupdating method the Keys count is always coming Zero. I have failed to understand why?

Here is my simple Forview:

<asp:FormView ID="_fvSuitableApplicant" runat="server" DefaultMode="Edit" Width="100%"
OnItemUpdated="TempApplUpdated" onitemupdating="TempApp_ItemUpdating" DataKeyNames="OpportunityKey">


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Web Forms :: Insert Values In Textbox On Page Load By Using Loop Or Keys Value?

Jan 31, 2011

Actuall i retrive one row from Database with more than 80 columns on page load. Now i need to fill these data in every control like Text-Box and Combo-Box which i have using on the Page.

My Column Name and My Id of the Textbox or combobox are same. now i need to fill the value in textbox and combobox where coumn name and textbox id are same.


(1) TextBox Id's Name :- txtCustName, txtCustNo, txtAddress, etc(More than 80 Column).

now i will be remove the 'txt" from every id.

so it would be seems like CustName, CustNo, Address, etc.

(2) Column Name :- CustName CustNo Address

Values from (Dataset) :- Xyz 123 Abc.......

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Jul 27, 2010

The users would like to be able to use the PageUp & PageDown keys to navigate through a GridView. Is there away that I can trap the two keys and apply it manually? Is there a property on the control to make it happen automatically?

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Web Forms :: Scrolling Of Page Using Up And Down Arrow Keys Is Not Working In Google Chrome

Jan 26, 2013

I have developed a website in asp.net,c#. Its  pages are not scrolling through arrow keys (Up/Down) in google chrome. They are working well in IE and firefix mozilla. I also have no problem in my admin control panel. Admin control pages are  scrolling through arrow keys in google chrome, IE and firefox mozilla. What i should do to scroll my website pages through arrows keys in google chrome.

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Forms Data Controls :: Compare Integer Value To Primary Keys Of A Detailsvew Datasource?

Mar 8, 2010

I have a textbox that takes an integer value, and a submit button that when clicked passes the value to a detailsview to display the database record at that index.

What I'd like to do is, when the button is clicked, compare the number to the keys in the detailsview's datasource so that if the record ID doesn't exist, I can display a label telling the user that the ID# doesn't exist.

How would I go about doing this? Is there some sort of compare method for the datakeynames property?

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Can Function Keys Be Used In A Web Application

Mar 29, 2011

Can function keys be used in a Web application? If so, how

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How To Use Google Maps Without API Keys

Feb 2, 2010

I am developing a cms that will use more than one domain and i have to use only one google map script in my page. Is there a way to use google maps without api key? Otherwise it's not working?

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