Web Forms :: How To Generate Thumbnail Of Website's Home Page

Feb 12, 2011

how could i dynamically generate few thumbnail of my site's home page and shows them in another page.

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How To Generate Thumnail Of Websites Home Page In C#

Feb 12, 2011

how could i dynamically generate few thumbnail of my site's home page and shows them in another page.

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MVC :: Why Isn't Views / Home / Home.Master File Published When Publish Website

Aug 19, 2010

I spent the better part of today hunting down an elusive error. I was getting a message saying that it couldn't find the Index view for the Home controller, and it gave a list of locations it searched, e.g., ~/Views/Home/Index.aspx. This was really confusing as the file definitely existing and was at ~/Views/Home/Index.aspx, the first place in the list of locations it searched for the view!

What I eventually discovered was that there was a file that did not get published when I used Visual Studio's "Publish" feature (this is on the "Build" menu). That file was Views/Home/Home.master, and (as you can probably guess) is the master file used by Views/Home/Index.aspx. Once I copied that file into place manually, it started working. But I am left wondering--why??? Why does this file not get published? It's a part of my project, I can see it in the solution explorer, and it's obviously a critical file that's necessary for the MVC app to run. It has the same permissions as every other file in my project. So why wouldn't it get copied? And how can I fix it so it does get copied?

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Web Forms :: How To Generate A Thumbnail Using Webbrowser

Aug 4, 2010

How can i generate a thumbnail in asp.net using webbrowser?

We are using website thumbnails/screenshots as an asset like MarketingAssetExchange.

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Web Forms :: How To Make Universal Search Option For Website In Home Page

Sep 30, 2012

I have seen in so many sites on the home page there is a search option and after searching any word of the website it displays and in w3schools it navates to goolge with his reference.

How to write a code for the same and which control we should use.

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Web Forms :: Generate And Display Thumbnail Of Image?

Apr 1, 2012

I have image in my webpage that it has this property  width=250px hight:200 and image size :200KB

i want when i put this image in my page with this Property width:100px and hight:100px    image size Automatically change EX:100KB how i can do it ?

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Web Forms :: Generate True Thumbnail On Hyperlink Onmouseover?

Jul 16, 2010

I have this question posted on Expert Exchange here is a link to that:


But here it is in a nut shell.

I have a hyperlinks residing in a gridview some links are to files others to images. That gridview is set in a repeater.

What I'm looking to achieve is when the mouse hovers over a hyperlink that point to a jpeg, jpg or gif I would like to generate a thumbnail to show the user. when mouse leaves the hyperlink get rid of thumbnail.

I stared here:


I'm trying to use the onmouseover and the handler found above but no luck.

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Web Forms :: Generate Thumbnail Of Image And Save It In Folder

May 7, 2015

I used below code for uploading image and show in image control with thumpnail metod for reducing image size:

protected void BtnUpload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string path = Server.MapPath(".") + "../image/House/product";
string filename = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(fup1.PostedFile.FileName);
string[] validext = { ".jpg", ".png" };
string ext = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(fup1.PostedFile.FileName);
if (Array.IndexOf(validext, ext.ToLower()) < 0)


It save original image in host, now I want it save image that reduce size with GetThumpnail metod in other place How I can do it?

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Web Forms :: Generate Thumbnail Of Image Which Path Is Stored In Database

May 7, 2015

Refer below threads: [URL] ....
I used code for reducing image size(GenerateThumbnail)  in above threads my images were in datalist now I have image in my page that isn't in datalist 

<asp:Image ID="Image" runat="server" CssClass="GVimg" style="Height:85px; Width:110px" />

And bind it from database

SqlCommand _cmd1 = new SqlCommand("selectFUP1", _cn);
_cmd1.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
_cn.Open(); _cmd1.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Behcode", data);
SqlDataReader _dr = _cmd1.ExecuteReader();
while (_dr.Read()) {
image.ImageUrl = "~/image/house/product/" + _dr["Image2"].ToString();
lblerrorV.Text = " ";

Now I want use GenerateThumbnail code that was in threads for above code... How I can do it?

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Configuration :: Publishing Website - Can't See Home Page Or Anything?

Dec 21, 2010

When I try to upload my website I have created to [URL] then test it I cannot see any home page or anything. Just a list of pages etc I have uploaded, Its like im looking into a FTP server. I publish using visual studio 2010, I have tried both Copy website over to my FTP server and Publish website under the build button.

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MVC :: Transferring Home Page Rank From A Traditional HTML To An Mvc Website?

Jun 20, 2010

i have been recently requested from a client to upgrade his static html web site (hosted from another provider) to a new asp.net mvc web application (hosted from my provider). The current home page rank is 3/10 and i woul not like to lose it ehwn transferring the hosting DNS to another hosting provider company.

Is it possible to keep the home page rank? I am realy not interested in all the other pages.

Also, my home page can be accessed via [URL] disadvantage when comes to SEO?

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Twitter Feed / Display Tweets From A Particular User In Website's Home Page?

Nov 29, 2010

Am stuck up with a task to display tweets from a particular user in website's home page.The website uses a web service which inturn uses Twitter APi to fetch tweets.The thing is Twitter Api returns tweets in a page containing tweets, posted over a week.

results per page is sent as a parameter. But for one request call the web service can return only one page which contains tweets for a period of one week.

But i want to fetch tweets posted over last three months.

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Web Forms :: How To Generate Thumbnail Image From Original Image

Jul 3, 2012

i want to generate thumbnail image from big image and store into separate folder.

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.NET 4 Website Thumbnail Generation?

Feb 14, 2011

I am trying to use the code available here to generate thumbnail images of url's that are returned as part of a search function in my website. Everything works fine when I am running through the development server in Visual Studio 2010, but when I push the code out to the server (Windows Server 2008 64bit w/ IIS 7 running in Integrated Mode) the code never returns a thumbnail. Is there something I need to do to get this working in IIS 7?

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AJAX :: ModalPopupExtender With Thumbnail / Thumbnail Can Not See The Full Size Image?

May 21, 2010

I have a ModalPopupExtender control inside accordin control, users can add images, that I sotre the path in database(sql server) and the actual image in physical address inside web server,I automatically resize the image to thumbnail size in C#, when users first connect to the site,the see the thubmnail version of the image,which is much faster to download,and by clicking the thubnail, the hidden asp:pnael is shown with imzge in full size, I use javascript to unhide the panel and also change the image source to actual image,everything works fine in IE, but in Firefox and Chrome, the first time user clicks on thumbnail can not see the full size image,only after couple of time, they see the full size image? what could be the problem?

I am using asp.net ,C# what is the best way to achieve this?

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Web Forms :: How To Convert Home.aspx To (home.com)

May 13, 2010

when i hover over my links the url are usually like home.aspx, about.aspx, contact_us.aspx etc

what's the way to make these page name appear like home.com, about.com etc?

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Localization :: Creating Multilanguage Website / Generate Global Recourse Files For Controls On The Page?

Mar 22, 2010

Actually I'm not a professional in ASP.NET. I'm going a project that needs to support two languages (Russian and English).I've already completed the main parts and the site is now 95% functional.However, now I need to enable language selection on the site.

I'm going to do it with DropDownList, where a user chooses one language from DropDownList, the content must change to particular language.

All texts are displayed using server controls like Labels and Literals. Links are in Hyperlink or LinkButton.

I did some research to handle with my condition, but no-one suits on my condition, because I've almost completed the application. How to generate Global Recourse files for controls on the page?

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C# - Home / Landing Screen Design For A Website?

Mar 10, 2010

I have an web based application. The content for the Home page has been currently mentioned in the HTML code for the Home page using , and tags. To change the content anytime in future, it needs to be changed in the HTML code.

Is there a way that we can pick up the content from some external place and get it reflected through the website. This ways, any change if required can be made at the external location without referring to the application's code.

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Web Forms :: Have High Speed On Page (with Thumbnail Image) Load?

Mar 23, 2010

Have a look at this link.Web pageIf I want to have this kind of speed in my page load which consists of many thumbnail images. It that image is stored in database or in file system.What measures to take to achive this kind of speed like indexing, denormalization, caching and what else?

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Web Forms :: How To Get Back To Home Page After Logging Out

Jan 4, 2010

I am having a small doubt. Suppose i am in some xyz.aspx page there i clicked log out button and the form redirects to login page. When i login again the page is redirecting to the sme page form where i logged out. But i need to display home page how can i do this.

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Web Forms :: How To Create New Text Ad In Home Page

Dec 11, 2010

I tried to view ads in my home page to present each ad admin add it in new label for example like this I have 3 ads now, and I want to add new one and preview it in that page above old ads,is there any way to do that without using grid view ?

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Web Forms :: Creating A Thumbnail.aspx Page That Shrinks Pics Offsite?

May 24, 2010

working on a client's website that has a gallery and uses a thumbnail.aspx page to shrink images on their site for product galleries. However, they want to move the image files to another URL so I need to modify the thumbnail.aspx code to use a networkstream, but I'm not sure exactly how to do this. Could someone point me in the right direction?

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Web Forms :: Create Thumbnail Image For PDF Files First Page Only In Desktop Applications

May 4, 2013

How can I create Thumbnail Image For Pdf files uploaded by user .. The Thumbnail contains first Page of Pdf only.. Is it Possible through ItextSharp ?

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Web Forms :: Designing Home Page With Good Format?

Sep 24, 2010

I am having a website with header only as a masterpage. I need to design a Home page which contains again header and below to this I need to display the content about the website. Please provide me any good looking home page.

I need to display only text in home page but that should be in a good looking format.

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Web Forms :: How To Redirect To Home Page After Expiring Session

Jul 16, 2013

I have set sessiontimeout=10 after timeout. I want to show alert message and when I click with Ok button I want to redirect home page ....

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