Web Forms :: How To Make Invoice For Ordered Products In Eshop

Jan 22, 2013

what's the steps for making invoices in a eshop? need I make a saperate table for invoices? Or can I use products and orders and orderlines tables to make invoice?

I think I can do it by shoing orderId, username,orderstatus, total price,... in a gridview and shoing ordered products name,quantity, price in a child gridview in grdview above and print above information.

Is it right way or not?
is there any better way? and for example for 50 orders in a day how can I print 50 Invoice in seperate a4 pager?

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<li><a href="Furniture.aspx?h_name=electric">Electric</a></li>
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<div class="AttachQuote"><fieldset>
<asp:Button ID="btnAttachQuote" UseSubmitBehavior="false" Text="Attach Quote" runat="server" />
<ol id="olUploadedFiles" style="list-style-type: decimal; padding-left: 30px;">

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protected global::System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button btnAttachQuote;

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olUploadedFiles.add (files[i]);//i'll substring the file names out

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Ordered Dictionary Loses Value

Oct 3, 2011

I am building a "query tool" so I am creating queries on the fly using DropDownLists (DDLs) to select table and field names. I have selected a Ordered dictionary to retain the association between field name and data type which I need to build my query string, to insert # for dates and quotes for strings. (I don't know that I could parameterize this process without creating a virtual nightmare of complexity) I am building the content of the field DDL in the onChange event of the table DDL using a function DDL_TableNames_SelectedIndexChanged() that returns a DataTable of selected fieldnames. Because I ran into so much trouble trying to include the field type in this process, I separated the two and am now using the ordered dictionary to remember what data type each of the selected fields is.

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'Dim global OrderedDictionary variable
Dim dicFieldNameType As New OrderedDictionary()
Protected Sub _DDL_TableNames_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles DDL_TableNames.SelectedIndexChanged
Dim vTableName As String


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Jan 2, 2010

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However, when the first time I login and try if the invoice number can be inserted into the database in access, it would display CS0001 which is the result I want. So, I went on to try out using another account to login.But it gives me error "The changes you requested to the table were not successful because they would create duplicate values in the index, primary key, or relationship. Change the data in the field
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Web Forms :: Multiple Product To Single Invoice Billing

May 7, 2015

i am making a small billing application in c# and .net

everything is done, but the only issue is:


 Here is the main concept -

>when biller start making a bill -> he can simply add all basic details etc. but at the time of products addition to bill -> he will need to add multiple bill --> In this case we want the following workflow implementation:-

2 rows will be shown to biller at a time, and there will be a "Add more Rows" button under 2 rows..when biller click it, it creates new row for adding more products, (firstly this will go on.. as much as product require biller can add no. of rows based on his requirement).

secondly:when this data goes to database, the bill and details will be saved to database and so biller can use that bill in further for reprinting or record purpose (list invoice you can say). Now here i have created a logic but we are unable to get it to work..

The logic i am looking for is:-There will be a unique ID with each bill generated, and we can use this Unique_ID as reference ID (foreign key concept) , and make a table "Billed_items" and store all products billed within the Unique_ID of that particular invoice..

So in this way, when user List invoice or further print or any related function is used to view or edit even.. The biller can see all the items billed with that Invoice id as its being fetched from database using the reference_ID and other details from main Sales table.

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C#/creating Presentable Invoice In PDF?

Mar 5, 2011

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For example:

First Name: John Marshal
Address: Missouri
Street: Honolulu 23rd

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document.Add(new Paragraph(" CROWN SERVICE LIMITED", new Font(Font.BOLD, 25)));
document.Add(new Paragraph (" John Marshal ", new Font(Font.BOLD, 20)));
document.Add(new Paragraph (" Missouri Honolulu 23rd", new Font(Font.BOLD, 20)));

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1. Should I store all product inventory for all users using my application under one single table? Or have a separate product inventory table created for each user?

2. Is this even possible?

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which fields should i take and what is the format.

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Ordering Sub-items Within Ordered Items In A Linq To Entities Query?

Aug 25, 2010

I have a few tables, Listings, ListingImages and a few others related to Listings. ListingImages is related to Listings so that you can have many ListingImages per Listing.

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Now this is fine. However, I now want to sort the ListingImages independently within each Listing (by an ImageOrder column I have in that table).

How can I do this and pass all my Includes(...). Would it be bad form to sort the ListingImages within the View as this solution seems to work?

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Invoive No 1001 Date : 22-Jul-2010

S.No. Items Price

1 Item 1 100

2 Item 2 100 Total 200

Bank Detail Accouding to currency

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Web Forms :: How To Filter PO Item In Invoice Entry And Avoid Duplicate Selection Of PO Item Again

Aug 22, 2010

This is the Grid am using ....


Every thing is working fine ....

Wat i did is in the first header of gridview dropdownlist i have binded the PO Item , so that user can select item n make invoice...

Here the problem is user will click addnewrow button to create new row second row , again user is able to select the same item what he selected in first row of gridview. here how to avoid duplication in the second row .

Say i have four PO item


user may select Item1 in first row , after clicking addnewrow button user will get second row

here again user is able to select Item1 from dropdownlist ... how to avoid duplicate selection

coz the dropdownlist is binded from database using sqldatasource n filter based on user selected PO no.

Duplicate Item selection should be removed until all the four item is selected ...

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Web Forms :: Showing Different Products On The Same Page?

Feb 5, 2010

I'm trying to pull different product meta tags from a database onto a page. The problem I have is my DefaultValue="59" is the only product to be displayed if I change this value to another product id it displays just that products meta tags.

Below is my code:




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Web Forms :: Display Products With Textboxes?

Sep 11, 2010

I need to display a list of products 1 below each other with a textbox, i will also need a checkbox that will hold the prodID. so i was thinking i need to do a loop but i am not sure how to do it. It needs to be like this

[checkbox(which will contain the prodID)] prodName Qty [textbox1] [textbox2]

so for each product in my products table i want to display it like above, now this is for a stock take module so the client will enter his values for each product in textbox1, when the client clicks the submit button, i will need to loop through the above products and calculate the difference if any so it will be (QTY - TEXTBOX1), if there is a difference the check the checkbox and display the difference in TEXTBOX2. so if the QTY = 10 and the client entered 8 in textbox1 then textbox2 should show you 2 and the checkbox should be checked. then the client will click the update button and it will loop through every product above and where the checkbox is checked, it should update the QTY of that product from the value entered in textbox1.

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Web Forms :: Paymnet Request Form Aka Invoice Form..Best Practice

Nov 1, 2010

I am creating a Payment request form that my customers are going to fill out and submit so they get paid I would classifi it as an invoice. Does any one have any examples or point me to a good place to read about creating this type of form and the database tables to support the application?

The form will basically have some fields they will fill in for the header then in the related stuf come charge amounts with there types aka partnumbers of sorts and also the ablity to put in there own types / aka partnumbers and there amounts. I wont be housing any amounts they will supply all the information of payment amounts and types.

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User Can Only Enter Numeric Values For Invoice Amount Textbox?

Oct 29, 2010

I need to make sure a user can only enter numeric values for my Invoice Amount Textbox. It is a decimal field in my database.

I came across the MaskedEditExtender. It seemed like the solution for the problem. However, say I want to enter an amount of R50.00

The mask is set to 9,999,999.99.

When the textbox looses focus the amount becoomes 5,000,000.99.

Is there a better way that I can achieve this??


<cc1:MaskedEditExtender ID="InvoiceAmountMaskedEditExtender" TargetControlID="txtInvoiceAmount"
Mask="9,999,999.99" MessageValidatorTip="true" MaskType="Number" AcceptNegative="Left"
DisplayMoney="Left" ErrorTooltipEnabled="true" runat="server">

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Oct 22, 2010

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Dec 5, 2010

I want to find the keywords/products in text block and link them to my products.

Is a algorithm or sample code somewhere i can start with?

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Forms Data Controls :: Display Products From Table?

Oct 6, 2010

I have a gridview which shows products from product table. I have 1000s of products in db and gridview shows 15 records per page. I want to fetch only 15 records from database at one time but page number should show as all products are in list and with page change next products should be displayed. grid has sorting enabled. on top of page there is a text box for records filtering so I need to keep sorting in mind as well.

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