Web Forms :: How To Render User Control Html
Feb 6, 2011
I am using web user control and making it visible false initially (page load) and on the selection of checkbox i am making it visible true. user control html is missing when i load it on checkbox selection. is there any when that i rebind the complete form again on checkbox selection so that user control html should be rendered.
i am really struggling to solve this issue since last two days.
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May 12, 2010
i'm just new in ASP.Net.
I want to render a Web User Control (has many server controls inside of it) as a HTML string, is there anyway to do it?
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Aug 2, 2010
I have a complicated user control on a form that's laid out they way the business unit wants it. What they would like is to be able to export this content to excel and/or PDF as an image. Basically I need to be able to render the user control as a static image.
Is there any simple way to do this or is it even possible? Since the user control is HTML, it's not really rendered at all at the server level as it's just HTML, so I would assume that I might need to interface with IE library.
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Nov 9, 2010
I want to render a user control in pagemethod and return the html back to client. But its getting annoying, I tried like many ways but nothing found working. The problem is that, the usercontrol require both HtmlHead and ScriptManager.
I tried this but it doesn't work(raise error : ScriptManger require in page) because ScriptManager must be inside HtmlForm but Page.Form always null.
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Aug 17, 2010
I have a scenario where, the content is:
The entire div code is rendered and is sent at a mail using the code:
This works fine except that the User Control does not get rendered.
so that the User Control content is also rendered ?
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Jul 7, 2010
I am trying to render a hyperlink to html. ( etc)
When the page loads it works fine. (and lots 10 links) on the update panel it hits the same function and tries to get another 10 links. I set the navigationURL to something like
It is set identically both times(load and updatepanel postback) but when i try to render it to html the second time (on the update panel) it adds "../" to the front so i end up with
The function where it changes here
Public Shared Function RenderControl(ByVal c As Control) As String
Dim sw As New IO.StringWriter
Dim htmlw As New HtmlTextWriter(sw)
Return sw.ToString
End Function
c is the hyperlink which has the propertry navigationurl (this never gets changed) but the sw which ends up looking like this on load
<a id="lnkView" href="../Folder/mypage.aspx?AnTfh0ZsFP9NCxiBpM+Zd11cI+AUOF93HZQtumPgzMKky0PejGrda9I6kCFn070dOsIfq0M2AgI=">View</a>}
and this on panel update
<a id="lnkView" href="../../Folder/mypage.aspx?AnTfh0ZsFP9NCxiBpM+Zd11cI+AUOF93HZQtumPgzMKky0PejGrda9I6kCFn070dOsIfq0M2AgI=">View</a>}
View 1 Replies
Feb 22, 2010
I m new in mvc architecture and i want to bind data in html render control using Dataset .
View 2 Replies
Jan 14, 2011
I've these codes in my DATABASE in other words it's HTML. I tried these stuff:
<div runat="server" id="div1" visible="false">
<asp:Literal ID="literal1" runat="server" Text="" />
I tried in C# code behind:
div1.InnerText = contents;
div1.InnerHtml = contents
literal1.Text = contents;
But is still doesn't render well. I displays the original values in stead of a table and cells and columns. colours etc. etc....
What am I missing?
All these HTML's are in DABASE.Column e.g. column "Contents"
"& lt;p class=& quot;MsoNormal" style= "color: #339966;"><"
;" ;> ;< ;strong > ;&l
ot; > ;& ;nbsp; < ;/span >< ;/p >
I've put (spaces between & and gt above code otherwise it was not showing in stackoverflow.) The HTML sysntaxs are correct because it's created by an HTMLEDITOR.
View 2 Replies
Jan 7, 2010
I have a very simplistic user control that looks like this:
<%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="wfWindow.ascx.cs" Inherits="webfanatix.co.za.wfWindow" %>
<div>Just a test...[x]</div>
with this code behind:
public partial class wfWindow : System.Web.UI.UserControl
protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer)
And the usage thereof looks like this:
<wf:wfWindow runat="server">This content should go where [x] is.</wf:wfWindow>
I'm no ASP.NET pro, so how do I get the content to render exactly where the [x] appears in my user control?
RenderChildren is rendering my content, but it is only appended to the end of the UserControl output. I need it to go and sit right where [x] marks the spot.
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Feb 12, 2011
I've been watching a video on Scott Hanselmnn teaching MVC 2 tricks/tips. He mentions how MVC 2 by default uses ASP.NET Web Forms view engine to render the output of the views; he mentions that the web forms view engine is a little slower than it could be for MVC 2 since it generates a control tree and then outputs the HTML to the page (I hope I said that right).
I was wondering what he meant by web forms generating a code tree before outputting the HTML to the page. Does anyone have insight on the view engine of Web forms and the steps of the rendering process works for ASP.NET and MVC2?
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Mar 5, 2010
Why custom Gridview control not render html properlies under <Columns> properly in Visual Studio 2005?
For example:
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May 9, 2010
I have an application that renders HTML code to allow users to preview an email that the app sends out. The HTML is held in a string that is then put into the text property of a label. This is working fine, but now I need to also add XML to the HTML string for an email listener when the user clicks the Send button. The problem is that the XML tags are being ignored by the browser.
Here's the HTML string with the XML (at bottom):
MyHTMLString = @"
This string is then assigned to a label for previewing:
lblPreview.Text = MyHTMLString
But only "TagContent" appears and not the XML tags! Obviously, the HTML is ignoring tags it doesn't understand. How can I get the tags to also appear?
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Apr 30, 2010
how to make asp.net page fast render as fast as HTML page, this is my main and urgent requirement,
Acctualy My page conatins lots of data, images and videos from the database, so m facing the problem in page rendring, rendring is too slow, and client requires as fast rendring as HTML, i have studied a lot and found.....
Retrive data with the help of XML creates fast page rendring mean Retrive data from database in XML and then bind all the data in page from that XML file.
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Apr 16, 2010
want to display html content on reportviewer, code source of my report seems like this :
how to display html content, image, hyperlink on textbox in reportviewer ?
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Sep 29, 2010
Iam getting the below string in a variable"result" after xslt tranformation. if i do Page.ParseControl(result) iam able to render controls to the page. But the requirement is different. I have 4 place holders in that aspx page.I need to bind div id="Section1" to placeholder1, div id="Section2" to placeholder2 and similar the other two sections also to the corresponding place holder. how can i loop and add controls to corresponding place holder.
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Oct 29, 2012
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Now i need to save the resulted html page in to pdf ....
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Feb 9, 2010
Im woking with aspx. And when I view source HTML I saw some code
I hate it. It's not clear and not validate. When I working with PHP or ASP, I can get a pure HTML page. But can't with ASP.NET.
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Nov 3, 2010
Is there a way to render gridview as HTML so that i can send it via email?
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Dec 20, 2010
I have the following code that Redirects the GridView to HTML
GridView GridView1 = new GridView();
GridView1.HeaderStyle.Font.Bold = true;
GridView1.DataSource = JTB.GetOperationsListData((int)Session["TicketID"]);
I have a column in this Grdiview called barcode I want to set the font for jus that column before rendering it to HTML how do i do that
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Feb 3, 2011
I have created user control and placed inside panel in main form. i made panel visible property false because i want to avoid user control html to load at form load time. The problem is that when i make panel visible true on checkbox selection user control is loading in main form but its html is not loading means when i check html code by source view its same as the form load time and because of this i am getting ajax problem as my calendar control is not working. If you know the solution of this
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Jan 20, 2010
I have 3 columns in a GridView. The first is a templatefield with a button in it and then other 2 are just plain data from the database. Currently when I try to render the HTML from the GridView I see all 3 columns, but I only want to see the plain data fields. I have seen the answer as:gvQuotes.Columns[0].Visible = alse;But that doesn't work for me, because I still want to keep the first templatefield column on my page.
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Jul 7, 2010
I have a web user control that actually takes a zipcode and based on that brings all the store locations. I am using this contol on couple of places. That works, but I have set of html pages and on one of them I have to setup the same functionality where user inputs zipcode and store locations are displayed to him/her.My question, Can I use that web user control as an applet on my html page without writing html markup and get post methods to achieve the same functionality?
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Oct 28, 2010
A page can have only one server-side Form tag.]
i got this eror.
this is funcation:::
Private Function GetRequestContent() As [String]
Dim sw As New StringWriter()
Dim hw As New HtmlTextWriter(sw)
Return sw.ToString()
View 2 Replies
Feb 2, 2010
Here is the contents of my test.ascx file:
<%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="test.ascx.cs" Inherits="UserControls_test" %>
<p id="XXX">aaa</p>
and here is the contents of my test.ascx.cs file:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
public partial class UserControls_test : System.Web.UI.UserControl
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.XXX.InnerHtml = "BBB";
I get an error when I refer to the id, "XXX" (underlined above) in code behind which reads: 'UserControls_test' does not contain a definition for 'XXX' and no extension method 'XXX' accepting a first argument of type 'UserControls_test' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
I have tried XXX.InnerHtml and I have tried this.XXX.InnerHtml and get same problem.
How do I successfully refer to ID'ed HTML elements in code behind?
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