Web Forms :: IFrame Form Data Capture Upon Parent Page Form Submit Action

Jun 8, 2010

I have a web form called default.aspx which has a form with user information. In addition to this, I have an iFrame on the same page that displays a page Secondary-Form.aspx that has a few additional dynamic data fields. I need to do two things.

1. I need to pass the parent form data in real time to the iFrame page to refresh its content and modify it's fields accordingly. Example: If the user submits their Vehicle Choice as Car on parent form, the form item in iFrame will display a radio button that says Honda, and if the user submits their Vehicle Choice as MotorCycle in the parent page, the iFrame will display Harley Davidson as the radio button choice

2. The submit button is on the parent page. I want both pieces of this information (from the parent page, as well as iFrame selection) to be passed to a server side ASPX page to process this information.the default.aspx and Secondary-Form.aspx files are located on different domains.

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<iframe id="ajaxFrame" name="ajaxFrame" src="" style="visibility:hidden;"></iframe>

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void ShowBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


StringBuilder jScript = new StringBuilder(); [code]....

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<iframe src="Test.xls" style="height:300px;width:600px">
<asp:button runat="server" id="submit" />

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Validation of viewstate MAC failed. If this application is hosted by a Web Farm or cluster, ensure that configuration specifies the same validationKey and validation algorithm. AutoGenerate cannot be used in a cluster.

I even added the machinekey element to web.config

but it is still showing the same error.

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useful links or samples to achieve this.

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But when I click the submit button in the second form on the page it submits the values from the first form to my controller and will run both controller actions. What I want is each form to submit only its own data is there some special way to do this?

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Checkbox - Change Form Action From Aspx Page To Master Page Behind It

Jun 17, 2010

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Nov 21, 2010

how to open a new page in Jquery on Click of anchor tag ...

I guess this functionality is not achiveable with Jquery That is Why i use GreyBox for this .

In [URL]

But the Problem is when we click on see detail button of each product , It will open a page in IFRAME ..

When we click Add to Cart Button , it will open the new page in that I-FRAME

I want to refresh the parent page to be Refreshed ... it will open the Shopping cart page in the IFRAME

Is There any other way to achive this functionality , any other jquery ??

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C# - Validation Of Viewstate MAC Failed While Submit A Form On Page Load?

Jan 14, 2011

I have a sample page called Redirect.aspx with following content;

<body onload="document.forms.container.submit()">
<form id="container" runat="server" method="post" name="container">
<input type="hidden" value="<%=Request["APP_ID"]%>" name="APP_ID" />

the Page_Load method is following:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
container.Action = Configuration.Instance.PageToRedirect;

To this Redirect.aspx page, I'm directed from some external page. In the request context, I have APP_ID key, which is passed from this external page. Next, I want to pass this APP_ID value using POST to some other page, which is defined in the configuration. Unfortunately, I'm getting such error while redirecting:

Validation of viewstate MAC failed. If this application is hosted by a Web Farm or cluster, ensure that configuration specifies the same validationKey and validation algorithm. AutoGenerate cannot be used in a cluster.

I don't want to disable view state validation (<pages enableViewStateMac="false">) because this is not the "solution" I want to apply.

Besides I don't understand why I'm getting such an error. Can someone get me through this ? Is there any other way to automatically submit a form on Page_Load event ?

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Refresh DataList Control On Parent Page After Data Submission From The Iframe Page

Jan 11, 2010

How can i refresh(Asych) the contents of my Datalist on the parent page from a data change in a page that is displayed in an iFrame on the parent page.

I have movie names with image in the data list that is on parent page.

there another page is openend in the parent pages in an iFrame control.

in that sub page i upload image and other data related to a new movie.

What i want is that when i submit that information in an iFrame page, the DataList should update(Asych) itself on the parent page showing new updated info.

the structure is like;


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Web Forms :: HTML Regular Form Cannot Submit Data When Pressing Enter Key

Mar 26, 2010

I have a form that I am using with jquery for an application... everything is working fine but I have one issue....I do not want the form to submit when the user presses the enter key... if they press the enter key it will reset the whole sequence and I am running through an array that is placed in the system memory of the client(client-side javascript)is there a way to capture this event properly? Are there other ways that could submit the form?

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Web Forms :: Email Quote Form Data - Code For Submit Button Click Event?

Oct 11, 2010

I need to collect the data entered by user for a quote and send all the data with labels to an email address. SMTP server is set up in web.config file, but I need to know the code behind for the submit button click event for the form. I do not need to store any data in a data base just need to send each label,field,radiobutton,etc. user responses to email address. All of the code I have been able to find has not applied to my situation.

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