Web Forms :: Make Rounded Rectangular Panels?

May 27, 2010

how to make rounded corner panels.

In default property styles rounded corner is not there.

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Sep 16, 2010

I have taken background-image of a Table and Panel, that image's corner is rectangula. How can i make its corners Rounded ?I searched some online resources, images were made rounded, how to make make background-image rounded on the fly ?

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C# - Make Box With 4 Inside Using Panels Asp / Css

Apr 3, 2011

im trying to make a box with 4 boxes inside the box using panels as the box and boxes.

<asp:Panel ID="Panel1" CssClass="onthefly" runat="server" BackColor="#4A4A4A" Height="469px"
<asp:Panel ID="Panel4" runat="server" CssClass="onthefly1" Height="210px"
<asp:Panel ID="Panel5" runat="server" CssClass="onthefly" Height="210px"
<asp:Panel ID="Panel6" runat="server" CssClass="onthefly1" Height="210px"
<asp:Panel ID="Panel7" runat="server" CssClass="onthefly" Height="210px"

css for panels:

display: inline;
float: right;
display: inline;
float: left;

Atm panel 6 isnt below panel 4, panels 4 - 5 - 7 are all in the correct place. not sure how to get panel six to sit under panel 4 and to the left of panel 7.

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Dynamically Make Visible Certain Panels?

Jan 11, 2010

How do I capture other events in an asp.net textbox on a webpage in more of a way in which a windows app does? For example, if I want to handle when someone just presses a key (keydown) on a textbox in a webpage?

The functionality that we want to create breaks down like this:

We want to create a "smart" search box at the top of our page. When the user starts typing, a little panel or some element should become visible and it will have some check boxes on it. They can search for one or many different types of searches: First Name, Last Name, Business Name, ZIP, Customer Number, and Contact Info. As they begin typing their search, we need it to execute some code that attempts to figure out exactly what they are searching. So if it can tell they are typing in alphabetic characters and not numbers, then we know to NOT check the Customer Number box, but we will want to check the First Name, Last Name, and Business Name boxes. If they start typing a number, we know that we can check the Customer Number box and leave the First Name and Last Name, etc boxes unchecked. If they type a number that is 5 digits, then we know to check the ZIP and Customer Numbers both. Any other length number characters and the ZIP will be unchecked. And any other rules like these that we might want to implement in the future. The idea here is we will almost always be able to tell what someone is searching, but the user can always check any box that they want to search for if they so choose. For example, if a business is named "123 Plumbing Company" and they just want to search the Business Name field for a number, they can over ride it and do that. Otherwise, they just can blindly type their search and hit enter and the program will usually know what kind of search they are trying to do.

I come from a strong windows app development background and have just recently tried to do some web development professionally. A quick few sentences on what philosophy I am missing out on as far as a more robust and "Windows App-like" webpage would be appreciated if anyone wants to coach me on that area and point me in the right direction!

Also, in my example we are using master pages. So if you can imagine a typical master page that has a logo top left and a search box and button top right, then you can picture what we have. Its simple looking. But with the content page being a separate aspx page, we are having trouble referencing it after a search is performed anyway. So what I mean by all this is The masterpage.master has a search textbox. They type something, hit enter. We then want a gridview that is on our default.aspx page to update with the results of the event that was fired from the masterpage.master.

My windows app background tells me to just point to it like I would from two different forms. Like if I had a form1 with a search box on it and I wanted it to show up the results on form2, I would just say Form2.Show: Form2.GridView = whatever.

Of course, with my confusion of what the scope of these asp.net pages is, I am having a difficult time just visualizing everything and how they are inter-related.

So I guess to recap here:

1) How do I tap into more events with textboxes or any other asp.net control. Is the answer AJAX? If so, can you elaborate just a little bit?

2) How would I use the keypress or keydown type of event to make a panel or some kind of content holder to become visible when the textbox gets focus from the cursor and go back to being invisible if it loses focus.

3) What about the scope in which asp.net pages behave?

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C# - Make Independent Update Panels?

Jan 19, 2010

As far as I understand UpdatePanels, they should be invalidated separately, i.e. triggerring one UpdatePanel should not touch the controls of the other panel. It does work so for controls outside of any UpdatePanels, however those which are inside ANY UpdatePanel are touched by triggering ANY UpdatePanel:

<form id="form1" runat="server">
<asp:ScriptManager ID="SM1" runat="server"/>


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C# - How To Make AJAX Request To The Server Without Getting Response With The Information For All The Update Panels

Jan 12, 2010

For example, I have three UpdatePanels on the page. I click a button, and I get pretty long response, that contains all the data for the three UpdatePanels, the viewstate string.

I want to optimize my query and receive response like "ok" or "not ok". How can I do that?

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Nov 11, 2010

I need to develop a new functionnality for one of our application.

Basically, what i want to develop is a way to let the user draw a semi-transparent rectangle over a static image. The principle could be the same as mspaint. The user click on a button a then, can draw his rectangle over an image.

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Jun 24, 2010

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Is it possible using C#.

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Web Forms :: Rounded Corner Box Around Some Textboxes?

Jul 23, 2010

I have created my own login control (for a few reasons) and would like to surround the textboxes and label controls with a rounded corner box. How do I surround the controls with a box and then how do I make its corners rounded? Can I then create a background-color within the box? I have the AJAX toolkit installed and do know how to add extenders but I am kind of stuck on surrounding the controls.

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Jul 26, 2010

Yet another post regarding rounded upper corners on an ASP.NET 3.5 horizontal menu control. I've done a day and a half of Googling.Found this link http://forums.asp.net/p/1582204/3989473.aspx. It looked promising but didn't pan out.I got pretty close with some experimenting but it isn't quite there. Could really use some insight or a general agreement that it just can't be done within our constraints.The project is an ASP.NET 3.5 web app. For reasons that are too lengthy to go into here, theoption of using the AJAX tab container has already been examined and rejected. Due to the customer's requirements, we will need to proceed with a menu control set to horizontal display with 2 levels showing. The customer would like to see rounded edges on the top of the menu elements so they have the appearance of tabs. In our corporate-controlled environment, we have as our options the AJAX Control Toolkit, css,


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Feb 12, 2010

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Forms Data Controls :: Display The Amount Field Rounded With Two Decimals Value?

Jun 1, 2010

I am having an amount filed in my grid and i would like to display the amount field rounded with two decimals value. Like if i enter quantity as 2 and my rate as 300 i would like to display my sum as 600.00 in the cell.

My grid view is as follows

<asp:GridView ID="grdInvoice" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" GridLines="None"
Width="100%" OnRowDataBound="grdInvoice_RowDataBound" CellPadding="2" CellSpacing="1"
ForeColor="#333333" BackColor="#D3DADA" CssClass="inv_grid_data">
<RowStyle BackColor="#F7FBFD" ForeColor="#333333" BorderColor="#333333" BorderStyle="Solid"


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Add Rounded Doubles To Label

Mar 22, 2010

I'll use the Math.Round function, but there happends something strange. If i have a numer like 10.0012356 he adds with round(10.0012356) only 10, and not the wanted 10.00 But if i have 10.534, he adds 10.53, so then its ok. How can i change that? I use this code right now:

double PriceIn = PriceExcl * ((BTW + 100)/100);
lblPriceEx.Text = "€" + Math.Round(PriceExcl, 2).ToString();
lblPriceIn.Text = "(" + Math.Round(PriceIn, 2).ToString() + "incl.)";

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SQL Server :: Float Value Not Getting Rounded?

Sep 14, 2010

When i am trying to update a text box value to data base ,say 3.1 it is getting updated as 3.09999... when iam running the stored procedure in query analyzer it is updating correctly. When i am updating the same from page , it is giving this problem. Iam using sql server 2005.

Iam using float for this

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Want To Use Rounded Corner Button In .net Application?

Nov 3, 2010

I want to use Rounded Corner Button in my asp.net application. Do we have anything in ASP.NET 3.5 which helps us to make a rounded corner button ?

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AJAX :: Rounded Corners Bug In Firefox?

Jul 13, 2010

I ran across a bug with the asp:RoundedCornersExtender when viewing in Firefox. Sometimes there will be a gap between the top of and the body of the panel. There are a few posts out there about using the solution

[URL] here, but the problem is my hosting account (GoDaddy) won't allow the PrettyUI.dll file to run. Is there any other solution to using the dll file? The source code is available - but I'm not familiar with how I'd go about using the source files in place of the DLL...


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AJAX :: Rounded Control Css Not Working?

Dec 6, 2010

I was trying to use Ajax rounded corner control. When I set properties for panel from theme folder css file it was not working. If i provide from server control it is ok. Why it is like that?

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VS 2008 - Create Rounded Button Using CSS Without Using Any Image?

Sep 21, 2010

I am trying to m ake rounded buttons using CSS. I serached a lot on the internet but all the solutions that I found is using the Images. (See URLs Mentioned Below). is it possible to create rounded button using CSS without using any image. [URL]

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VS 2005 AJAX Rounded Corners Antialiasing

May 3, 2010

When using the rounded corners app in Ajax the corners are bad shaped. I have found this article from Matt Berseth using antialiasing. But I need code I can use for commercial use, do you have any good ideas for solving my problem? I need code for vb.net applications [URL]

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Menu Item With Jquery Rounded Corner?

Sep 8, 2010

I have a requirement by which I need to have something like below as the background of my asp.net menu item background.

NOTE: The menu is populated by sitemapdatasource which is dynamic depending on querystring.

I was doing some googling up and found that I can apply JQuery's rounded corner functionality along with asp.net menu item.

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AJAX :: Rounded Corner Extender In Datalist?

Feb 12, 2010

I have a datalist which contains only the image button.I want to add rouned corner to this image.So i have used rounded corner extender for image button.But still no rounded corner,but there was no bug.

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Data Controls :: GridView With Rounded Corners

Apr 17, 2013

I have a GridView rounded corners. I tried this.. [URL] ..... But it did not work, there was a protuding border towards the right handside.

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AJAX :: Rounded Corners Extender Not Working In IE

Jun 17, 2013

My Asp site does not support some version of IE and chrome. however its working fine on all version of firefox.

What could be the solution that my site function on all version of IE.

I have used round corner extender on textbox and dropdownlist so some version of IE does not show data in dropdown where i applied round corner extender.

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