Web Forms :: Maximum Lenght A Tool Tip Can Display?
Apr 28, 2010
I have this below code in Gridview, a field has to display comments both in text and tool tip. Text it is dispalying properlyeven if it is 100 lines but tooltip it is displaying only 10 or 20 lines only,What is the maximum lenght a tool tip can display
but the lenght of the table is according to the data lenght, how can i fix the lenght of the table?
even i set the max-length to the <td> or <tr>, it does not work.
also, I would like to make the lenght of table same as the td of the large table because it is always have a space between the border of small table and the <td> (cell) of the large table.
It is strange Asp.net Text box with multi line attribute does not support max lenth property. we need to manage it by writing customized java script Code.
In my web application i am using obout Edit control. I want to restrict the user to type only 400 characters how can i restrict the user.i write javascript like this.
function textCounter(field,cntfield,maxlimit) { if (field.value.length > maxlimit) { alert("Cannot type more than 450 characters"); field.value = field.value.substring(0, maxlimit); } else { cntfield.value = maxlimit - field.value.length; } } // this is text box
but it is giving error like no onkeydown for editor.
I am developin an web application with ajax. In this application I used autocompleteExtenter control. Normaly, it shows only one row without column name. But, I need to display four columns and their column name also. it should display like this when i type somehtng in textbox..so, how to display 4 columns with their header names in autocompleteextender control?
A very easy one hopefully - what expression can I use to validate an integer to ensure it is greater or equal to zero, but less than 2,147,483,647 (i.e. the maximum value of an integer)?
i want to create a textbox which accepts only 10digits(mobile no). Any further entry should not be accpeted in the textbox i.e.; the 11th digit should not be accepted.
<asp:RangeValidator ID="RangeValidator1" runat="server" MaximumValue=" " MinimumValue=" " Type="Double" Text="Value out of range" ErrorMessage="Value out of range" ControlToValidate="WaterLvl" ForeColor="Red"></asp:RangeValidator>
how to resize image, convert type it and I want to know resolution image upload if page content images how resize all image in this page to 700 max width asp.net 3.5 vb
When uploading a file over 4mb I receive error: maximum request length exceeded. This is fine - I don't want users to upload files any larger. But, anyone know how to handle the error in a clean way? It appears I can't avoid it with an IF statement or Try/Catch block.
I want write counter in register. When I open application counter count each it. If counter >20 then show message You can’t use program and not open application. How I can write this?
I have a ListView InsertItemTemplate where there is field (Date) using the AJAX Library CalendarExtender. I want to add some validation to this field, whereby they can't add a date that is later than today. So I have added a RangeValidator and tried to set its MaximumValue to DateTime.Now on Page Load. Unfortuantely it isn't working.
I have developed an application using Winforms that connects to the Database using WCF services. All the services are working fine except those that return huge amount of data from the database. I did increase the size of the maxReceivedMessageSize and maxBufferPoolSize to 9223372036854775807 in the Config file of the client which I believe is the largest but I still get the error message "The maximum message size quota for incoming messages (65536) has been exceeded". I am using visual studio 2010 with VB.Net programming language on the client side and C sharp on the server.
I also goggled but the nearest solution I got was to increase the maxReceivedMessageSize which I did but in vain. Below is the detail of the error: "The server did not provide a meaningful reply; this might be caused by a contract mismatch, a premature session shutdown or an internal server error.