Web Forms :: Populating Dropdownlist Using C#?

Jan 19, 2010

I am getting a problem while working with the Dropdownlist in VS2008. I am trying to populate the DDL using c# codding instead of creating DataSource in GUI. The DDL is getting populated as expected, but then I've added a label that will show the current selected item; for this I've written a code in DropDownList1_SelectedIndexChanged() :

Label1.Text = DropDownList1.SelectedValue.ToString();

I hae also enable AutoPostback for the DDL.
I have placed the PopulateDDL() method inside of the Page_Load();
But whenever I select a item, it's always giving only the first item's name as the Lebel.Text.
But when I use GUI and ceate a SqlDataSource and attach that to the DDL all works fine.
What to do??

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Web Forms :: Populating Dropdownlist Upon Selection Of Another Dropdownlist?

Jan 19, 2010

I have one table which contains branch codes(primary key), Branch name and bank name columns. I have 3 dropdownlist boxes. the first dropdownlist is for the branch codes. When i select the a branch code i need the second dropdownlist box to populate with the appropriate branch name and the third dropdownlist box to populate the bank name at the same time.

Is it possible to have one table like mine and acheive this, if so how do i go about doing this?

I did read up on this but only came across ones with 3 tables.

I am using Visual Basic to do this.

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C# - Populating Dropdownlist Using MVC2 Based On Another Dropdownlist (Cascading)

Sep 18, 2010

I am making an application that deals with vehicles. I need two DropDownLists:

Makes: All Vehicle Makes
Models: Models that belong to the selected value of the Make DropDownList

How is this done in MVC2? My Idea: Do I use an ajax call when my first list is selected and then pull back the Models to bind to the Model DDL? How would model binding come into play that way? UPDATE I posted what I ended up doing as an answer. It is super simple and works great. You can use a get too if you feel so inclined, but you have to specify that you want to like so... return Json(citiesList, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

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Web Forms :: Populating DropDownList From Database?

Sep 18, 2010

I'm really struggling with this tonight (this being exactly what it says on the tin, (or the subject!)).

Code I'm working with right now is:


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Web Forms :: Populating Dropdownlist In LoginView From MySql DB?

Jun 13, 2010

Trying to populating dropdownlist in LoginView from mysql db but am getting Object reference not set to an instance of an object error.

Protected Sub Page_PreRender(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.PreRender

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Web Forms :: Populating Dropdownlist From Session Variable?

Nov 3, 2010

To speed things up for the visitor of my web page, I put a personalised dropdownlist in a session variable (as below).

The idea is that if the user is logged in and the ddl session variable is Nothing then it should be set here, and the next times the dropdownlist should be set from this session variable.

The session seems to be populated ok, but the resulting dropdownlist (ddlMenu) doesn't (it just becomes blank). I suspect that it has soemething to do with the way I try to assign it. No matter what I try I run into problems, saying that one thing is a one-dimensional array and the other thing a listitemcollection, or the like. What should I write in the last line?

If Session("aid") IsNot Nothing And Session("ddl") Is Nothing Then
Dim ddlny As New DropDownList
ddlny.Items.Add(New ListItem(vstr, ""))
ddlny.Items.Add(New ListItem(kontrstr, "PageA.aspx"))
ddlny.Items.Add(New ListItem(bstr, "PageB.aspx"))
If dt IsNot Nothing Then 'dt is a datatable, populated elsewhere
For i As Integer = 0 To dt.Rows.Count - 1
ddlny.Items.Add(New ListItem(dt.Rows(i).Item("name"), dt.Rows(i).Item("did")))
End If
Session("ddl") = ddlny
End If

View 6 Replies

Web Forms :: Dynamically Populating The Database In The DropDownlist Using C#?

Sep 24, 2010

i have 2 tables Desgn & EmpForm

Desgn table is lik this

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Desgn](
[DesignationCode] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[DesignationName] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,


and i have called the Populate1() method in the page load event., but i m not getting the dropDown populated why ?

View 1 Replies

Web Forms :: Populating Dropdownlist With Weekly Date Ranges?

Oct 13, 2010

i am working on an availability / booking system, one element in the form will be a dropdownlist control with a selection of date ranges for a customer to select the period they want to book.these will be a list of ranges for each week (monday - sunday)eg

27th Sep - 3rd Oct 2010
4th Oct - 10th Oct 2010
11th Oct - 17th Oct 2010


is there an way to populate this dropdownlist dynamically from a calendar or date function so it can cater for dates up to 18 months ahead?i dont really want to populate it from database entries or hard coded list items if there is a less laborious way.

View 2 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Populating A Dropdownlist In A Gridview?

Dec 3, 2010

Here is a snippet of my code...


Code behind...

Protected Sub gvPunches_RowEditing(ByVal sender
ByVal e
As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewEditEventArgs)
Handles gvPunches.RowEditing
Dim i
Integer = e.NewEditIndex()
Dim ddl
As DropDownList =
CType(gvPunches.Rows(i).FindControl("ddlDiv"), DropDownList)

the question I have is when i enter this procedure in the code behind, ddl is nothing. what am I doing wrong in populating the dropdown for the row I am editing?

View 5 Replies

Web Forms :: Populating Multiple Dropdownlist Controls Using 1 XML File?

May 26, 2010

I have 3 dropdownlist controls for use with capturing birth dates. One captures the month, the next the day and the next the year. Rather than having to use 3 different xml files to populate the controls I want to be able to use just 1 xml file, but I haven't been able to work things out. I thought this would work:

<date month="1"/>
<date month="2"/>[code]....

I thought I'd be able to assign the datatextfield of month, day or year to a given control, but this isn't working. They show up in the datatextfield dropdown in properties, but when I try to view the page in a browser I get an error that tells me the field (i.e., day) does not exist. Is there a way I can accomplish this? I am developing an ASP.NET 2.0 site in VS 2005.

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Web Forms :: Populating Form2 Txtbox With Selection From Form1 Dropdownlist

Mar 18, 2011

z'm trying to create a webpage for ticket purchases. When selects an option from a dropdown list and clicks a button, I want them to be taken to the next page where a textbox will be auto-populated with their choice from the dropdown list. For some reason, I can't figure out how to get them to communicate. On Form1 I can get Form2 to open onclick but for some reason, when I put code into pageload for Form2 to pull data from Form1, it won't work. For example, on Form2 I would put the following code under pageload: textbox1.text = Form1.textbox2.text

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Forms Data Controls :: Populating A DropDownList In A ListView InsertItemTemplate

Jan 19, 2010

I have the following ListView (extra code removed for clarity) :

<asp:ListView ID="lvParticipants" runat="server" DataSource='<%# Eval("Participants") %>' >
<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlCountry" runat="server" SelectedValue='<%# Eval("Country") %>'
DataSource="<%# GetCountries() %>" DataTextField="Text" DataValueField="Value" />
<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlCountry" runat="server" SelectedValue='<%# Eval("Country") %>'
DataSource="<%# GetCountries() %>" DataTextField="Text" DataValueField="Value" />

The Insert row in the ListView has an empty DropDownList and GetCountries() is not called. However, if I click the Edit button on an existing row, GetCountries() is called twice (not sure why) and the DropDownList is properly populated. Why isn't the InsertItemTemplate DropDownList getting populated?

View 9 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Populating DropDownList In FormView From Code Behind?

Oct 25, 2010

On my formview I have a drop down list that is populated with the names of the files in a certain directory. This works fine, but when the drop down list selected value is bound to the database field I get the following error :

'ImageFileDropDownList' has a SelectedValue which is invalid because it does not exist in the list of items. Parameter name: value

I have setup other drop down lists in the same formview populated from SqlDataSources and these all work fine. I can see perhaps why this is an issue because I have not specified a DataValueField or a DataTextField for this drop down that is populated in code (whereas I can for the SQL bound ones) because I'm not sure what these settings would be.

I need to have a "blank" option as well so that the field does not default to the first value in the list.

My code (I have stripped out some meaningless controls) :


My code behind populating the ddl :


View 3 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Grid Not Populating On Dropdownlist Selection?

Dec 28, 2010

On my webform, i have one grid, 2 dropdownlist and one datepicker control.

When i select items from my both dropdown and date from datepicker control, i want to populate my grid based on above mention control selections.

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Forms Data Controls :: Populating Listbox From Textbox And Dropdownlist?

Feb 1, 2011

1. textbox (Search for staff)
2. Dropdownlist( Search for department)
3. Listbox( Populate staff name based on textbox or dropdownlist)

I am able to populate the staffs indenpendantly according to what is written in textbox or dropdownlist. Whar i wanted to do is mix the population of staffnames from textbox and dropdownlist. In other words, when i search "sandra' in textbox and select a Department A , the listbox will show all the sandra from Department A only.


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Forms Data Controls :: Populating DropDownList In ListView While Rendering?

Dec 12, 2010

I have a ListView that I need to populate a dropdownlist while rendering. For each rown in my table has a field called sizes which has data that looks like this "blue; red; yellow; green", I need to render a dropdownlist in the ItemTemplate with these values, I tried placing a PlaceHolder but I don't know how to populate it. I have tried to populate it OnItemDataBound and OnUnload but neither seem to work.

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Forms Data Controls :: Dropdownlist In Gridview Not Populating The Update Parameter?

Nov 5, 2010

during edit mode i populate the drop down in question with data based on a value selected in another drop down also in the gridview, all works find, but the paramater is not being updated with the selected value, i think this is because i do not call any Bind in the aspx side.

<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Build Types">
<asp:Label ID="lblBuildTypes runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("BuildType") %>'></asp:Label>


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Forms Data Controls :: FormView And Populating TextBoxes From Results Of A DropDownList Choice?

Jan 3, 2011

I am drawing a blank and need some direction.I am putting together a simple website that has a single DropDownList that is DataBound to table inside of a FormView Template.What I want to happen is when the page loads, it runs the SELECT statement and displays that result(which it does, so that part works).Where I am stuck is that if I Click the DropDownList and select another item, and display the results of that selected item in the associated Databound controls.My code is below;



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Forms Data Controls :: Populating Dropdownlist Inside Listview Control Dynamically?

Mar 5, 2010

I have a dropdownlist in EditItemTemplate and InsertItemTemplate which I want it to populate at the runtime while Inserting an item or Editing an item.

I am facing an issue regarding populating a dropdownlist dynamically while in Edit and Insert mode. There are 0 Records in my table and it shows "Empty Data message" in my Listview control. Even the ItemDataBound event does not fire. So I am not able to find the dropdownlist in that listview.

This is my Aspx code which shows only InsertItemTemplate and EditItemTemplate.


View 7 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Populating Dropdownlist Inside Gridview's TemplateField Dynamically Created

Sep 6, 2010

I need to create a TemplateField column dynamically , which will contain dropdowlist controls. I've been using this
example to create my first dynamic columns and for the last column, the one that contains dropdowlist controls, I've written this class:


But what I don't know is, where should I populate the dropdownlist control?

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MVC :: Populating Dropdownlist From Different Collection?

Mar 23, 2011

I'm new to MVC pattern and I have a question regarding to a dropdownlist. Actually My Data came from a collection (random string) then it displays it in a list. And yes it display, so I add a dropdownlist. And I can populate it using the same collection. My question is how can I populate the dropdownlist from different collection?

Here's my View


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C# - DropDownList Not Populating With Correct Value In MVC?

Feb 22, 2011

so I am having an issue getting a drop down list to choose the right value when it renders. It always defaults to index zero. However, I do have a view in another place where it renders just fine and selects the right value. I don't understand the difference.

Here is a trimmed down version of the view that works correctly:

@model AppName.Models.Guest
@using (Html.BeginForm())
Attending Ceremony?<br />
@Html.DropDownListFor(x => x.ConfirmCeremony, new SelectList(new Dictionary<string, string>
{"No Answer", "No Answer"},


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MVC :: Populating Items In A DropDownList From The Model

Mar 23, 2011

Using MVC2, I want to know how you add the options of a dropdownlist from a database. I have several lookup lists so I will need to do this many times. I'm stuck on part 5 of the MusicStore (which is using MVC3) at this part


Alternatively if someone could recommend an MVC2 tutorial which covers drop lists.

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Dropdownlist In Gridview's EmptyDataTemplate Is Not Populating?

Feb 1, 2010

<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlRateCode" runat="server" DataSourceID="odsRateCode" DataTextField="RateCode"
DataValueField="RateCodeID" SelectedValue='<%# Bind("RateCodeID") %>'>

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Populating Manually A Dropdownlist From Code-behind?

Sep 21, 2014

I have code that populates 2 dropdownlist in a gridview. DropStart And DropEnd I want to add time values depending on a few things here's the routine I cal.


Public Sub GenerateTime(RowIndex As Integer)
Dim ComboStart As New DropDownList
Dim ComboEnd As New DropDownList
Dim ItemList As ListItem
Dim TimeInterval As Integer
Dim IntervalleCalcul As Integer
Dim NombreIntervalles As Integer


now this code is called, and runs fine, it goes in the for loop and I see if I trace it that combostart and comboend both have 96 Items in them as expected. hence it did find the controls in the gridview. but when I exit this sub and continue the code by just running the code in the asp.net page the two corresponding dropdown control don't get the values that did get added in the code behind.

In the RowEditing is when I call this routine.


Private Sub GridDetails_RowEditing(sender As Object, e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewEditEventArgs) Handles GridDetails.RowEditing

GridDetails.EditIndex = e.NewEditIndex
End Sub

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