Web Forms :: Save The Value Of Textfields And Dropdowns When Moving Between Webpages?

Jan 22, 2011

I have some text fields fields of my page say P1, say T1, T2, T3. I also have a link button in my page which links it to another page P2, which also has some textfields. I also have a link button which links it back to page P1.

When i fill in the text fields in my page P1 go to the next page P2 and try to return to P1. I loose the values in t1, t2, t3.

How to retain those values even if i am moving back and forth between these pages

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State Management :: Moving Data Along The WebPages?

Sep 30, 2010

ViewState are used between same page Request and Response.

Session variable will stay throuwut the browsing until the Specified Expiration event.

Hidden Input control will be used whithin same page as well.

Are there any good exmples of this differences?

I wants to know the practice use here, because in hte current team, people are not prefering to use viewstate object due to some Heavy load of that object.

So i am try to use Session variable and working fine but can not see in the Viewsource of webpage.

Hidden Input control still make little weight on page compare to session..

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Web Forms :: Dropdowns Validations - Make Sure That User Has Selected Something From The Dropdowns Otherwise Can't Proceed

Dec 6, 2010

I am using panel to hide and display certain controls on a page, On one of my panel i have three drop down, all i want is to make sure that user has selected something from the dropdowns otherwise they cant proceed, i am using the requiredfield validator but its just not working


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Web Forms :: Hide Textfields On In A Webform

Mar 15, 2010

I am trying to hide multiple textfields i have nested inside a div element. Here is an example of the div element and the script:


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Web Forms :: Highlight Textfields That Return Validation Errors?

Mar 19, 2010

I have a bunch of textfields on my aspx page, many of them have a few validators on them, such as required field, and 2 compare values (for a min and max). All is well with those, all the errors I have posting to a validation summary control that gets fired on a button press. I have it put the "*" in red next to the field with the issue as well, however I'm wondering if there is a way I can change the css class of the textfield through code behind when there happens to be an error present on that control.I know how to change the css class of an element through codebehind(c#) but my question is how do I get it to fire only if an error is thrown for it.

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Web Forms :: Preventing Copy And Paste Into Our Multi-line Textfields?

Jul 12, 2010

We have a number of multi-line text fields on our pages for form submissions. On the backend of things, we have our stored procedures checking for html coding in those fields to help prevent sql injection. In some cases, someone that is completing the form without any malicious intent is copying and pasting from their word resume into our text fields and once they submit the page it fails because word uses html encoding for formatting and such. So is there a way to either prevent pasting in that way or maybe a way to submit the data to sql in plain text?

Just looking for the easiest solution so that the user doesnt have to do multiple things to submit their application. In order to get it to work for anyone having issues, is to have them copy and paste into "notepad" and then copy and paste from there to our form, which strips the html coding.

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Mar 26, 2010

I have a web form for handling invoices which has a form view. When I'm in insert item template, I need to have various fields. Some of them are contract number, invoice number, register date and other that are easy to handle. But there is a dropdown list related with a table of prices (the table has price name, price initial payment, number of payments, amount of month fee and so on). So, when the dropdown is selected, fields related with price should get their values from price table, and then the user decides to keep them or type in new values. How can I get it done? Should I use a Dynamic populate extender or type all the code behind using SelectedIndexChanged method to populate price related controls?

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Dec 22, 2010

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Purpose And Proper Use Of A Textfields Max-length Property?

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Mar 9, 2011

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Web Forms :: Trying To Load Multiple Dropdowns

Feb 22, 2010

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Heres my code from my page load event:


View 6 Replies

Web Forms :: Two Dropdowns In Pair - Selection Of One Fires The Other

Jun 9, 2010

I have a form in which I have two drop downs. A decision in one fires the other. The basic rule is:

Drop Down A -> select items 1,2 or 3. Drop down B loads list 1
Drop Down A -> select items 4,5 or 6. Drop down B loads list 2

This works fine on first load and save of the form. The problem is when I edit. Lets say I selected and saved item 3 in Drop Down A. On Editing: If I change Drop Down A, the select changed event fires every time I change it except when i reselect what was saved. It leaves me in a situation where I can choose 3 in Drop Down A but are left with the wrong list in Drop Down B as the event doesn't refire on that selection.

I've tried every trick I can think of but I can't seem to get around this issue. (We've tried radiobutton lists and its the same issue. Setting the value in a variable and attempting to reset the control to clear what it thinks the original value is doesn't work either.)

View 6 Replies

Web Forms :: Hiding Data Bound Dropdowns?

Mar 4, 2011

I have figured out how to programmically hide a dropdown on same page and on a different page using a Session when the Dropdownbox im using has a static drop down list. I am, however, having issues with a dropdown that is data bound to a DB for the dropdown list.I have gone over the code many times and that seems to be where my issue lies.

Here is where i set the selected item to a session on one .CS page:


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Web Forms :: Changing Dropdowns Option When Click Other

Jan 19, 2010

I'm currently writing a website with two linked drop downs, when you click one it changes what options can be used in the second one, that's all find and dandy however i need to have the option for an "Any" (*) option in both of them, I did have it working with appenddataitems turned on and "

however this causes problems as you click an option in the first dropdown then change it and the second drop down keeps the options for the first selection aswell. Am i going to have to live without the Any option in the second box and put in code if firstbox.text = "Any" then Secondbox.text = "Any" (when it comes to doing the search on the database?)

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Feb 28, 2010

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Forms Data Controls :: Adding Value To Dropdowns

Jun 8, 2010

I got a web app linked to a SQL Server 2005. The registration page for learners on this page require a lot of information and many of them are on dropdown controls linked each to their own table adapter. The table adapters are linked to tables within the Database. The dropdowns consist of info like designations, grades, categories, race, etc. The tables like designations changes from day to day as new types of designations are added and the other removed. What will the best way be to add data to the dropdowns? Another way I considered are to have one table and add a field like a type field that distinguish between the dropdown so that I only use one table adapter, or are there a better way. Some Code:


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Web Forms :: Avoid Blank Space Between Two Dropdowns?

Apr 30, 2010

I have three dropdowns, the second one is visible only if first dropdown selection is "Sunshine"

I have a blank space between when the second dropdown visible = false

it is possible to avoid this blank space, between the dropdowns.

I have a sample app below


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Web Forms :: Re-use A Dropdown Instead Of Using Multiple Dropdowns For Same List?

Mar 12, 2010

I have a webpage used to document work performed on a job. There can be as many as 6 employees for every line of work documented and I have placed 6 ddl's which are all populated with the same list of employees along with 6 text boxes for the hours. I loop through each ddl in the code behind to add the work performed to the server but I'm thinking there must be a better way to do this. I'll add the code for the first two ddl's so you can get an idea of what I need to do.


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Mar 6, 2011

we have a reseller web application that uses basically the same asp.net codes on different domains. However we replaced the cookies in the web.config files to the root domain of each domain and the timeout time to 1000

HOwever for the initial site that was setup, it runs well. But every additional site times out after about 2mins

I have looked through the web.config so many times to see if anything is conflicting but cant find anything.

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Web Forms :: CustomValidator Doesn't Validate Dropdowns Correctly?

Dec 20, 2010

I have two lines of dropdown menus. There are 3 dropdown in each line (together 6). First dropdown in each line is "independent". The second and third are dependent. If user selects second, page loads and user can then selects item in third. So user have option to select first OR second and third in each line.

.ASPX code:


Since I've found out that you can't validate dropdown controls directly with CustomValidator I've wrote few lines of code for each of dropdowns to insert some values in txtBx_Cln1n2 which will be hidden when the page will be finished.


Unfortunately the code for CustomValidator have some bugs. If user doesn't select anything error message is shown. But if he choose 1 employee and then second and then select (I doubt that anybody will do this but I want to be sure and prevent as much exceptions as possible) the first item in one of the dropdowns ("all employees" or "employees by group") the custom Validator will allow execution of code for link button although the validation code should prevent this.


I know I could this a little better since code is quite complicated if I want to tell the user which employee he/she forget to enter. I've tried instead of SelectedItem.Value also SelectedIndex != 0 but the problems are the same.

I couldn't validate this without the use of textbox. But this method is also making complications since user can select 2 employees and then in one of the selected dropdown change selection to index = 0. Maybe I have to disable viewstate on all dropdowns? But this would probably affect INSERT of data?

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Forms Data Controls :: Why Dropdowns On Page Are Not Displaying

Nov 22, 2010

I've been trying to figure out the issue and knowone seemd to know. I put a dropdown on my page and when I view it from my server, it works fine. When I tell it to go and get it's values from a DB I can no longer see it on the page when I view it from the server. Here's the code I have for it:

EmptyDataText="There are no data records to display."
SelectCommand="SELECT [ID], [Team] FROM [tblTeam]"></asp:AccessDataSource>

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Forms Data Controls :: Linking Two Dropdowns Menu In Detailsview?

Nov 26, 2010

I have two dropdowns menu in detailsview (Both one table) . I want to change items in the second dropdown when the user selects an item in the first dropdown.

What I did as following but it does not work :

Add an empty SelectedIndexChanged event on the first dropdown and then, bind the second to the first under Selectedvalue. Also, sat AutoPostBack="True" on first dropdown.

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridivew Refreshes When Dropdowns Selected?

Feb 24, 2010

I have three parameters to search and the record is being populated on the gridview.

Paremeters are dropdown lists:

lstDepartment, lstSection, lstLocation

I used AutoPostBack to true for above dropdowns but the problem I am facing is when I select value in lstDepartment to show values in lstSection then gridview data refreshes and after that when I select lstSection to show values in lstLocation then again gridview refreshes.

What I want to do is to when I'll select dropdown one by one then gridivew display data when a Search button pressed.

I don't want to refresh gridview everytime on the basis of dropdown selection.

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Web Forms :: How To Use CSS Style Sheets In Webpages

May 5, 2010

How do I link a control to an external style sheet? What folder do I put the external style sheet in?

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