Web Forms :: Setting Part Title Style In Code?
Apr 19, 2010
I'm using user controls as web parts in an asp.net application. I have skinned the webparts by adding .PartTitleStyle (etc) to my css. I'd now like to let the user select from a list in an editor part to choose the style for the web part.I'm able to change the title for the webpart, but can't seem to figure out how to change the css to use .PartTitleStyleCustom instead of the default, even trying to set the wp.BackColor seems to have no effect. Here is the code I have so far in the page load event of my user control:
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new List<StaticContentTag>()
new StaticContentTag()
TagValue = "Austin"}
}, Model, true) %>
I'm passing in the ViewModel so that I can set the title and the last parameter is a flag that says whether to force the title or not.
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I know what I'm doing wrong here by referencing the Model.Title element before even calling the helper. Any ideas on how I can work around this?
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<%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Site.Master" AutoEventWireup="true"
CodeBehind="Galeria.aspx.cs" Inherits="TerapiaFisica.Galeria" %>
What I want is to make the Title multilanguage. I know i can do that from code behind with something like this:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Page.Title = (string)GetLocalResourceObject("PageTitle");
But that's exactly what i don't want to do. I want to make that title multilanguage from the tag in the page directive of the aspx.
I tried this two options but none of them works:
<%@ Page Title=" <%= GetGlobalResourceObject("Global", "PageTitle") %>"
<%@ Page Title="<asp:Localize Text="<%$ Resources: Global, PageTitle %>"
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I'm sure I'm probably just making a rookie mistake here.
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<%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/MainContent.Master" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="AboutUs.aspx.cs" Inherits="AboutUs" %>
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<asp:SiteMapPath SiteMapProvider="rootSitemap" ID="SiteMapPath1" runat="server"></asp:SiteMapPath>
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Nov 11, 2010
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The code:
aspx page:
<asp:GridView ID="SectionsGridLevel1" AutoGenerateColumns="False" onrowdatabound="SectionsGridLevel1_RowDataBound" emptydatatext="No data available." runat="server">
<asp:hyperlinkfield headertext="Section - click to view sub-sections" datatextfield="SectName" datanavigateurlformatstring="BrowseSections2.aspx?type=sect&list=1&level=2§ion={0}" datanavigateurlfields="SectID" />
<asp:hyperlinkfield headertext="View" Text="View All" datanavigateurlformatstring="BrowseSections2.aspx?list=1§ion={0}" datanavigateurlfields="SectID" />
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Mar 9, 2011
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function Flash() {
window.setTimeout(function() {
document.title = (document.title == "Company" ? "Company - flash text" : "Company");
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Jan 5, 2010
I want to add a style A:Hover to a HyperLink control from code behind.
I can do like this :
HyperLink hlRow = new HyperLink();
hlRow.Style.Add("color", "#000000");
hlRow.Style.Add("text-decoration", "none");
But how can I add styles for A:Hover for the hyperlink control? Do I need to define a class and associate that class with this control, if yes how?
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Feb 2, 2010
I have some code like this:
<div><%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "M_ClassProperty") %></div>
<img src='<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "M_AnotherClassProperty").To<string>() %>'
but there is no component which wraps this code like Repeater, DataList or something like that. How can set the set a DataItem to this code to show the values of an object of a class.
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