Web Forms :: Setting A Property In A Class That Adds A Web Part

Sep 24, 2010

When I add a WebPart to a page, I need to set a Property in the class that builds the WebPart.

In the CatalogZone, I declare:


In the CatalogPart1 class, I instantiate MyWebPart:


MyWebPart.PagePartID contains the correct value.

This calls MyWebPart which contains the property:


but vPagePartID is equal to nothing.

What am I doing wrong?

How do I get the value of PagePartID to MyWebPart?

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Dictionary<string, string> propertyValues;
Control c = Page.LoadControl("~/Control.ascx")

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dynamic c = Page.LoadControl("~/control.ascx");
foreach(var itemin propertyValues)
c.item.key = item.value;

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