Web Forms :: Text Box - Filter Data In Text Changed Event
Aug 11, 2010
I have a list box with data coming from the database. Above the list box I have a text box. If the user enters some text in the text box,then the data in the list box should be filtered as per the content entered in the textbox. In my page, i have about 7-8 such similar textboxes and listboxes. So I want to implement a common function which can be used for all the text boxes in the page. I tried to achieve this in textchanged event and javascript but sometimes not working. Is there any other simple way except javascript? Is it efficient to use java script in this scenario? Need your valuable inputs.
need to add textbox in gridview and write code in textchange event in asp.net..i show the data in gridview if i click the button i show the textboxes but i need to write the code in that textchange event in that
I have a textbox which is read only and there is a calender besides the textbox.When the user selects the date in the calender pop up, the text in the textbox is populated but it doesn't trigger the text change event.Can anyone tell me how to trigger an event when the text is changed on the textbox?
I am calculating discount at text changed event when user enters the discount%. To edit when i load the data from table using dataset i do not get the correct data as it is in the database. For ex if quantity is saved as 5000.00 in table and when i try to fetch it.. I am getting it as 500000. Instead of 5000.00. Is it because of text changed event? How do i resolve this?
I have an aspx page in which the code-behind is in VB.Net. I have a TextBox field on my page. In the code-behind, the only event that I have for this field is the TextChanged Event. However, whenever I enter data into the TextBox field, the event won't fire. What would prevent this from happening?
i have a strange requirement, let us suppose my screen looks something like this
when im changing value in "Value 1", the summary textbox value must be changed to "N/A". check the image below
as you can see from the image, the cursor is still inside the "Value 1" textbox, im still typing the text in "Value 1" textbox, and i want "Summary" textbox text to be changed to "N/A".
if nothing is changed in "Value 1" then i dont want to change the value of "Summary" textbox.
i want the same functionality for "Value 2" textbox
I've a textbox in grid view control. When user inserts some value in textbox a confimation message should be displayed to user. eg. "Do you want to update record?". if user clicks on yes/ok then some code should be executed else if user clicks cancel/no the return to same page. I've tried using
ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(page, page.GetType(), "key2", "confirm('Do you want to update?');", true); on text changed event of textbox. But was not able to achieve desired result.
I have a gridview that is being databound by an SQLdatasource and on RowDataBound i am doing a calculation and then setting
e.Row.cells(17).text = Result
However, when I go to sort it on the website it sorts it based off the previous values.Cell(17) from the datasource reads in all 1's. The numbers I change it to range from 0 to 15. So when I click sort nothing changes because it sees it as all 1's.How can i make the gridivew sort off the changed text values?
I have placed a list box and a text box with Selected Index Changed and Text Changed event repectively in an aspx page. Now If I write somthing in text box and then with out clicking elsewhere select a value in list box, then first Text Changed event of text box is called then selected Index Change event of list box is called. After that again Text Change event of text box is called. Can any body give some insight why this happening? Below is the .aspx code:
I have a text box inside a update panel. With the onTextChanged events, I have a post back set in "True" to show the customer Name and email when I type in the customer ID in the text box. I want to have it show when we leave or Tab out of the text box. Now is working , but only afte I click the submit button. Does anyone know how to code the following in order to make it work right away when we Tab out of the text box.
I have a Datagrid control which is populated with data from an Access database when the page loads - a simple 'Select *' command. This page also contains a text box and a button, the idea being that the user can then filter the data by entering a value in the text box and clicking on the button to pass the new parameter to the datasource.
However, I cannot get this to work, I know it has something to do with 'IsPostback', but I am at a loss. I have tried variations of the following in the code behind page but to no avail.
I am using telerik control to implement my project. For the validation i use asp.net validation controls. Now i need to check duplicate name for name field in the database. I have 2 options1. in the save button click event or custom validator2. after enter the name i can display the error.Here in the second option i have doubt. How can i achieve this ? using textchanged? i am using radtextbox. when i try textchanged some issues in validation controls because of ajax.I am using asp.net 3.5 So i got one new validator named Dynamic Validator. What is the purpose of this. i dint got any good articles to study abouyt this? Can i use this validator here. I read the following forum[URL]but not got any example for dynamic validator. I thought to implement the scenario like some registration form (yahoo) did.When username enterd just diaply duplicate
i have a custom validator i have written a javascript method for this validator;this validator has been pot on a textbox that has auto post back is true .... now this validation fires when the post back happens...i dont want it to fire on the post back but only on button click
I have a bunch of controls in a Content Page ( A registration page, right) to gather information concerning a user. One of controls is for the UserName. I want to check that the UserName is unique so I place code in the TextChanged event of the TextBox control for the UserName. I have abreak point set in the event procedure and it never gets hit! This is my first attempt at using Master/Content pages. I have looked in the MSDN Library for many hours concerning this problem without any success. I need to know how to check whether the UserName is currently in an Access database.
I'm creating a small, private social networking site. I wanted to add 'emoticons' by filtering text such as and replacing it with an image tag. That's easy enough with stringname.Replace() but what i'm wondering is, is there a way to add some sort of a 'filter' that will automatically do that replacement for me on ANY string post back so i don't have to add the replace code to every page?
I'm new to ASP.net 3.5 and testing functionality before developing an asp.net web site. I created a page with a formview. I added several text boxes. I created an event on the FirstName_TextChanged event and added a stop in the sub. When I open the page in the browser and type in some text in the FirstName and press tab, nothing seems to fire.
1) Is this supposed to fire on the client side when text is changed? 2) If so, would the vb.net code entered work like Javascript code on the server? 3) If so again, is it possible to update another textbox based on the text entered into the FirstName on the Client Side (would do this in Javascript in Classic ASP)?
I think I'm totally confused. I've been searching web for article about how to do this.
I want to change the color of my background on a textbox when the user typers stuff. For example I have two textboxes password and confirm password. On the second one if the passwords match I'm going to make the back color white if not red.
I can do this on WinForms easy as, same code on Web Forms and nothing happens. How do i do this???
I have a form where i want to view all columns from a table.I have a textbox and differeent radio button having values of each column.On click of button.I want to view all the columns as per selected row/rows from value given
I want to filter grid view, drop down list should select the column and text box will filter the column. like ID NAME Phone Designation fields in gridview.i will select Designation in dropdown and type programmer in text box .so it should filter programmers from the gridview...
Kindly, see the following image. This is my Gridview with separate paging on the top right of the image. The arrows are Image buttons and the right text box is read only.[URL]
I run my page for the first time everything runs perfect. I move to other pages of the grid still perfect. Then i move to other aspx page and then come back. The page loads perfect with the old page number there still perfect. Now if i press any image button then the text change event fires which should not fire.
Note: i need the text change event as i user randomly enters something in the text box then i have to handle that.
When i return from the other aspx page then the value in the Page Number text box is lets say 4. Then i press the Back image button and a post back happens. The Value in Text box is still the same 4. Then y the event is firing ???
I am not understanding that why this event is firing. On the page load, i retrieve the values from hash table (The hash table is stored in session in base page) and from the hash table i get the pageNo and assign it to the page No text box.
Here, is my one of the image button event. (Remaining image button events are almost same)
My text box change event.
My page load Code: Note: PageUniqueIdr = PageUniqueId retrieved from the QueryString.