Web Forms :: Unable To Get Dropdownlist Control Value At Postback?
Feb 23, 2010
I have 2 - DropdownList controls, which i am filling at severside when page loads. After the user selection in DropdownList1, i am changing the contents in DropdownList2 values. This validation (i.e. changing the contents of Dropdownlist2 values) am doing in Javascript Clientside. But on postback i am not getting the values in DropdownList2. When i say "DropdownList2.Items.Count;" getting "0". I tried to put the contents of DropdownList2 in ViewState on pageload. But i am getting Serialization error at runtime "Viewstate["PersistValues"] = DropdownList2;". I am using html input hidden control to pass the values from server side to clientside for my validation. Now, to meet this requirement i am Binding the DropdownList2 at postback again with first DropdownList1's selected index (This is repeat of logic which i have done in Clientside).
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<squee:Address runat="server" ID="a" Street="123 Fake St" State="VIC" />
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private string CNAM;
private string CEL;
private string SD;
private string SDE;........
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protected void ddl_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender,Eventargs e)
int selecteditem = int.Parse(ddl4.SelectedItem.Value.ToString());
//Even tried ddl.selectedindex = -1 ;
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May 10, 2010
I am having trouble with a dropdownlist and it's values not getting updated after postbacks.
Situation: I have an ASPX page that contains 2 user controls (UC1 and UC2). When the page first loads, controls on both UCs are set properly. My problem comes from the fact that when a dropdownlist on UC1 is changed, I need to reload a dropdownlist on UC2 (based on
the new value). I am raising an event from UC1 to the parent page when the dropdownlist value is changed and inside this method I am telling UC2 to reload it's dropdownlist based on the new value. When stepping through the sequence of events using the debugger, the values in the datatables and dropdownlists (item count) are 100% correct but after running through the logic, the dropdownlist on the page still has it's old values.
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I have found a couple of other forum posts out there that had the same problem but I've tried those resolutions and nothing has worked. In the following examples, the value dt is the 'new' datatable that I wish to bind to the dropdown.I read that before rebinding the dropdownlist, that the Items need to be cleared and the SelectedValue should be set to NULL:
this.dropdownlist.DataSource = dt;
this.dropdownlist.SelectedValue =[code]....
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My problem is that when I change the category in the DropDownList the subcategories doesn't update on a postback. Instead I have to press a button on the page that I know performs a postback to get the subcategories to update. What am I doing wrong here? I'm using this method on another page as well and when comparing them I can't find anything different. Any ideas?
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Nov 29, 2010
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My Code
My Page Source
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Oct 19, 2010
I hve few values in my Drop Down List
i want when ever i Select the Value-"Select " it should not postback it PostBack me when ever i Select the value ("Select Again")
can't use Ajax right now other alternative would be javascript
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May 31, 2010
I have just started with this . I am a new user and i want to know that why we cannot have multiple items selected in a DropDownList?
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Jun 15, 2010
My page has a gridview, and the gridview has a TemplateField called "Acciones" (Actions). The column Acciones has a ImageButton with CommandName "Select" and CommandArgument "Tutor". Thus, the GridView has controlled event "SelectedIndexChanged". The idea is that in GV_SelectedIndexChanged, I must to set DropDownList's SelectedValue property. But, the value seted in this function don't affect the rendered dropdownlist. The debugger talk's that the value is correctly seted, but the visual result don't.
View 4 Replies
Feb 23, 2010
I m unable to refersh my dropdownlist after inserting the records.
i m using this for textboxes...
txtStdWeight.Text = string.Empty;
txtStdHeight.Text = string.Empty;
txtDisabilityPercentage.Text = string.Empty;
txtDisabilityDetail.Text = string.Empty;
txtFoodAllergy.Text = string.Empty;
txtMedicineAllergy.Text = string.Empty;
so how i set dropdownlist to "select" as default after inserting a record.
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