Web Forms :: Write Function For This Algorithm?

Feb 13, 2010

to write function in C#

I need to write function for this algorithm.

The check digit calculation uses the standard method. Suppose you want to calculate the check digit for ID number 10614141192837465.

Step One: From the right to left, start with odd position, assign the odd/even position to each digit.




Step Two: Sum all digits in odd position and multiply the result by 3.

Step Three: Sum all digits in even position.

Step Four: Sum the results of step three and four:

Step Five: Divide the result of step four by 10. The check digit is the number which adds the remainder to 10. In our case, divide 123 by 10 we get the remainder 3. The check digit then is the result of

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&nbsp;&nbsp; {
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; BasePage.ServerPath %>')"

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Using sha As New SHA256Managed
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Dim hash() As Byte = sha.ComputeHash(memStream)
Dim res As String = Encoding.Default.GetString(hash)
End Using
End Using

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