Web Sharing Folder/ Data Pulling Is Pretty Slow ?

Feb 25, 2010

we have a program that we work with with in 2 different locations, both of the program instances must share the same database.what i did is to open Web Sharing folder on our server then i added on both computers this folder to their "My network places" and direct both of application to this folder which contains the database.this is how i direct the program :


D:WNKKWnkk.exe \MyServerktest

it all works fine but there is one problem, the data pulling is pretty slow when it shouldn't we have 100MB download / upload on our server and over 10MB dl/ul in our office.

some pointers:i added the shared web folder to one of our website directory and thats mean that the port the program is using is 80
is port 80 is slower then others?

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MVC :: Sharing A Folder Between Projects?

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I have 2 projects, where they both can upload attachments into a directory.

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Pulling Data From Website In .NET And C#

Jun 14, 2010

I have written a web scraping program to go to a list of pages and write all the html to a file. The problem is that when I pull a block of text some of the characters get written as '�'. How do I pull those characters into my text file? Here is my code:

string baseUri = String.Format("http://www.rogersmushrooms.com/gallery/loadimage.asp?did={0}&blockName={1}", id.ToString(), name.Trim());

// our third request is for the actual webpage after the login.
HttpWebRequest request =
request.Method = "GET";
request.UserAgent = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1)";
//get the response object, so that we may get the session cookie.
HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream());
// and read the response
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StreamWriter SW;
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SW = File.AppendText("C:\Share\" + filename);

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Web Forms :: How To Get The Pretty URL With An ASPX Pages

Mar 25, 2010

How do i get the pretty URL with an ASPX pages. I have listed a couple links below and their associated print page url. As you can see it resembles the Class instantiation method of declaring object but is used for a webpage with its extension.

I was wondering if this method can be used or if this is a URL rewrite to mask all the querystrings and sub directories being referenced. I remember doing stuff like this when i was working on a UNIX system using the .htaccess file to mask effective query
string being shown. I believe they called it a Clean URL, i maybe wrong as it has been well over 8 years since i dealt with the Unix .htaccess file and massaging urls with it.

For instance, look at the MSDN site pages:


Now when you want to print it:


Now you select the same page but choose a different framework than its birth:


and the print URL:http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.servicemodel.actionnotsupportedexception(VS.100,printer).aspx

As you can see they are not visually passing query strings but more like Class parameters. Is this just a simple URL rewrite after the page is loaded so the user doesnt see the query string information?

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Forms Data Controls :: Formview Data - Pulling Data From A SQL Database In Cases The Rows Contain One Or More Null Values

Feb 1, 2011

Using a class component, an Object data source and a formview I am successfully pulliing data from a SQL database. In some cases the rows contain one or more Null values and I would like them to be ignored completely. My simple code follows:-

<%# Eval("add_1") & ","%>
<%# Eval("Add_2") & ","%>
<%# Eval("Add_3") & ","%>


Rose Cottage, 123 New Road, Margate,

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C# - Methods Of Pulling Data From A Database

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Html.ActionLink Showing Query Url Instead Of Pretty Url?

Apr 12, 2010

The Html.ActionLink

<li> ${Html.ActionLink<HomeController>(c => c.Edit(ViewData.Model.Id, ViewData.Model.Title), "Edit")} </li>

When created as html shows the URL to be Edit/5006?title=One . How do I change this to a pretty URL like Edit/5006/One ?

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Forms Data Controls :: Pulling A Value From A Gridview?

Jun 28, 2010

I'm trying to pull a value from a Gridview so that I can create a running subtotal. I've looked at a number of examples but they all seem to fail.

Why does this not work? Each and every reference I try to make to the cells "value", comes up null.

Sample code1:


Sample code2:


In sample code 2, I get the "header text" for the column...but I know the value in the cell...so it fails on a data conversion.

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Web Forms :: ObjectDataSource Concept - From Where Data Is Pulling

Feb 17, 2010

I was hired to do some contract work for a short contract. I am looking at this code on this Aspx web form. What they do is load the labels for a radio button list from an ObjectDataSource object. Well this is the first time I have ever heard of an ObjectDataSource. The problem is that I don't even know where this object is pulling data from. With a SqlDataSource object, I can easily view the flyout menu to see the sql query where the data is being pulled from. Anyway, I need some figuring out where objectDataSourcePlanType lives and where it is pulling data from. I know I can't list the entire project, but I am sure someone who is familiar with ObjectDataSource

<td>Type of Plan</td>
<td><img alt="Required" src="/Images/arrow.png" /></td>
<asp:RadioButtonList ID="radioButtonListPlanType" runat="server" AutoPostBack="True" DataSourceID="objectDataSourcePlanType"
DataTextField="PlanTypeName" DataValueField="PlanTypeId" OnSelectedIndexChanged="RadioButtonListPlanType_SelectedIndexChanged"
RepeatColumns="1" RepeatDirection="Vertical" AppendDataBoundItems="true">
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="requiredFieldValidator10" runat="server" ControlToValidate="radioButtonListPlanType" ErrorMessage="Type
of Plan is required."
SetFocusOnError="true" />
<asp:ObjectDataSource ID="objectDataSourcePlanType" runat="server" SelectMethod="ListPlanTypes" TypeName="Candle.Web.PlanRequest.CommonWeb">

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C# - Pulling Data From Repeater With EnableViewState=false?

Sep 19, 2010

I am trying to avoid enabling EnableViewState..Sample code as you can see has 1 repeater and 2 textboxes inside. I bind the textboxes at page init. After a postback I want to get the updated data from the client & save in a db. The Request.Form contains the data keyed with autogenerated client ids but the repeater has 0 items after the postback. So my options seem limited to.a. Enable viewstate so I can pull the data from the repeater using Control.Find(...)b. iterate through Request.Form and find my textbox values...ultimatly the goal is to to render data from a datatable to some textboxes, allow the user to make changes then save these changes. I'd like to avoid viewstate if there is a clean alternative..ASPX:

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Foo.aspx.cs" Inherits="Ads_Foo" EnableViewState="false"%>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-


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Forms Data Controls :: Pulling A Single Data Element From Checkbox In Gridview

Apr 28, 2010

I have a templated control embedding a checkbox in a GridView I have an event on the checkbox which has a loop that pulls ALL of the checked checkboxes and the associated value. I only want to pull the datavalue of the checkbox that I just checked but the properties/methods associated with that checkbox event are not giving me any sort of index or item.value from which to do this.

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VS 2010 GridView - Show 'pretty Name' Of Class Property?

Jan 10, 2011

I have a class Person that represents a person in my database. This class has a CategoryId property (int) and a Category property (type Category).

Category is a class that represents a category in my database. csharp Code:
public class Person{ public int Id {get; set;} public string Firstname {get; set;} public string Lastname {get; set;} public int CategoryId {get; set;} public Category Category {get; set;}} public class Category{ public int Id {get; set;} public string CategoryName {get; set;}}
I am displaying a list of these Persons in a GridView, and I would like to display the name of the Category (the CategoryName property to be precise). So I define this markup;

xml Code:
<asp:GridView runat="server" ID="personsGrid" AutoGenerateSelectButton="True" AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataKeyNames="Id"> <Columns> <asp:BoundField DataField="Id" HeaderText="Id" /> <asp:BoundField

Usually I would solve this problem by one of two ways:Override the ToString method of the Category class and return the name.
Add a readonly 'CategoryName' property to the Person class, where I return 'this.Category.CategoryName' (and then bind the column to this property instead).

In this case however, I am using the Entity Framework, and the Person and Category classes are automatically generated by the database model. I suppose I could edit the generated code manually, but I don't like that, since any change in the model will cause VS to re-generate the code and my changes would be lost. So these two methods are not going to work...

The simple question remains: how do I make the Category column show the CategoryName property of the object it represents, rather than just the type name?In a DropdownList for example (which I am already using for the user to select a category when creating a person), I can set the DataTextField (to "CategoryName") and DataValueField (to "Id") properties and it displays the right name and uses the right value (the Id). I can't find anything similar for a BoundField though... Am I overlooking something obvious?

Another solution would be if I could tell the Entity Framework model to add another property to my Person class which returns the CategoryName of the Category. I can't find any way to do that though (I am a compleet noob in EF),

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Jquery - Quick Way To Pretty Up A Totally Unstyled Application?

Mar 5, 2010

I have an asp.net app consisting of about 15 aspx pages and 30 or so user controls. For the most part it is just a basic CRUD layer on top of a database, so it consists mainly of edit forms and datagrids.

All of my edit forms are laid out in fieldsets, and I am using plain asp:GridViews for my tables (they render to an html table). Some forms are in serious need of tabs to lay out the elements. I'd really like to be able to style my GridViews with a fixed header and vertical scrollbars.

I have to do a demo in a few days but the problem is, there is no styling whatsoever applied to the html (no classes defined within the html, no CSS at all), and I am very weak with CSS.

So considering my predicament, can anyone offer some advice on how I could get this looking presentable in a very short period of time?

Is there such a thing as pre-existing decent generic CSS files I could download and drop on top of this app that could apply an attractive and consistent look and feel to most elements? Would http://jqueryui.com/ be useful in this particular situation?[URL] looks very attractive, can anyone comment on how easy it would be to globally wire all of my GridViews up with that?

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Forms Data Controls :: Adding Checkbox Functionality To a System / Pulling Data From Gridview

Aug 31, 2010

I am currently adding checkbox functionality to a system. I would like to check a group of users and add them into a db table. I currently have the administrator values flowing into the db table fine but it will not insert the empID into the table from the gridview. Here is my code:[Code]....

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Forms Data Controls :: Time Out Expired While Pulling Data?

Jan 7, 2010

Im generating reports with around 8000 to 10000 records in grid view , my page give me time out error if data exceeds and it gives time out exactly after 30 secs.i have given command time out = 0 in webconfig file , but it still gives me the error . i have been using command time out property in code behind also

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Pulling Similar Data From Multiple Information Sources?

Feb 1, 2011

So I have been trying to follow serenarules posts about persistence layers, but I seem to be missing something.

The persistence layer is an architectural layer whose job is to provide an abstract interface to information storage mechanism(s).

This makes sense to me, but I am still having a hard time with this.

So in what cases is this necessary? When you are pulling similar data from multiple information sources?

View 7 Replies

DataSource Controls :: Unique Numbers For Pulling Data?

Feb 3, 2010

I currently designed a school result portal. If the students want to view their result, they input their student school number in a text box to search out their result. But this is not secured because anybody can look up any students result if you have the number which is even written on their school uniform for identification.

I have being trying to secure this result by trying to generate or code special numbers that the students will input with their school number. The special numbers will be random numbers and may be from 10 and above, it might even contain letters. How do
I code this. I believe this is the best asp.net forum. I want the students to be inputing this special unique numbers and their student numbers so that there result will be avaliable to them.

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Forms Data Controls :: Pulling The Value Of A TemplateField From A GridView?

Nov 23, 2010

I have a GridView, bound to a table (Meals) in a SqlDataSource.

Into that GridView, I have added a TemplateField, which contains a DropDownList (which displays the numbers 1 - 10, added manually; no Data Binding). And, I've added a ButtonField.

When I click the Button, I want the values of some of the GridView rows PLUS whatever value was selected in the DropDownList to be pulled out and stored in a second Sql table (Orders).

Pulling the rows bound to the SqlDataSource is easy but JavaScript is needed (I think) to pull the SelectedValue from the DropDownList. I understand women more than understand JavaScript (that's how little I know) and the code below has been kindly offered by another forum user who is at a loss, himself, now.

Here's the code and the error message I'm getting.



And here's the Code Behind:


No design time errors reported but here's the run time error:

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

On the following line:

Line 28: if (row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)

View 6 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Pulling Data From Gridview To Use In Same Row

Oct 7, 2010

I use a gridview with products, in which one column lists the manufacturer, and the next colum lists the item number.This gridview works fine, but now I want to add a product image on the same row. Instead of using a stored image location, I simply want to make a link to the image like this:

"www.mywebsite.com/images/manufacturer/itemnumber.jpg "where the manufacturer and the itemnumber are the same as displayed in that particular row in the manufacturer and itemnumber columns. I am not versed well enough (yet???) to reuse the data from those two columns.

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DataSource Controls :: Storing And Pulling Data In DB To Get Google Map Location

Jul 22, 2010

I have this simple project which needs to show location on a google map by pulling data from the DB.I am using asp.net, mysql DB, google map and i found out from some website that i needed to use ajax.

The process is like this

1. I have a event form where i have multiple fields to fill in and it includes a Location/Venue fields which i can enter a location by Name(Not the Co-ordination). I am located in Singapore. So all fields will be stored into the DB.

2. I have a webpage displaying a table of the data from the same DB, and it comes with a embedded Google Map. On the table, the value of the Location column will be Hyperlinked, and when i click it, it will act as a search query in the embedded google map and locate the address without reloading the page again(which i believe i gotta use iframe?)

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DataSource Controls :: Appending Data To An SQL Server Database After Pulling From An ODBC?

Jul 15, 2010

I am working on an asp webform that pulls from an ODBC datasource then puts the data in an sql server. Once the data is in the sql server several queries pull data from it to provide information for a report.

This is an example of what I am talking about

void ODBCpdEmployeeAb()
DataTable dt =


The first part gets the data from the ODBC connection and the next part stores it in an sql server table. The problem is I have these methods in the page load event of the webform so everytime it loads it just puts the exact same data in the sql server table which would then provide incorrect information on the report.

Is there a way to append the most recent data from the ODBC table to the sql server ?

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Sharing Data Between Two Web Applications?

Oct 14, 2010

I have a web application (MainApplication) where many of the pages contain a custom Web Control that looks for some content in a cache. If it can't find any data within the cache, then it goes out to a database for the content. After retrieving the content, the Control displays the content on the page.

There is a web application (CMS) in a subdirectory within the aforementioned web application. Users use this CMS to update the content pulled in by the MainApplication.

When a user updates some content using the CMS, I need the CMS to clear the relevant portion of the cache used by the MainApplication. The problem is that, as two different web applications, they can't simply interact with the same static cache object.

The ideal solution would be to somehow share an instance of a cache object between both web applications.

Failing that, what would be the best (performance-wise) way of communicating between the two web applications? Obviously, writing/reading to a database would defeat the purpose. I was thinking about a flat file?

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