What's Another Name Of Constructor

May 10, 2010

What is another name of Constructor?

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Similar Messages:

ADO.NET :: The Constructor Of ObjectContext

Mar 8, 2011

I am confused about the constructor of ObjectContext

// Summary:
// Initializes a new instance of the System.Data.Objects.ObjectContext class
// with a given connection string and entity container name.
// Parameters:
// connectionString:
// The connection string, which also provides access to the metadata information.
// defaultContainerName:
// The name of the default entity container. When the defaultContainerName is
// set through this method, the property becomes read-only.
protected ObjectContext(string connectionString, string defaultContainerName);

I am not understanding the parameters clearly.

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C# - Why Need A Private Constructor

Apr 6, 2010

if a class has a private constructor then it cant be instantiated. so, if i dont want my class to be instantiated and still use it, then i can make it static. what is the use of a private constructor? Also its used in singleton class, except that, is there any othe use ? (Note : The reason i am excuding the singleton case above is because I dont understand why do we need a singleton at all ? when there is a static class availble.

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C# - Why DataClassesDataContext Has No Default Constructor

May 25, 2010

I have a connection string defined in my web.config like:

<add name="LibraryConnectionString" connectionString="Server=.SQLEXPRESS3;Database=Library;Integrated Security=true" />

Well...lI do not understand why when i drag-and-drop tables into a new DataClasses dbml it does not construct a default constructor specifying the connection string. I only have constructor with params like:

public DataClassesDataContext(string connection) :
base(connection, mappingSource)

I do need a default constructor for LinqDataSource..

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MVC :: Model With Parameter In The Constructor?

May 14, 2010

I have the following constrcutors within a Model and I want to click the create button on a previous view and pass the projectID in and call the second Constructor so I have the projectID on this view. Do I need to change the routing in someway to call the constructor with the parameter? -


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Microsoft Unity. Specify A Certain Parameter In Constructor?

Oct 30, 2010

I'm using Microsoft Unity. I have an interface ICustomerService and its implementation CustomerService. I can register them for the Unity container using the following code:

container.RegisterType<ICustomerService, CustomerService>(new TransientLifetimeManager());

If CustomerService has a certain parameter in its constructor (e.g. ISomeService1), I use the following code (I need to specify SomeService1):

container.RegisterType<ICustomerService, CustomerService>(new TransientLifetimeManager(), new InjectionConstructor(new SomeService1()));

No problems here. The problem appears when CustomerService class has two parameters (not one param as in the previous example) in its constructor (e.g. ISomeService1 and ISomeService2). It works fine when I'm using the following code: container.RegisterType(new TransientLifetimeManager(), new InjectionConstructor(new SomeService1(), new SomeService2()));The problem is that I do not want specify SomeService2() for the second parameter. I want to specify only first parameter - SomeService1(). But I get the error that I need to specify none or both of parameters. How can I specify only first parameter of constructor?

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Web Service Error ' It Does Not Have A Parameterless Constructor '?

Aug 7, 2010

I've created a web service , which can a method to set the user credential using Microsoft.Web.Services3.WebServicesClientProtocol. The sample code is :

<WebMethod()> _
Public Sub ClientCredential1(Of TSecurityToken As SecurityToken)_
(ByVal UserCred As Microsoft.Web.Services3.Security.Tokens.UsernameToken)


When I run the web service it gives this error: "Microsoft.Web.Services3.Security.Tokens.UsernameToken cannot be serialized because it does not have a parameterless constructor."

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C# - Availability Of Methods On The Basis Of Constructor?

Jan 19, 2011

I have a Class called Repository for accessing (Read/Write to and from) Database.The projects that require access to the database create an object of Repository and pass the connection string as a constructor parameter for the repository to work for that particular project.
I have few methods in the Repository that i want to be available only if certain connection strings are passed. I don't want them to be available if some different connection string is passed.Is there any way I can accomplish that?I have never used method header technique, if yes, how can i use it? if no, please let me know if there is any other way to achieve my goal.

View 6 Replies

No Parameterless Constructor Defined For Object Error - How To Fix It

Apr 22, 2010

I'm very new to Visual Studio and I am getting this error when trying to update an Oracle table from Gridview using a tableadapter datasource. I've followed the instructions in my text very closely but am at a loss as to why this error is occurring.

Details: System.MissingMethodException: No parameterless constructor defined for this object.

Source Error:


Stack Trace:


this is the stack trace error I am getting. At this point, I'm a little clueless how to resolve it.

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MVC :: Getting Error - No Parameterless Constructor Defined For This Object

Sep 10, 2010

I am doing Music Store sample application.Here my code.







But when i click Save it show Error

Server Error in '/' Application.

No parameterless constructor defined for this object.

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Call The Static Constructor After Creating The Object?

Oct 27, 2010

when we declared as static then we will not create the object to call the static method. then my doubt is how is call the static constructor after creating the object?can you explain cleary?

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Handling Exceptions That Happen In A MVC Controller Constructor?

Apr 22, 2010

What's the best way to handle exceptions that happen from within a controller's constructor?

All I can think of to do is use Application_OnError() or put a try/catch in my ControllerFactory.

Neither of these solutions seem ideal. Application_OnError is to broad - I have some non-mvc content in the site that has its own error handling. Using a try/catch block seems kinda hacky.

If I'm serving different content type -html/text/json/rss.... I would like to be able to handle the exception from within the action method instead of having to write all kinds of conditions to determine what kind of error message to serve.

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MVC :: View Model Class With Parameters In Constructor

Jan 4, 2010

I just struck upon a prime opportunity to further exhibit my MVC ignorance, by way of the following: How can one make use of a custom view model class that has parameters in the constructor? For example, a class that could intitialize various collections/properties based on an IPrincipal object passed in. I've come across several allusions to this scenario, involving a class inheriting DefaultModelBinder which overrides the CreateModel method, but have yet to find an example.


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MVC :: No Parameterless Constructor Defined For This Object - How To Rectify This Error

Jan 3, 2011

I receive the error "No parameterless constructor defined for this object", I have read some post on this forum about this error, but i cannot get it to work.






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MVC2 Error: No Parameterless Constructor Defined For This Object - How To Fix It

Dec 28, 2010

First I incorrectly had my node defined in /shared/web.config instead of the web.config in the root of the WebUI project. I also had not correctly defined my connection string within web.config. I have pasted the proper web.config sections below:


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C# - How To Pass Value In A Constructor To Enable Or Disable A Button In Control

Feb 23, 2011

I am having a constructor on my user control From a main page I just reinitialize the user control.

I tried


BtnAdd is the (aspx button runat server) control I want to disable.

While compiling it does not shows error.But while runtime It throws error saying btnAddis null.

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Web Forms :: When Does The Constructor On A Page In Webpage Lifecycle Get Called

Feb 17, 2010

when does the constructor on a page in asp.net page lifecycle get called?

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How To Abort An ASMX Request Based On Logic In The Constructor

Jul 12, 2010

I have a common base class from which all my ASMX webservice classes will inherit. In the constructor, I want to do some common authentication checks; if they fail, I would like to halt processing right away (subclass's code would not get executed) and return a 401-status-code response to the caller.

However, the common ASPX-like ways of doing this don't seem to work:

Context.Response.End(); always kicks back a ThreadAborted exception to the caller, within a 500-status-code response. Even if I explicitly set Context.Response.StatusCode = 401 before calling End(), it is ignored. The result is still a 500-response, and the message is always "thread-aborted-exception". MSDN suggests I use HttpContext.Current.ApplicationInstance.CompleteRequest() instead. However, this does not stop downstream processing: my subclass's functions are still executed as if the constructor had done nothing. (Kind of defeats the purpose of checking authorization in the constructor.) I can throw a new HttpException. This is a little better in that it does prevent downstream processing, and at least it gives me control over the exception Message returned to the caller. However, it isn't perfect in that the response is still always a 500. I can define a DoProcessing instance var, and set it to true/false within the constructor. Then have every single WebMethod in every single subclass wrap its functionality within an if (DoProcessing) block... but let's face it, that's hideous!

Is there a better / more thorough way to implement this sort of functionality, so it is common to all my ASMX classes?

edit: Accepting John's answer, as it is probably the best approach. However, due to client reluctance to adopt additional 3rd-party code, and some degree of FUD with AOP, we didn't take that approach. We ended up going with option #3 above, as it seemed to strike the best balance between speed-of-implementation and flexibility, and still fulfill the requirements.

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MVC :: Custom Authenticate Attribute With Constructor (Dependency) Injection?

Sep 7, 2010

I have a [BeastAuthenticate] attribute on my controller. The following code works fine but I would like to use Contructor (Dependency) Injection with Unity. The problem is that the attribute will run the contructor with no parameters. terfaces ITMSLogger and IADGroups are setup to use Dependency Injection with TMSLogger and ADGroups respectively. The following code works fine but doesn't use dependency injection for class ADGroups.


I tried the following but I'm getting an error ("Object reference is required...") with "this (adGroups).


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MVC :: System.MissingMethodException: No Parameterless Constructor Defined For This Object - How To Fix This Error

May 11, 2010

I've set up a strongly-typed View and a controller method to save the object represented in that View. The object in question is from a class that uses named parameters with default values. This is not a database object, but rather is the intermediate object that is used for the display and user input. It gets translated into a database object in the service class. Anyway, when I attempt to save the object, I get the following error:

System.MissingMethodException: No parameterless constructor defined for this object.

This is kind of aggravating. I can add a parameterless constructor to the class, and then everything works just fine. I just don't understand why it is necessary. I'm new to named parameters with default values, but the reading and such that I've done has described that method calls with default values do not have to have a 'no-parameter' implementation. You can just call the method with any or none of the parameters specified and everything works as expected. If there is a 'no-parameter' implementation and no params are passed, then that one is used, since it is more specific than the one with default values. Is the behavior somehow different when this is used in the constructor of a class? Why would I have to include a parameterless constructor when I have all the values accounted for? Is the runtime creating an object on the fly as the save method executes, which requires this? The method is like this:


I'm wondering if the object is instantiated by the runtime in order to populate the method parameter, and then assigned values from the form collection. I suppose that would make sense, but I do not understand why this causes an exception. For what reason would a parameterless constructor be required?

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Constructor In Webform - Initialize An Array With A List Of Controls On The Page?

Jun 28, 2010

I have an ASP.NET webform where I initialize an array with a list of controls on the page like this

FileUpload[4] = new FileUpload[4];
public myclass()
fileUpload[0] = FileUpload1;
fileUpload[0] = FileUpload2;

I then use these in the page load and they are all null. they are null in the constructor but why should they be null when used in the page load.

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Controls :: ITextSharp - The Number Of Columns In PDFTable Constructor Must Be Greater Than Zero

Jan 7, 2014

I have an HTML markup which has HTML Table and Images in it. I am using iTextSharp API to convert the HTML markup to PDF. But, unfortunately the iTextSharp fails to export the HTML markup containing the Images & Table to PDF.

Error: The network path was not found.

using iTextSharp.text;
using iTextSharp.text.pdf;
using iTextSharp.text.html;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Text;
using iTextSharp.text.html.simpleparser;

[Code] ....

I know this error is due the Image Path. But, not able to resolve.

I want to create PDF in a folder and not be able to downloadable to user.

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Controls :: ITextSharp - The Number Of Columns In PdfPTable Constructor Must Be Greater Than Zero

May 7, 2015

sb.Append(" <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 class=table1>")
sb.Append(" <div style=text-align: right;>")
sb.Append("<input type=button onClick=window.print() value=Print></input>")
sb.Append("<tr><th align=center Cssclass=theadPO style=background-color: #18B5F0><b>Order SHeet</b> </th></tr>")

[Code] ....

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MVC :: Form Submit Button Error - No Parameterless Constructor Defined For This Object

Jun 2, 2010

I have no idea why my form submit is not passing the model back to the Controller action

Here is the View:


Heres the Controller:


Here is my Model:


By default Index, renders with an empty results set, on button press i want it to go to the "StartSearch" Action, and rerender the index with possibly non-null results set.

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C# - Making Unity And WebForms Error - No Parameterless Constructor Defined For This Object

Sep 7, 2010

Does anyone have any good examples of how to make Unity 1.2 or 2.0 work with ASP.NET WebForms?

I thought I had this figured out, but evidently I'm missing something. Now I'm getting the error; "No parameterless constructor defined for this object". I remember getting this error a couple years ago, I and just don't remember what I did.

Obviously Unity isn't working as it should because somewhere along the way I've forgotten something.

Here's some of my code:



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