What's The Best Practice For Displaying The Contents Of A DataSet In MVC V1.0
Jul 12, 2010
I am long familiar with using the ASP.net GridView in ASP.net forms to display the contents of DataSet on a web page. What is the best practice for displaying the contents of the DataSet in ASP.net MVC? I can add the DataSet to my DataVew dictionary in my controller, but I'm unsure of how to display it in the View page.
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Jan 12, 2011
I have a problem that I have been trying to solve the past two days, but I cannot figure it out...I have a folder which will have 60-70 Excel Files or CSV Files (they are right now). There are no headers in them, but they all have the same # of columns and the columns are in the same order in each fileI need to read each file in the folder, grab the data from the file and put it in a Database file. So all files will be read and then the data from them I guess put in a DataSet and then put into a Database (SQL).
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Feb 9, 2011
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Mar 21, 2011
My master page is left navigation bar. It displays correctly on my aspx pages, but the other content of the aspx page is displayed right underneath the master page content. I don't want anything to be displayed under the left navigation bar. I want the other stuff to be displayed on the right side of the navigation bar. Is their any way I can do that. below is my code
<%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Views/Shared/NavigationMenu.Master" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<dynamic>" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="CIS_NG.Models.Menu" %>
<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="titleContent" runat="server">
<asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent" runat="server" >
<h2>Welcome to CS page</h2>
i want the "welcome to Cs page" displayed right next to my left navigation bar that is coming from my master page. I can do this to avoid it
<div style="text-align: center;"><h2>Welcome to CS-NG</h2>
but I thought if I write somthing in the content page, it will automatically come to right side of the page.
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Jan 4, 2010
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Jun 25, 2010
It'll be hard to explain, but here goes...I have a 3-col table that measures 1200px wide... the middle column measures 800px and includes all the contents, and both remaining rows measure 200px each and have "nice-to-display-but-optional" images (each has a 200px image).On a 1400px display, my table will display with no problems. On the other hand, if the screen is 1000px, then it'll display the scrollbars so it can fit the 1200px of contents.
How can I set the table (or any other html container) so that a 1000px screen only displays what fits on the screen without displaying the scrollbar?In this case, a 1000px would display the middle 800px column, and whatever fits on the sides (half of the 200px images). But the scrollbars would not be displayed, and the images would not be altered so that they fit in the remaining space.
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Mar 29, 2011
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When I loop through the tables/rows/columns collections no data is displayed.
Here is my code :
And I am viewing the dataset with this code:
I am getting no error message and there should be data returned becaue I can execute the SPROCS through the VS serve explorer without a problem.
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Jun 25, 2012
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Mar 31, 2011
In my project I work with Entity Framework (LINQ to ENTITY). I only have ADO.NET Entity Data Model and a DAL (Data Access Layer). I also get the data due a WCFClientService. I have a gridview that needed to be exported in Excel.
FlexCel is a tool for generating Excel files based on a template. The only thing I see in demo's is that they work with DataSets.
Is there a way to convert the data in my gridview to a virtual DataSet?
I've written the following method to get the data:
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Jan 9, 2011
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Jan 18, 2010
What I am thinking is this? Is it possible for me to upload the data from an excel file to dataset of my application first, so that the user can view the data in a gridview to review it first, before the user strike the save button, to save it in the database. So, that in case there is a problem, the gridview will high light all the data with an error. So the user can easily pull out the excel and correct the data before saving it in the database.
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Mar 5, 2010
how do i copy required row in dataset to a new dataset. i have bind a xml into a dataset and i need to display say row 3 to 5 only so i do a for loop but i have encounter problem when trying to copy the rows to a new dataset.
do i have to write the xml to datatable and bind it to dataset and from there copy over ?
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Dec 21, 2010
I have a detailsview, template as follows:
Codebehind: creating dataset, getting data from sql with adaptor and filling into dataset object, then setting detailsview's datasource.
I add 2 button to above template to able to edit data at asp page, and added event handlers:buttons:
My question is, what to do inside the detailsview update event function to able to edit and update data. My method can be wrong too.
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May 4, 2010
I have a paramater Country Which have options to select 10 different countries.. i am using 10 tablix one for each country .... When i select a country , only one tablix Gets visible and the other 9 tablix gets invisible.. The problem is that all the invisible tablix are calling sp that is dataset ... Cause it is reducing the performance of the report......how can i assign empty dataset to the tablix or conditionally change the dataset for the tablix based on a parameter...
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Aug 13, 2010
I have a table that stores songs and plays counter.
Here's the code:
//Increse plays counter
string ip = Request.UserHostAddress;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ip))
if (Cache["plays:" + trackID + ":" + ip] == null)
Cache["plays:" + trackID + ":" + ip] = true;
I wonder what would be a better practice, store many cache items(like this) or store one item like a ArrayList that would contain the users who already heard that song. Is there any difference?
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Jun 14, 2010
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Sep 16, 2010
I am a beginner of C# programming. I have read a few books about C#.net. But I cannot find some exercises in the books. Someone told me to build up a blog to practice my coding.
But it is a huge task for a beginner. I just want some tasks to have a step by step learning process.
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Oct 20, 2010
I just noticed that I can save a lot of spacing by not using "as" when declaring variables, in some cases (not sure if this is something new in VS2010). For example:
Dim Name as string = "Bob"
works the same as:
Dim Name = "Bob"
I prefer the latter as some of my type declarations can be very long due to the library I am working with, and omitting the types simplifies the lines and makes them more readable. I am wondering a few things:
1. Do the two methods function at all differently?
2. Is this a bad practice, or generally excepted?
3. Is there a name for this?
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May 15, 2010
I want to reduce postback in one of my application page and use ajax instead. I used the WebMethod to do so.. I have a static WebMethod that needs to access the session variables and modify. and on the client side, i am calling this method using jQuery. I tried accessing the session as follows:
public static void TestWebMethod()
The values are displayed correctly and seems to work.. but i would like to know if this practice is allowed as the method is a static methods and would like to know how it will behave if multiple people access the application.I would also like to know how developers do these kind of tasks in ASP if this is not the right method.
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Apr 27, 2010
1) All users can browse open web site content.
2) To access memebrs area users must login.
3) Users can create , edit/update, delete there profile/information only.
4) Users can see / view other users profiles.
5) Admin can browse, create, edit/update, delete an any profiles.
I found many different ways to implement it, but what the best practice. May be you can point me in right direction.
Application Web based, MsSQL 2005, .NET 3.5, Server 2003.
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Feb 19, 2011
vs2010 (express)
.net 4.0
SQL 2008 (express)
Entity Framework
I'm curious as to whether there is a well known way to add a column to a SQL table as a global change in MVC 3.
"Global change" referring to adding a column from database to UI... can someone please outline the fundamental steps.
(i.e., 1. add column in SQL table. 2. update .edmx (replace relative tables) 3. ...)
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