Where To Define Common Functions

Jan 22, 2010

where should commonly used utility functions (to be used in multiple .aspx files) be coded? I currently have these common funcs in an .ascx user control that's referenced in each .aspx file.

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Web Forms :: Looking For Common Functions?

Dec 20, 2010

is there any websites that holds common functions such as Check the input is string or not, convert date in different format etc.,?

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C# - Create A Common Unit Test Function To Check All Functions Based On Parameter?

Dec 23, 2010

I want to create a common unit test function to check all functions based on parameter

for e.g


what logic should i write inside this method so that by passing a actual function in parameter methodname and then the common method should execute that function and should return the output.

i am using entity framework for all functions which has been created in my project and now i dont want to create a separate unit test function for each function.just one function should do the job based on different parameters...

is that possible.. ?

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AJAX :: The Requested Script Resource 'Common.Common.js' Requires Version 'ControlToolkit, Version=4?

Aug 11, 2010

I have a solution I'm working on in VS2010 Professional, using ASP.NET 4.0 with the AJAX Toolkit.This has been working fine, but when I started it up today, I got the runtime exception shown above. This exception occurs on any page with a control from the toolkit.Sometimes when I load a page, I get an exception "Could not load file or assembly 'System.Windows, Version=, Culture=neutral, ublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified." If I then reload the page (without making any changes), I then get the exception shown in the subject line.I tried dragging an AJAX Toolkit control from the toolbox onto a page, and then deleting it, and that worked - once. The next time I tried the page (or any other), I got the exception again. Dragging a control out didn't help this time.

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ADO.NET :: Get All Items Common?

Oct 21, 2010

List<user> Collection1 =new List<user>
List<user> Collection2 =new List<user>

I have to get all items common to both the collection using linq .Even though the object user has a lot of properties I just want to compare FirstName and LastName how can i get the items not in Collection1 but not in Collection2 using the same comparison rule

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Define The Selected Value For This?

Sep 22, 2010

<select name="MessageType" style="width: 151px">
<option value="P">P - Proprietary</option>
<option value="B">B - BCBSA</option>
<option value="S">S - Place Specific</option>

How to set the selected value for this Dropdownlist box?

<%=p.MessageType%>.. this is the value I am getting from database so that In my Grid what ever the Value coming form database it will show in the Dropdownlistbox on the Grid now its showing me as Default value P even Database value B

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URL Rewriting To A Common End Point?

Jun 10, 2010

I want to create an asp.net white-label site [URL], that could be styled for each of our clients according to their specific needs. So for example, client abc would see the site in their corporate colours and be accessed through their specific url http://abc.com. Likewise client xyz would see the site in their own styling and url http://xyz.com.

Typing either url, in effect, takes the user to http://whitelabel.com where the styling is applied, and the client's url structure is retained.

I was thinking of URL rewriting using URLRewriter.Net [URL], or similar, mapping the incoming address to a client id and applying the theme accordingly. So, a url rewrite rule may be something like

<rewrite url="http//abc.com/(.+)" to="~/$1?id=1" />
<rewrite url="http//xyz.com/(.+)" to="~/$1?id=2" />

I could then read the id, map it to the client, and with a bit of jiggery-pokery, apply the correct theme.

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MVC :: Common _Layout For All Areas?

Feb 7, 2011

Where should I put my common _layout.cshtml file for all of my Areas?

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Sharing A Common DAL Between WPF, Silverlight, And .NET?

Oct 5, 2010

What is the best method/technology to sharing the same data access layer between WPF, Silverlight, and ASP.NET? I am using ADO.NET Entity framework, and was thinking of a creating a DAL using the Repository pattern.Then using the RIA Services as a dummy middle man to connect Silverlight and ASP.NET. Is this a solid plan or are there other better solutions out there?

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Use Common Web.config For Solution In Dot Net?

Mar 5, 2011

I am going to develop the web application in asp.net. where as in this application there is 4 user perspectives. all are independent all togather. but I want to develop under the single web solution. also want to create the number web applications for each user perspective, under this solution. so can i use common web.config file for this solution? what will impact ? if can not then how to manage the config files so that I need to change configuration at once (if need in future)

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Best Way To Define Database Path

Aug 12, 2010

the best way to define the Database Path as i m using

MyDbPath = "D:ASP SitesHwMan ADOApp_DataHwMan.mdb"
Conn = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;data source=" & MyDbPath)

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Finding C/C++ #define Equivalent

Jun 1, 2010

Can you let me know the equivalent of C/C++ #define in asp.net?

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AJAX :: Can Define Or Use 2 CollapseControlID

Jan 19, 2010

Can I define or use 2 "CollapseControlID"? If yes how?CollapseControlID="ATTCoachSubmitButton; CoachPanel"

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C# - How To Define Variable In Repeater

Jan 26, 2010

I like to handle and compare a lot of date times in my repeater even I have to work more than one time with the same.

It's a bit ugly, to cast everywhere the Eval("MyDate") like ((DateTime)Eval("MyDate")) to substract 2 datetimes or to compare it, even if you have to do this more than in one operation.

I thought of saving all the evals in a var at start of the repeater?

DateTime mydt1 = Eval("myDate");
DateTime mydt2 = Eval("mydate");

after that, it's easy to do any operations in the whole repeater. Hope you understand my idea. Is this possible? I tried short but everytime errors.

mydt1 - mydt2....

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C# - How To Define A Global Variable In Web App

Nov 13, 2010

I want client access a data center but without use database , so I want my web app can retain a global or Application session variable, that contains the data, every client can access the same data... I am try to declare in golabl, but seem it only can store String but others ..

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C# - Define A Variable Of Different Types?

Feb 8, 2011

to define a variable/property of more than one type. Let's say i want a property TextWebControl that is a WebControl and also implements Web.UI.ITextControl(f.e. like a TextBox or Label). But i don't want to enforce that it is a TextBox or Label, but only one that inherits from WebControl and also implements ITextControl so that it also would work with controls added in future releases of .Net-Framework.

.Net-Framework 4.0

Edit: I have retagged the question and added VB.Net because it's my default language. Normally it's no problem for me to understand C# also, but i must admit that it's difficult to translate generic stuff to VB.Net without experiences and it's also better documentated in C# than in VB. So i would appreciate(and aceept) a working example of a VB.net generic type of ITextControl/WebControl.

From Marc's answer i understand that i need a generic class. But how do i instantiate it in SomeClass? This won't compile:

Class SomeClass
Public Property info As InfoControl(Of WebControl, ITextControl)
End Class

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Is Possible Define Different Profiles A The Same Time

Jun 17, 2010

Is possible define different profiles a the same time?

I have two type of users in my web site and they have different properties.

Using asp.net profile is possible to define two or more profiles with distinct properties?

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C# - Better And Safer Way Than Using: #define DEBUG

Feb 11, 2011

In one of my asp.Net pages I want to set some properties of a user control so that it behaves differently to make things easier and faster while I debug and test my page.I want to compile the code block where I set my properties only if I am running the VS in DEBUG. I know I can use conditional compiling

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Define Using Statements In Web.config?

Apr 16, 2010

I'm using MySql in my asp.net project. But I don't want to type every "using MySql.Data.MySqlClient;" statement in every aspx.cs/aspx.vb file. How can I define this lines in web.config file?

I've defined some namespaces like below but this only works for aspx pages:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<compilation debug="false" targetFramework="4.0"/>
<add namespace="System.Web.Configuration"/>
<add namespace="MySql.Data"/>
<add namespace="MySql.Data.MySqlClient"/>

related question : Define common namespaces for code pages in Web.Config

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MVC :: Can Not Define ActionLink In View?

Dec 30, 2010

i have a view that i need to add the following code to it :-

<%= Ajax.ActionLink( "event",
"Register", "ArticleComment" new { id= Model.article1.Article_ID },
new AjaxOptions { UpdateTargetId="rsvpmsg" }) %>

but it raised a red line under Ajax.ActionLink indicating that it do not contain definition for ActionLink

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MVC :: Have 2 Functions One For Post One For Get?

Dec 23, 2010

it is possible to make 2 functions with the same name (and the same overload.. lets say both doesnt get anything in and return an action result)in the same controllerone for t
ne for get

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How To Have Common Layout For Multiple Websites

Dec 18, 2010

we are working on a portal which will have multiple websites sites loaded in same container meaning there will be a

1)Top Header showing Portals name and currently loaded app's name

2)left hand side frame having menu which will list applications which are independent of one another.Each of these application is hosted on different servers sharing same DNS name for ex .

i) [URl]

ii) [URl]

3) Righ hand frame ::this is very individual applications pages will load with there own submenu.

Now top header and left hand side menu are common across the applications while the contents in right hand frame will application specific. How can I achieve this using master page ,without requiring indivdual application to have same master page copied in there virtual directory

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What Are The Most Common And Widely Used Plugins For Hudson

Apr 16, 2010

I searched around stackoverflow and could not find any relevant questions.

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MVC :: How To Do Multiple Projects With Common Views

Mar 9, 2011

I'm looking at doing a pair of MVC applications. One of the application will be a public website and the other for a POS kiosk. There will be some common views between the two applications. I'm considering having a single Visual Studio solution that will contain the two projects. But, I'm not sure how I can go about sharing the common views between the two projects, without just copy and pasting.

Is there way of doing it? Or should I be looking at using a different approach?

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How To Setup A Common Error Page

Jan 29, 2011

How do you setup a common error page in ASP.NET ?

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