- Deserialize The JsonResponseItem Class Don't Need The Index Reference?

May 28, 2010

I have a simple class in mvc that looks like this:


It deserializes it so I have to reference everything by index first, because of the list. So if I had a property called "IsValid" I would have to reference it like this "IsValid[0]". I have way too much javascript code to make these changes.How could I deserialize the JsonResponseItem class so I don't need the index reference in there?

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How To Send A XmlSerializer Class To A WebService And Then Deserialize

May 29, 2010

to be able to send a XmlSerializer class (which is generated obvious in remote C# application) over a WebService that will then deserialize it into a class. (I didnt know it its possible either)
XmlSerializer mySerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(SystemInfo));
StreamWriter myWriter = new StreamWriter(textBox1.Text);
mySerializer.Serialize(myWriter, sysinfo);
public void Reports(XmlSerializer xmlSerializer)

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State Management :: Serialize/Deserialize A Custom Class In And Out Of A Session

Mar 18, 2011

I'm trying to save a custom class in a session, but it just never gets saved, along with other sessions. Note that my SessionMode = STATESERVER, and i cannot change it to INPROC as per our business requirement. This is my class

public class User : ISerializable
private int _userId;
public int UserId
get { return _userId; }
set { _userId = value; }
//custom class
private TDB.tdbUser _tdbUserDetails;
public TDB.tdbUser tdbUserDetails
get { return _tdbUserDetails; }
set { _tdbUserDetails = value; }
//collection of custom class Sites
private List<Sites> _assignedSites;
public List<Sites> AssignedSites
get { return _assignedSites; }
set { _assignedSites = value; }
public User()
//Constructor code
protected User(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
this._userId = (int)info.GetValue("_userId", typeof(int));
this._assignedSites = (List<Sites>)info.GetValue("_assignedSites", typeof(List<Sites>));
this._tdbUserDetails = (TDB.tdbUser)info.GetValue("_tdbUserDetails", typeof(TDB.tdbUser));
[SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Flags = SecurityPermissionFlag.SerializationFormatter)]
void ISerializable.GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
info.AddValue("_userId", this._userId);
info.AddValue("_assignedSites", this._assignedSites);
info.AddValue("_tdbUserDetails", this._tdbUserDetails);

The calling code is just this: (User)HttpContext.Current.Session["TDBUSER"];

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Visual Studio :: Class Diagram And Show Reference Id Of Other Class?

Jul 12, 2010

am using class diagram of visual studio 2008as you can see the image i need show to user that the period and calendar classes have the idMarket property that refers to market classhow can i do this?

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Reference JSON Columns By Index In JQuery?

Feb 15, 2011

I am looping through a JSON table using jquerys foreach operator. I am having to reference the the columns by name e.g:

$.each(items, function (index, item) {
if (item.CustomerFname == "Bob") {
alert(item.CustomerFname + " " item.CustomerSname)

Whereas I would like to be able to say something like:


Ultimately I'm trying to make this function dynamic with respects to the json list I pass in which will of course mean that the column names will change. However I would like to perform the same operations on the columns...

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VS 2005 Insert Reference To VB Class In C#

Mar 3, 2010

Have a C# application. I have made reference to a vb class (.dll) called Cat_Feed_Export_to_JDE and I need to instantiate and call this class with a string parameter. I do not know C# and not sure how to code this.

public void HandleMessage(Object message)
Here, instantiate class and call with string parameter

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Added Reference, Class Is Still Not Defined?

Oct 28, 2010

I have a web site project where I need to use the System.Security.Cryptography.Xml.SignedXml class. I added the Dll System.Security as a reference and imported the namespace into my project. It compiles successfully but when I debug the project I get a compilation error:Compiler Error Message: BC30002: Type 'System.Security.Cryptography.Xml.SignedXml' is not defined.What gives?Edit: I run Windows XP Pro 64bit OS

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MVC :: Can't Reference To Some Properties In Model Class

Mar 31, 2010

I'm reading a bit of Pro ASP.NET MVC Framework and following a few tutorials written in the book. In the very first tutorial, creating a MVC site for dinner (PartyInvites), I encoutered this problem. While I try to reference some properties from Model class, the compilation error occured. Eg. the following code failed.


and the error message

Compiler Error Message:
CS1061: 'object' does not contain a definition for 'Name' and no extension method 'Name' accepting a first argument of type 'object' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) I imported the Model folder into the controller too. I dunno what I'm missing here. Sorry, if it sounds a bit umm hard to understand cuz I just started picking up MVC this morning. Looking for any input.

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Web Forms :: Programmatically Reference The Class Name In Code - Behind VB?

Jun 17, 2010

I am writing an application that does it's own logging in a SQL table. On each page, I statically assign this variable: Dim page = "page_01.aspx" I've noticed that page is ALWAYS equal to the name of the Partial Class of the code-behind + the suffix ".aspx" Is there any way to programatically set the string to equal the name of the Partial Class, so I don't have to statically code it on each page? Basically, I want to assign the name of the current class to a string, and append ".aspx" to it. Can I do this, or does that get lost in the compilation?

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Why Use Reference Of Abstract Class To Create Object

Jul 22, 2010

Why do we use the reference of abstract class (or base class) to create object of it's sub-class. eg: TextWriter is the abstract class for StreamWriter & StreamWriter.

TextWriter writer = new StreamWriter();

why can't we simply use :

StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter();

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Web Forms :: Reference Same Csharp Class Files

Jan 20, 2010

i have 2 class file business logic layer in c sharp but my application is in ie my code (aspx.vb) file contains the code for th epage is it possible to reference the same csharp class files in the .aspx.vb file.

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C# - How To Add A Reference To A Web Application Project In An Associated Class Library

May 13, 2010

I'm working on an internet application that has been set up as a web SITE project (I know...) in Visual Studio. I need to add additional features/functionality so have added a class library to the project and referred to it in the main web site project.

The issue now arises because I need to make use of core objects which live inside the App_Code directory in the web site project but this project doesn't appear to expose its DLL like web app/ code library projects do. Because of this I can't add a reference to the web site project in the class library to leverage the common site-wide code/objects.

I can't move the stuff out of App_Code so I'm looking for a way to refer to the website project dll from the new class library.

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Dropdown List As Reference Arugment To A Class?

Jan 15, 2011

i need to search and find in dropdown list in my project a lot of times, so i wrote a function

Public Overloads Function findInList(ByVal strValue As String, ByRef ddl As DropDownList, ByVal findType As ddlFindtype) As Integer
If findType = ddlFindtype.byText Then
Dim li As ListItem = ddl.Items.FindByText(strValue)[code]...

it is in a class and obviously it is not working,the ddl is loaded in a aspx page , and it is passed to this function as reference.the ddl as reference is not containing its values from the aspx page.

i need to what i am doing is correct, or is there any other way to achieve it.

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DataSource Controls :: Can Not Reference Tableadapters From A .cs Class?

Apr 1, 2010

i've created a dataset, and created inside it a datatable and its table adapter.

when i try to reference the table adapter in a .cs class i get an error message that i'm missing some namespace:

Compiler Error Message: CS0246: The type or namespace name 'DataSet1TableAdapters' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

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C# - Event Handler Reference From Utility Class?

Jan 19, 2010

I have this method that I'm currently putting in each page I make, I know there should be a good way to move it to a single place for ease of maintenance and simplicity. I'm just not sure how I should handle the event handler. The event handler needs to be on each page, so how would I pass in a reference to the page properly so I can reference the event handler?

private void InsertLinkButton(string text, string id, UpdatePanel updateSummary)
LinkButton link = new LinkButton();
link.Text = text;
link.Click += new EventHandler(link_Click); <------
link.CausesValidation = false;
AsyncPostBackTrigger trigger = new AsyncPostBackTrigger();
trigger.ControlID = link.ID = "link" + id;
trigger.EventName = "Click";
Utils.Tag(link, placeHolderSummary);

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.net - Reference Session.Contents Form A Class?

Aug 6, 2010

This is an ASP.NET 2010 web app written in vb. I use several Session variables. I want to pass them all to a central class and let the class manage them. However, I am having some trouble.

Here is the code on the calling page:

Dim arrGoodSessions() As String ={"nameofsession1", "nameofsession2", "nameofsession3"}

It calls that static Utilties class. I have set a reference to System.Web. Here is the code in the class:

Imports System.Web
Imports System.Web.SessionState
Imports System.Web.SessionState.HttpSessionState
Imports System.Web.HttpContext


This attempts to simply read in some names of session variables and then cycle through all session variables and remove any I didn't list. This works when all of the cod eis on the page. But when I move this to the class, it doesn't recgonize Session.Contents.

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WCF / ASMX :: Creating A Proxy Class Over Web Reference?

May 11, 2010

When should I go for creating a proxy class for a web service and when should I go for adding web reference to web service.

Are there any specific advantages of using proxy class over web reference?

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How To Reference A Field In Another Class In A Separate Aspx Page, Using C#

Aug 19, 2010

I have a 2D array of doubles in my Default class on my Default.aspx.cs page, like so:

protected Double[,] time;

By the time the page loads, I have populated this array from a database. Now, I want to reference this array in another file (Diff.aspx.cs) to avoid visiting the database again. Also, the data is used in a read-only fashion.

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C# - Reference An ASP Control Inside A Function Or Class Method?

Oct 7, 2010

How do you reference an control on your page inside a function or a class.
private void PageLoad(object sender, EventArgs e)
//An example control from my page is txtUserName
ChangeText(ref txtUserName, "Hello World");
private void ChangeText(ref HtmlGenericControl control, string text)
control.InnerText = text;
Will this actually change the text of the txtUserName control?
I tried this and is working
private void PageLoad(object sender, EventArgs e)
ChangeText(txtUserName, "Hello World");
private void ChangeText(TextBox control, string text)
control.Text = text;

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Intellisense/Reference To Static Class Object Lost

Jul 21, 2010

We have a Static class that 's called CData in our c# app.It handles all the data layer CRUD functionality on our pages.

Problem is, were are losing the intellisense reference in our pages to it.For example: we would expect to type CData.(dot) and have a list of methods and properties available to us.

Nope. Not there.

I kind of thought it was because the file was getting too long at 3000 lines of code, since some other static classes were working ok.

So then I thought that I'd try wrapping the CData Class in a namespace. That worked, but of course I had to put an include statement of the top of each page that's using CDATA, also, now some of the other developers are getting errors in there pages complaining about missing methods that are in CDATA, but their pages are not seeing.

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AJAX :: Class Library Reference For The Toolkit Controls

Jun 17, 2010

Is there a class library reference for the AJAX toolkit controls. I would like to see all of the properties and methods of the Accordian control.

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Unable To Add Reference To System.Web In A Class Library Project

Mar 18, 2011

Does anyone know what could be the reason I am not able to add reference to System.Web. It gives an exclamation(!) symbol in front of the dll under reference folder in VS 1020. I wand to refer to System.Web.Security.MembershipProvider class.

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Web Forms :: Access Page Object Reference In Class?

May 27, 2012

I am trying to develop logic to add dynamic controls to page via class method. So I want to know how can we access the ASP.Net Page object reference in class method.

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Get A Reference To The Current Class (ascx Or Aspx) Given A Member Object?

Mar 14, 2011

Given an instance of a control SomeControl that is in a some file (could be a usercontrol/ascx, or an aspx) how can I get a reference to the class to which it belongs?

In a usercontrol, SomeControl.NamingContainer seems to be reliable.

In a page that inherits from a MasterPage, this will return a reference to the ContentPlaceHolder, not the actual class that defines the aspx. What I would want in that case is SomeControl.Page

Parent will return the parent control in the heirarchy so isn't much use.

Is there any method for getting this directly regardless of what kind of thing it is?

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Web Forms :: How To Reference A Master Page Control From A Static Class

Feb 15, 2011

my MasterPage I have a label that reflects the name of the module that the user is currently in. I change the label text accordingly using the following ..

private void ChangePageTitle(string PageTitle)
Label lblPageTitle = (Label)Master.FindControl("lblPageTitle");
lblPageTitle.Text = PageTitle;

Instead of placing this method in the code-behind of every page, I want to put it in a single class and call it accordingly. I thought of using a static class but do not know how to reference the MasterPage.Can I use a static class? or do I place the method in the code-behind of one page and call Object.Method from the other pages?

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