Aspxerrorpath For Page That Exists?

Mar 15, 2011

I added a new directory and page to my website. when I try to browse to this new page I get redirect to my Default.aspx page with ?aspxerrorpath= appended to the query string.IIS shows the page is visible. The page is there. Why would I not be able to access this page?

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Remove Aspxerrorpath At Redirect?

Sep 13, 2010

When I use:


Always to this url /?aspxerrorpath=/somepath/somepage.aspx is possible to disable this param?

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C# - DirectoryInfo And Path.GetDirectoryName - Exists Method Returns False While Exists?

Dec 13, 2010

I would like to check whether a folder exists or not if not create. I'm sure this folder exists, but for some reason I get "false" when I check with "Exists" method.

The only reason I think could be because of the W: drive? I moved this application to production site and even there it returns false.

while I'm type in Windows explorer on my localhost and on the server "W:/Webs/ASPPages/cropper/uploads" it opens this folder. So my localhost and IIS server has W: mapping.

for test I tried to create the folder then it says can't find the path...

userFolderName = @"W:/Webs/ASPPages/cropper/uploads"
//I also tried @"W:WebsASPPagescropperuploads"
//I also tried @"W:WebsASPPagescropperuploads"
//I also tried "W:\Webs\ASPPages\cropper\uploads"
DirectoryInfo dirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(userFolderName);........

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Link To A Page That Only Exists With A Postback?

Jan 17, 2011

I am trying to link to a third-party site. On that site is a list of links, and I need to be able to link my site to destination of one of those. The problem is that the links are not going to URLs, they're using ASP.NET postbacks to display the description of each item in the list.

Here is the URL where the list is. I want to be able to link to specific entries in this list.


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MVC :: Check If JavaScript Exists On The Page?

Nov 5, 2010

I created a mvc helper that add some textbox with javascript.

I want to check if JavaScript file already exists on the page and if not I need to add it to the end of the page.

How can I do it in MVC 2?

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Javascript - How To Check Whether A Certain Text Box Exists In A Page

Feb 9, 2010

Suppose I have a master page where I have written some javascript to access the value of a particular text box, which resides in one of its content pages, but not in all the pages. This piece of javascript code can't be moved to that particular content page because of some restrictions.

Now I need a way to determine whether or not that text box exists in the page, which will imply that the content page containing that text box has been loaded.

How I can I do that in javascript?

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Page Redirect On Page_Load IF Record Exists?

Nov 13, 2010

I have an default.aspx page that I'm trying to have redirect the user to a different page depending on whether or not their deviceId is stored in the SQL Server database. It should direct the user to the login.aspx if the record for the user is found or to the newdevice.aspx page if there was no record found. I want this to occur on Page_Load but have not been able to figure it out so far.

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Web Forms :: Check If Control Exists On Master Page Or Web Form?

Nov 9, 2010

I have a function that loops through the control on my page to set attributes. This works fine, except that I only want the attributes to bet set on the controls on the content page, and not on the master page. Is it possible to check where the control resides? Or to only loop through controls on the content page?

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Web Forms :: With - In A Javascript Function Of Content Page - Find Control That Exists On Master?

Jan 24, 2011

I have a control on a master page called "panel1". I would like to access it from my Javascript on the content page. I have tried var panel1 = document.getElementById('<%= panel1 %>'); It doesn't work since it is on the Master page.

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Jquery - Check Email Availability With Ajax And Make Page Invalid If Exists

Sep 24, 2010

I'm trying to performa an ajax validation for e-mail address. I need to know if user is already registered so I need to check it in my database. There is similar example:


My current code is:


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SQL Reporting :: Reportviewer 2010 Is Coming With Blank Screen / Data Exists On The Page But Not Showing On The Screen

Mar 24, 2011

I have upgraded web application from VS.2008 to vs 2010. I was using previously ReportViewer 2008 control in a page and replaced with 2010 ReportViewer Control.

I have installed the ReportViewer Redistributable also in my local pc as well as in the server. Also as per the new requirement I have placed the Scriptmanager in the web page where the reportviewer control located.

While running the page, the reportviewer run the report and is not showing the data on the screen. It shows the blank screen. But If I export the data to execl or world it is showing the data. Also the page numbers in the reportviewer showing the total pages available in the navigation bar. I am sure the report is running and bringing the data to the screen but not showing it.

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.net - Row Does Not Exists In DB- Exception?

Oct 25, 2010

We have a dataset dsActualCost which fetches query value: MonthName in one column and Cost in another.
We have a code to display data in table format.

For MonthIndex = 0 To dsMonth.Tables(0).Rows.Count - 1
Dim tdMonthlycost As New TableCell
If dsActualCost.Tables(0).Rows.Count > 0 Then


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ADO.NET :: Cannot Add An Entity That Already Exists

Aug 2, 2010

I ma trying to update a sql table using linq using the below code and i get the subject error.


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How To Check If A Record Exists

Jul 26, 2010

I tried to illustrate the problem by providing the following instructions, unfortunately the data was deleted and the example failed. It is now working. I have been working through one of Scott Mitchells ASP.NET Application Tutorials Title "Using TemplateFields in the GridView Control"

The URL is ...

The example demonstrates a temporary field being used in different ways, one of which involves dates in a Calender. If the HireDate in the example is deleted or not available the program fails. Providing the date is a valid date it works fine....

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Get An Error / Key Already Exists In This Method

Jan 6, 2010

I want to know how it is possible that I get an error like this: key already exists in this method:


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Database Already Exists Choose A Different Name?

Apr 1, 2010

Here's the case I created this Permias.mdf on another solution that I had and then after that I decided not to use that solution and created a new website from visual studio and copy and paste the .mdf file to be used for this website.

Database 'C:\Permias.mdf' already exists. Choose a different database name.

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Check User Id Already Exists?

May 22, 2010

i am building a project using C# Asp.Net in which i am registering users with a user id, now my question is that how to check that the user id is already exists in the user table or not when user trying to register, i am using sql server 2000?

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ADO.NET :: Error - Key Already Exists In The ObjectStateManager

Feb 17, 2011

I have a property object that has many activities associated to it. I want to delete all the activities and then add specific ones back in. I am doing this all before the objectcontext save. I am using multiple objectcontexts and attaching/detaching the objects. I am getting the property from the propertyreository objectcontext which is the primary context. Then I get the user which takes a bool to determine if I want to detach from the userrepository object context. I attach to the propertyrepository.

All is good but when I remove all the activities from the property object (entityobject) and then try to attach the activity that I retrieve from the database I get the error: key already exists in the ObjectStateManager Error. When I remove all the activity entity objects from the property entity object they are not really deleted from the objectcontext or the database until I use the save() on the objectcontext which will change all the entity object statuses. How then after I remove the activity do i add it back to the property.Activities?



Property class


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SQL Server :: Add Data That Maybe Already Exists?

Nov 22, 2010

I have a database for a shop. Now I have run into problem when I'm adding products. I have a page where i add general info of the product that will be adding to the product table. Then I should have a page where I can add colors and sizes and so on. But how do I do that? When I add the product I set a price in the productdetail table and colorId and sizeId is sett to null. If I add a color to the table how do I do this the easiest way? I will not have a product where both colorId and sizeId is null. I have this SP and table structure. Then I'll do the same when I add sizes.


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ADO.NET :: Linq Collection Exists?

Aug 12, 2010

Imagine I have 3 classes (student has Marks which has subjects)


I got a List<Student> populated with all the student and nested collection of corresponding Marks and subjects.How do I, before binding this list to any grid, filter records to display only those students, who surely have appeared in subjects with name "X" and "Y"?I tried something like:


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Check If Row With Particular Id Exists In Datatable?

Mar 20, 2011

i have two datatable, while adding rows in second datatable, i want to first check whether the id in the second datatable matches as in the first datatable, if not only then it should be added in the second datatable, else it should display a message...

i dont have any Primary Key defined on any column, so the rows could be repeatative.

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C# - Check User Id Already Exists?

May 22, 2010

I am a beginner coder, i am building a project using C# Asp.Net in which i am registering users with a user id, now my question is that how to check that the user id is already exists in the user table or not when user trying to register, i am using sql server 2000?

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How To Check If A File Exists On An Ftp Server

Jan 4, 2010

I'd like to use a simple switch to display one image or another but I need a way to find out if the image exists.

If FILEEXISTS("pathtojpg") Then
'Display jpg
'Display "no_image_yet.jpg"
End If

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Check If An Object (DropDown) Exists?

Dec 18, 2010

How do, to see if an object exists? For example, I want to see if there is a DropDown on the page. I tried this:

if (object != null) {}

But it does not work.

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SQL Server :: How To Check If A Record Exists In VWD?

Dec 21, 2010

I am very new to this and have watched a lot of the videos. While trying out VWD2010 and SQL2008 Express, I come across many things, I just don't know how to do. Here is the latest:

I have a Table
UserId - Int - AutoIncrement
FirstName - Var(10)
LastName - Var(10)

I also have an ASP web page that allow the user to enter a first name and last name. It also has a button to submit. What I would like to do is have a Select statement check to see if the name already exists, then send a comment back to the user via a label. If it doesn't exist, then I would like to Insert the info and then again inform the user via label.

SelectCommand="SELECT COUNT (UserId) FROM Users WHERE ((FirstName=@FirstName) and (LastName=@LastName))"
InsertCommand="INSERT INTO User(LastName, FirstName) VALUES (@FirstName, @LastName)"
<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="tbFirstName" Name="FirstName"
PropertyName="Text" Type="String" />
<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="tbLastName" Name="LastName"
PropertyName="Text" Type="String" />
<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="tbFirstName" Name="FirstName"
PropertyName="Text" Type="String" />
<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="tbLastName" Name="LastName"
PropertyName="Text" Type="String" />

On the code behind, I get lost. (Obviously this doesn't work, but I don't know how to go about getting a results back. Protected Sub bSubmit_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles bSubmit.Click

(get a return)
(check return value, if <>0 then
lblResults.Text = "exists!"
end if)
End Sub

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