Remove Aspxerrorpath At Redirect?

Sep 13, 2010

When I use:


Always to this url /?aspxerrorpath=/somepath/somepage.aspx is possible to disable this param?

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Similar Messages:

Aspxerrorpath For Page That Exists?

Mar 15, 2011

I added a new directory and page to my website. when I try to browse to this new page I get redirect to my Default.aspx page with ?aspxerrorpath= appended to the query string.IIS shows the page is visible. The page is there. Why would I not be able to access this page?

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Redirect / Remove QueryString But Don't Create History In Browser

Aug 19, 2010

I'm looking for a way to get rid of the querystring of a page and redirect to itself but preserver the querystring data in some way. Exmaple: [URL] should redirect to [UL] Still, after the redirect, I want to be able to pick up the parameters that were originally passed. And I don't want to have [URL] in the browser's history.

What I tried so far:

* Response.Redirect(): does a proper redirect without creating browser history but I cannot preserver the parameters.
* Server.Transfer: preserves the parameters but the browser's URL remains unchanged.
* Create a client form on the fly and submit in "onload": works, querystring is gone, parameters are accessible through Request.Form, but creates a history entry in the browser.

The only thing I can currently think of is to store the parameters in the session, then redirect, then pick them up from there.

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Web Forms :: How To Remove The Row Where The Remove Button Is Clicked

May 28, 2010

how do I write a code for the remove button I want to remove the row where the remove button is clicked. he code for my webform is below

html code for remove
<asp:LinkButton runat="server" ID="lnkbtnRemove" Text="Remove" OnClick="lnkRemoveGuest_Click" ></asp:LinkButton>


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Which One Is Better Response.redirect Or Postbackurl(asp:button Feature) To Redirect Webpage

Aug 13, 2010

which one is better response.redirect or postbackurl(asp:button feture) to redirect web page?

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Response.Redirect - Local Characters - Redirect To Obtain A Clean Url ?

Jul 18, 2010

I want to redirect to "~/City/Göteborg", but if I just write Response.Redirect("~/City/Göteborg"); I will end up with an ugly URL in the address-bar like this:

So my question is how to redirect to obtain a clean url likeöteborg?

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Web Forms :: Response.Redirect - Redirect To Error Page ... ?

Mar 6, 2011

I have a problem with Response.Redirect to specific error page.

so far i have something like :

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

if ((Request.QueryString["UbytovaniePrispevokID"].ToString()) == "")[code]......

What i want to do is.. I have one main page with new posts Each subject of the new post is the link to Another page where is Specific post and coments and user can leave a coment.

What I want is when the Request.QueryString["UbytovaniePrispevokID"].ToString()) == "" or null I want to redirect to error page ...

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Security :: Cannot Redirect To Login.aspx - How To Redirect To It

Apr 16, 2010

my application is running under 2.0 and in iis 5.0 (Windows XP) in my machine.config, i have the following setting


whenever i go to my default.aspx page, it seems it doesn't redirect to login.aspx.

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Redirect To Other Page From Pop Up Window With Response.redirect?

Feb 13, 2010

how can i redirect to other page from pop up window with response.redirect.

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C# - HttpRuntime.Cache.Remove Doesn't Remove Cache

Nov 19, 2010

I am trying to remove the cache using the HttpRuntime.Cache.Remove(key) but invain. I wonder what are the best practices for using HttpRuntime.Cache.

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Web Forms :: How To Remove A Value

Feb 12, 2010

I have the following line of code.What I would like to do is if any of the _ Order.value are empty then not to have the "," displayed at the end of it because if they were all empty then it would look like ,,,Does anyone know how I can remove if the value before it is empty?


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How To Remove The Particular Row And Renaming Accordingly

Apr 15, 2010

Am having the same scenario.. AM creating dynamic text box and remove button row by row. if i click the remove button then the particular row will be removed.. for validation purpose , i renamed the controls after deleting the row.. if i have 3 rows and if i delete the 2nd row then after deletion i'll rename th rows to 1 and 2.. its working.. but as the row 2 is in view state its still displying the contents of row 2 though it binds the row3 details.. how to remove the particular row and renaming accordingly..

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How To Remove - Before The Text -450

Apr 4, 2011

i have a textbox showing -450 as output but i want it displays out put as 450 by removing - from 450 ....

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How To Remove IEnemurable In Mvc

May 20, 2010

I have a view with

<%@ Control Language="C#" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewUserControl<IEnumerable<StudentInfo>>" %>

in my view if i have IEnumerable I can do foreach..

but before that i need to access the properties for StudnetInfo..

StudentInfo clas having

Public class StudentInfo
public Studentdetails sd {get;set;}
public classDetails cd {get;set;}
<% foreach(var e in Model){%>
<%=Html.DisplayFor(x=>e.StdentEdit) %>
<% Html.RenderAction("Details", "Home", new { @t = e }); %>
<% } %>

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C# - How To Remove A Certain Row From DataTable

May 16, 2010

How do i achieve simple sql query like

delete from Users where userCity='Munich'

with DataTables ?

p.s. without using Linq or something like that simply because i do not use it though project.

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How To Remove String At The End

Jan 31, 2011

I have this string at the output :

Round Base<img src='./1_sm.jpg'>
72" Pole<img src='./pole72.jpg'>
AFC22<img src='./afc22.jpg'>

This are in array list

I want to remove string start from <img src=???>.

I want final output like this:

Round Base
72" Pole

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C# - Can Remove The Protocol From URI

Dec 23, 2010

how can I remove the protocol from URI? i.e. remove HTTP

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Remove Returnurl From Url?

Sep 15, 2010

I want to remove "returnurl=/blabla" from address bar when a user want to access to a login required page. Because I'm trying to redirect the user to a static page after login to do some selections.

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Remove Css Element From Code Behind?

May 5, 2010

I have a label that is associated with a css class "applycolor", which is applied the first time it is displayed on a page.


defined in css,
label.applycolor {
width: 200px;
color: red;

Based upon the selection of a radio button, i would like to change its color back to normal. I tried to use
lblHomeAdd.Style.Remove("applycolor"); but this did not give me a solution.

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How To Remove The Character From String

May 14, 2010

my insert query is generated in runtime here i want to remove last ',' character from that string query

my string is below

Insert Into Payroll_AllowanceSettings(EmpID,PFNO,CompanyID,Basic,DA,HRA,CONV,SAll,LeaveAll,OT,Bata,Others,)Values(EmpCS001,1234,1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,)

here i want to remove last ', ' character both coloumn fields and value fields how can i remove the characters

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How To Remove Characters From String

Aug 16, 2010

i have string

Dim str As String = "C#app_wiod_200"

i want to remove characters from wiod in string which one is the best string function to do this.

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Add And Remove Meta Tag From Codebehind

Jan 27, 2010

<base target="_self" />

i want to add this meta tag in pagload event of my page and i dont need when i press viewDoc link button bcz i writtn the code to open word doc in code behind of this link button.

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Web Forms :: How To Remove WebForm.js

Aug 25, 2010

I've written my own script manager to handle any javascript need of my site, including how it handles postback. But I can't seem to remove this from the final output


This includes the __doPostBack script and the WebForm.js, my site never uses this.I really want to remove it. I know I can remove it by using a HttpResponse Filter Stream and use some string manipulation to remove it. But there must be a more optimal way of stopping from outputting those scripts.Let me know if you guys have any other ideas.

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How To Remove The Row When Hit Button Fires Up

Nov 23, 2010

i want to do with the grid. first is how can i remove the row whenever the hit button fires up. Note that it will only remove the row in the grid and not deleting the entry. Second, when the Update button fires up I need to update all rows in the grid and set value of Status column to the row dropdownlist value.I'm thinking of adding another button inline with the row instead of doing a batch update. Would you think it would be convenient design in terms of net traffic?

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Remove Text From Below Of The BarCode In (C#)

Feb 11, 2010

I am generating the barcode generation of barcode is working fine barcode also read it perfectly.followin is the code for barcode generation:


Now I want to remove the text which is below of the barcode.

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