Build Visit Counter To More Than One Page?

Sep 8, 2010

I wonder how they build visit conters that can be used on more tha one page?

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JQuery :: How To Data Bind Counter Just Like Ajax Counter

May 18, 2010

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Page / Visit Is High Since It Is Content Site

Apr 4, 2011

I have an web site with 10-25k visitors a day (peaks of over 60k before holidays). Pages/visit is also high, since it's a content site. I have a few specific pages which generate about 60% of the traffic. These pages are a bit complex and are DB heavy (sql server 2008 r2 backend). I was wondering if it's worth "caching" a static version of these pages (I hear this is possible) and only re-render them when something changes (about once in 48hs). Does this sound like a good idea? Where would be the best place to implement this? (, iis, db) Update: Looks like a good option for me is outputcache with SqlDependency. I see a reference to some kind of SQL server notification for invalidating the cache, but I only see talk of SQL server 2005. Has this option been deprecated by Microsoft? Any new way to handle this?

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Security :: Authenticate A Person Before It Visit A Page?

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I have a page which can only be seen by the guest can Access tht page ...m using wid c# can i get an basic idea how do i redirect tht person to login page if they r not logged...and wid a condition tht if they r loggin already thn no need to show the loggin page they can directly access to the private page

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Determining What Url The User Originally Entered To Visit A Web Page After Redirection?

Aug 17, 2010

Currently, I'm just using clientside Javascript (location.href), but I am wondering if there is a way in Asp.Net to figure out the URL the user originally entered (assume I did not change it myself via 301), or at least to track it in a simple and reliable manner. As I am using my own implementation of URL rewriting via the global.asax (e.g. Context.RewritePath), this is not an easy task, particularly since I don't want to touch it too much.


public override void Init()
this.BeginRequest += new EventHandler(Global_BeginRequest);
void Global_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (VARIOUSCONDITIONS) Context.RewritePath("SOMEURL");
protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Request.RawUrl is equal to "SOMEURL", as
//are other properties that store the URL.

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State Management :: Hit Counter On Master Page?

Jan 5, 2011

Please bare with me as I am completely new to and trying to learn the language (I am a Flash and AS3 kinda guy).

I have a master page template and I'm trying to put a hit counter on the footer for each page. I'm using VB for this code.


And then in the footer div I use this code


It appears my counter.txt file isn't even being created like it normally was on my other single .aspx pages and in turn nothing is being displayed in my Label1.

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Web Forms :: Hit Counter(i Need Idea)in Global.asax Page?

Sep 23, 2010

My website needs hit counter. i have created hit count in global.asax page, which works fine. Now i wanted to display hit count in all pages. so, do i have to use mater page or function to all in every page.

View 3 Replies - Implement A Counter In Label Which Decrements Every Time Page Is Loaded?

May 14, 2010

how to implement a counter in label which decrements every time page is loaded in It would be better if that counter value is accessed from and updated into database..

I've tried this on buttonclick but the value is reset automatically to intial value everytime as the button is insert and page is reloaded

Protected Sub InsertButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim entries As Label = FindControl("label1")
entries.Text = entries.Text - 1
End Sub

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Keep Students Choices By The Next Visit?

Dec 15, 2010

On this page: student number: 10629 kan mark rows and make choices in dropdownlistsBy next visit i i would like the page to show earlier choises. Do i have to change everything or is there an easy option?Site code:


Stored procedure:


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Cache User Details For The Duration Of Their Visit?

Jun 15, 2010

I've built a Repository that gets user details

Public Function GetUserByOpenID(ByVal openid As String) As User Implements IUserRepository.GetUserByOpenID
Dim user = (From u In dc.Users
Where u.OpenID = openid
Select u).FirstOrDefault
Return user
End Function

And I'd like to be able to pull those details down IF the user is logged in AND IF the cached data is null.

What is the best way to create a User object that contains all of the users details, and persist it across the entire site for the duration of their visit?

I Was trying this in my Global.asax, but I'm not really happy using Session variables. I'd rather have a single object with all the details inside.

Private Sub BaseGlobal_AcquireRequestState(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.AcquireRequestState
If Session("UserName") Is Nothing AndAlso User.Identity.IsAuthenticated Then
Dim repo As UrbanNow.Core.IUserRepository = New UrbanNow.Core.UserRepository
Dim _user As New UrbanNow.Core.User
_user = repo.GetUserByOpenID(User.Identity.Name)
Session("UserName") = _user.UserName()
Session("UserID") = _user.ID
End If
End Sub

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C# - Prevent GridView Saving Data From Build To Build In Visual Studio?

Apr 1, 2011

I have a question regarding a situation that occurs with GridView, ObjectDataSource in ASP .NET application. The GridView is linked to the ObjectDataSource and both are included within an UpdatePanel letting the GridView to fill in an asynchronous way from a form in the same page so it gets more rows as the user enters the data:

<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server">
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional">
<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
<asp:BoundField DataField="Name" HeaderText="Name" ReadOnly="True"
SortExpression="Name" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="Periodicty" HeaderText="Periodicty" ReadOnly="True"
SortExpression="Periodicty" />
<asp:ObjectDataSource ID="ObjectDataSource1" runat="server"
SelectMethod="GetSessionNames" TypeName="Simulation"></asp:ObjectDataSource>
<asp:Label ID="Label27" runat="server" Text="Label"></asp:Label>
<asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID="NewWebSessionButton" EventName="Click" />

I start the project with Visual Studio 2008, fill the form and it works correctly. Then I stop the execution: rerun again and the data I entered in the previous run is in the GridView. Is like some sort of cache saved the data from the session before. I checked that EnableCaching property is set to false for the ObjectDataSource. If I Rebuild Web Site in Visual Studio (not just Build) then it works corretly leaving the GridView empty. Is this caused just becuase of Visual Studio? Can it be turned off? And will it happen in the final IIS it will run on?

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Web Forms :: Build Survey System Where Build A Form With Questions And Some Answers?

May 25, 2010

I want to build a survey system where you can build a form with questions and some answers to these questions and then members who will log in will be able to take the test.

Then i want to present the different results from the test in some diagram or something like that.

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MVC :: Build A Search Page And A Results Page For An MVC3 App

Feb 1, 2011

I need to build a search page and a results page for an MVC3 app.

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AJAX :: Way To Maintain History Points Even When Visit Different Pages?

May 28, 2010

I have a website which contains several ajax enabled pages. I need to maintain state in each page. I have added historypoints in each page. My back button works fine as far as I am on single page. But when I visit different page and then click back button to come to original page, only the last history state for that page is loaded and all other seem to get wiped out. What I mean is, clicking back button again takes me to previous page instead of loading same page again from history point. Is there any way to maintain history points even when I visit different pages

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State Management :: Identify First Or Second Time Visit To Website

Sep 30, 2010

I work in a multi server , multi webfarm environment (without sessions). We need to be able to identfy if a customer has arrived here for the first or has been before (even though they have not logged in)Not only will we change the text of our salutations depeding on this state but we will also use it in other busness logic. I can check for the existance of a cookie when they fire the Session_onStart event but I would have to write a cookie out to show they had previously visited for the next time the customer came to call.

If I wrote the cookie out in the Session_onStart then somehow I would have to tell the website that this was a first time visit. Also as this is a stateless webfarm - the next server may be different from the previous one which would fire a new Session_onStart event in its own right - which would see the cookie and assume it was not my first visit, even though it was my first visit on a different web page of the web site.

I dont want to write it out and say if its within X minutes of the cookie creation time you are still in your first visit as that x minutes wouldnt work 100% of the time If I dont write the cookie out on Session_onStart then when could I write it out?

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Web Forms :: Get Client IP Address , Date Of Visit And Location?

May 11, 2010

I have developed an application .....Here i need to get Client IP Address , Date Of Visit and Location of the client .....And other useful client information which should be uniquely identifiy users from others ....

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Web Forms :: Can't Build A Page - Because Page Is Under Two Directories

Feb 9, 2010

I'm using vs 2008 and i have in my solution: foo.aspx page wich is under two directories, when i try to build it, it gives me en error : " ) expected " on the first line;

<%@ Page
Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true"
Inherits="Manager_Tenants_TenantsTable" %>

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Mobiles :: Switch Between Two Pages Depends On By Which Device User Visit?

Feb 19, 2011

Say that, there is a login.aspx page for any application. I would like to see this login page in different format if user visit by Iphone or any other mobile device. I have already designed two different page for test purposes. If i visit the page which is modified for Iphone, everything works fine.

what is the best way to switch between these two page depends on by which device user visit? These two pages could be even totally different two pages like black and white because of page layout issues.

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Web Forms :: Decrease The Load In A Lot Of Users Simulteniously Visit On Side?

Aug 28, 2010

I an developing a website using c#.can anybody suggest how to decrease the load in a lot of users simulteniously visit on my side

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What Is Difference Between Build Solution And Build Website

Mar 11, 2010

It may be obvious to everyone. I am learning this: what is difference between build solution and build website

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Build Tool Which Can Build A Web App Into Multiple Dlls?

Sep 22, 2010

I have a large solution which has multiple apps which all share some common site elements (masterpages, navigation, etc).

Currently, all of these get built into a single DLL

If my structure looks like:

- Common/
- Shared/
- Images/
- App1/
- App2/
- etc

Is there a build tool which will allow me to build WebRoot.dll, App1.dll, App2.dll? I don't believe this is possible in VS2008 or the MSBuild tool.

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How To Specify A Direct Build Name Directory Using TFS Build Of .net Web Application

May 11, 2010

I have a TFS build set up to deploy an project to a test server.The build works great, and deploys to the test server fine, but instead of putting it into the Website directory that my IIS webserver is configured for, it puts the build into Website_20100511.6

Why is the date suffixed to the directory name? Is there a way to turn that off so I can publish directly to the Website?

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C# - Clear Client Cache So When They Visit Website They Use Latest Javascript Files That Modify?

Mar 10, 2010

I have a website that i did some time ago now they request some new features and i did some changes in some javascript files, but when i publish the clients that use the IE have problems with cache so in they browser they have old version of javascript. How can i clear the client cache so when they visit website they use latest javascript files that i modify.

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Web Forms :: How To Build A Page URL From Database

Nov 5, 2013

I can write this code in Page load 

con = new SqlConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionString"].ConnectionString);da = new SqlDataAdapter("Select URL from Table1 where ID =" + Session["USERID"], con);cb = new SqlCommandBuilder(da);ds = new DataSet();da.Fill(ds, "Table1");string pageUrl = ds.Tables["Table1"].Rows[0]["URL"].ToString();

This code working fine..I want to this code working on Hyperlink click Like below

<li><a href="<%=Session["USERID"]%>" target="_blank">URLS</a></li>

How can i modify my code?

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