C# - Accessing The Result Set Of A Stored Procedure, Executed Using SqlDataSource.Select?
Jul 21, 2010
I'm programming a webpage in ASP.NET which displays a list of students not listed as participants in something, and upon clicking a student name shows you a brief summary of their details, so the user can ensure they're selecting the right person.
My code currently correctly obtains their ID, adds it as a parameter to my stored procedure and executes the procedure;
However, when I try to access the results I get the following error:
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Upon debugging, there don't seem to be any results returned... but when running just the stored procedure in SQL Server with the same data, it does return a single row, as expected.
How do I access this result so I can bind it to my fields?
(I am working in ASP.NET 3.5 in Visual Studio 2008, with SQL Server 2008.)
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Jul 27, 2010
I'm programming a webpage in ASP.NET which displays a list of students not listed as participants in something, and upon clicking a student name shows you a brief summary of their details, so the user can ensure they're selecting the right person. Each student is identified by a unique ID.
My code currently correctly obtains their ID, adds it as a parameter to my stored procedure and executes the procedure;
However, when I try to access the results, with say dv.Table.Rows[0], I get the following error:
Upon debugging, there don't seem to be any results returned... when running just the stored procedure in SQL Server with the same data, it does return a single row, as expected.
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Sep 2, 2010
@ContractStateCode, @ContactZipCode @BillingStateCode, @BillingZipCode show "not a parameter for procedure SelectDonorXiD".
The Results show the selected data but the parameters are all null.
My C# ocde -
DataView dvSql = (DataView)sdsEditDonor.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty);
gives - "String[1]: the Size property has an invalid size of 0."
I understand that something is wrong with my stored procedure but for the life of me I cannot see what.
Table ------
USE [char68003f]
/****** Object: Table [dbo].[GFA_Donors] Script Date: 09/01/2010 19:44:37 ******/
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how can I create stored procedure and write my select statement in it, I know how to create dataset then put type stored procedure and assign it to the sp ... what I want is writing my sp... how can I make it ?
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where can I write this code ?!
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Mar 16, 2011
Being new to using the declarative syntax of SqlDataSource I am trying to figure out a way to set the value of a parameter to a stored procedure. I have a Client_ID that is passed via the Request Object and I need to set the Client_ID before the stored procedure of the SqlDataSource is executed.
Does the stored procedure parameter have to be predefined in the ASPX markup or can it be added dynamically in the code-behind? Would anyone have an example that demonstrates the SqlDataSource markup with a stored procedure and parameter as well as setting that parameter value in code-behind?
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Feb 27, 2011
The following stored procedure updates the value in LeaveTransaction table.
My Question here:
I have written the above trigger,which would update the value for the corresponding records in another table ie) LeaveCumulative table. The trigger is not updating the value in the designated rows in the leavecumulative table. Whereas when I excute the same update command separately in the Query Editor window the trigger is working fine.
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May 6, 2010
I have a MVC project that has a Linq to SQL dbml class. It is a table called Clients that houses client information. I can easily get the information to display in a View using the code I followed in Nerd Dinner but I have added a stored procedure to the dbml and it's result set is of IQueryable, not IQueryable. I need to convert IQueryable to IQueryable so I can display it in the same View. The reason for the sproc is so I can pass a search string tothe sproc and return the same information as a full list but filtered on the search. I know I can use Linq to filter the whole list but I don't want the whole list so I am using the sproc.
Here is the code in my ClientRepository with a comment where I need to convert. What code goes in the commented spot.
public IQueryable<Client> SelectClientsBySearch(String search)
IQueryable<SelectClientsBySearchResult> spClientList = (from p in db.SelectClientsBySearch(search) select p).AsQueryable();
//what is the code to convert IQueryable<SelectClientsBySearchResult> to IQueryable<Client>
return clientList;
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I created a stored procedure in my MVC project. I need to execute it and pass result to view form. How can I do this?
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Jan 27, 2010
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DVD, Genre, Director, Actor, DVDGenre, DVDDirector and DVDActor
I have now written a stored procedure to pull the info about 1 DVD out of all the tables to display on the webpage I have now got the info I want out of the tables but as the data is now in 1 table I have repeating data is there a way to stop the data repeating the stored procedure i have written is
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Jun 12, 2010
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I have used an xsd file to populate everthing else, but due to this returning multiple tables i wasn't sure how this works should it just be in its own xsd? as all the oather i just get a datatable where as with this i need a dataset... how this makes sense...
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Aug 7, 2010
I have an aggregate stored procedure (named sp2) that returns a count of records meeting a certain criteria ASrecCount. I am using a DAL per the ASP.NET tutorial and have created a Table Adapter (named
sp2TableAdapter) with GetData and Fill methods. I have a button on an ASP.NET page that launches an event handler. In the button's event handler, I have this line: sp2TableAdapter sp2 = new sp2TableAdapter();
What works so far:
This code will bind the value of sp2 to a data control:
sp2TableAdapter sp2 = new sp2TableAdapter();
DropDownList1.DataSource = sp2.GetData();
DropDownList1.DataValueField = "recCount ";
DropDownList.DataTextField = "recCount";
When running this page and clicking the button, the numeric value of recCount returned from sp2 is bound to the DropDownList control and 1 row is poplated with the recCount value (in my case 1451).
In the event handler, I do not want to bind the value of recCount to a control, but want to to use it in some logic as an integer. What is the C# code that will do this? (In place of the DropDownList control lines above)
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Mar 2, 2010
I am using a gridview where i am calling a stored procedure which has 4 input parameters. Out of these 4 parameters, values are to be given such that DomainId = This has to be the row which is to be deleted. This is a primary key Domain = This field has to be passed to SP as NULL. Description= This field has to be passed as NULL. OperationType= This field has to be passed by programmer as some static value say 4 How to i need to specify these here... More details of the Question are here.
<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="GridView1" Name="DomainId"
PropertyName="SelectedValue" Size="4" Type="Int32" />
<asp:Parameter DefaultValue="" Name="Domain" Size="16" Type="String" />
<asp:Parameter DefaultValue="" Name="Description" Type="String" />
<asp:Parameter DefaultValue="4" Name="OperationType" Type="Byte" />
On running my code using this. I gets an error
Procedure or Function 'spOnlineTest_Domain' expects parameter '@Domain', which was not supplied
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Jun 8, 2010
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Sep 27, 2010
I have a stored procedure that creates a dynamic query. Sometimes the query is not built because there are no elements in the dynamic query. When the aspx page loads the SqlDataSource throws an error that the query is malformed. How can I catch this error, and handle it with a default message, before it returns the error to the aspx page?
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Jan 12, 2011
Below is the result set when I execute my stored procedure. Based on condition no.of rows will change. I am using typed dataset to store result set.
264.95 31248 APR/07
273.23 34044 MAY/07
230.96 22232 JUN/07
711.93 81992 JUL/07
427.23 50345 AUG/07
297.90 36961 SEP/07
495.37 43079 OCT/07
648.48 52428 NOV/07
622.06 46364 DEC/07
407.02 46461 JAN/08
605.45 73439 FEB/08
224.81 28121 MAR/08
308.12 33356 APR/08
328.22 35605 MAY/08
372.41 34107 JUN/08
I have to show above result in RDLC file Like below.
APR/07 MAY/07 JUN/07................JUN/08
264.95 273.23 230.96.................372.41
31248 34044 22232 ...............34107
RDLC report? If I use table control,
View 2 Replies
Nov 9, 2010
I'm trying to use a stored procedure in my codebehind insted of a sqldatasource to insert some data, and return the identity fields. But I keep getting tripped up on the output paramaters. What am I missing?
My code behind:
And, here's my stored procedure
Create PROCEDURE [dbo].[123]
@MatterToCloneID varchar(15),
@ClonedMatterID int OUTPUT,
@ClientIDOUT int OUTPUT,
@ExistingClientIDOUT int OUTPUT
@ExistingClientID int,
@PendingClientID int,
@BillingAddress varchar(200),
@BillingCity varchar(200),
@BillingState varchar(100),
@BillingZipCode varchar(20),
@BillingCountry varchar(200)
SELECT @ExistingClientID = ExistingClientID, @PendingClientID = PendingClientID,
@BillingAddress = BillingAddress, @BillingCity = BillingCity, @BillingState = BillingState, @BillingZipCode = BillingZipCode, @BillingCountry = BillingCountry
FROM tNewMatters
WHERE MatterID = @MatterToCloneID
Set @ClientID = @EClientID
Set @PendingClientID = @PendingClientID
Set @BillingAddress = @BillingAddress
Set @BillingCity = @BillingCity
Set @BillingState = @BillingState
Set @BillingZipCode = @BillingZipCode
Set @BillingCountry = @BillingCountry
INSERT into tNewMatters
(MatterName, ClientID, PendingClientID, BillingAddress, BillingCity, BillingState, BillingZipCode, BillingCountry)
('Enter Client Name', @ExistingClientID, @PendingClientID, @BillingAddress, @BillingCity, @BillingState, @BillingZipCode, @BillingCountry)
Select @ClonedMatterID = scope_identity()
Select @ClientIDOUT = @ClientID
Select @ExistingClientIDOUT = @ExistingClientID
View 3 Replies
Sep 12, 2010
Using a FormView with a SqlDataSource, I'm attempting to Update data
by calling a stored proc in code behind. I was having trouble getting parameters
using Update Parameters in the SqlDataSource, but found a working solution by
coding the parameters.
The problem now is I'm getting an "Updating is not supported by data source 'XYZ' unless UpdateCommand is specified'.
View 3 Replies
Mar 5, 2010
i try to fill datatextfield and datavaluefield through sqldatasource throuh calling soterd procedure,
but i don't get any value after running the application, here my code
View 2 Replies
Jan 12, 2011
Below is the result set when I execute my stored procedure. Based on condition no.of rows will change. I am using typed dataset to store result set.
264.95 31248
273.23 34044
230.96 22232
711.93 81992
427.23 50345
297.90 36961
495.37 43079
648.48 52428
622.06 46364
407.02 46461
605.45 73439
224.81 28121
308.12 33356
328.22 35605
372.41 34107
I have to show above result in RDLC file Like below.
APR/07 MAY/07 JUN/07................JUN/08
264.95 273.23 230.96.................372.41
31248 34044 22232 ...............34107
View 3 Replies
Jun 22, 2010
I am trying to return single string result through a stored procedure and Linq. This works fine when I test the stored procedure but it is not returning the value to the page. The value returned is always 0 which is the return value. This is the stored procedure:
@CustomerName nvarchar(50),
@Password nvarchar(50) output
Select @Password=Password
From Customers
Where Customers.CustomerName=@CustomerName
This is the vb
@CustomerName nvarchar(50),
@Password nvarchar(50) output
Select @Password=Password
From Customers
Where Customers.CustomerName=@CustomerName is the code created by the designer
This is the designer function
<FunctionAttribute(Name:="dbo.Login")> _
Public Function Login(<Parameter(Name:="CustomerName", DbType:="NVarChar(50)")> ByVal customerName
As String, <Parameter(Name:="Password", DbType:="NVarChar(50)")> ByRef password As String) As IntegerDim result
As IExecuteResult = Me.ExecuteMethodCall(Me, CType(MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod,MethodInfo), customerName, password)
password = CType(result.GetParameterValue(1),String)
End Function
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Feb 3, 2011
I am using a sql stored procedure which returns multiple result sets. By default Sql Datasource is binding the first result set to gridview. I want the second result set to be binded. I browsed all the properties in Sql datasource but could not find one to set this.
View 4 Replies
Sep 26, 2010
I have a parent window parent.aspx and a popup window
popup.aspx. parent.aspx
has a confirm button which on click open popup.aspx. This popup.aspx holds a filled application form like leave application form of employees and a email sending button. That button on click send emails to the specified email addresses with attachment. The popup.aspx has a javascript function sendResponse() which call another javascript function display() of parent.aspx after sending the email. The display() function display a message by Label control regarding the email sending i.e., whether or not this email sending operation is successful. The sendResponse() function after calling display() close the popup.aspx window. I have successfully did all the aforesaid jobs.
Now the scenario is that I have a database which is holding various leave information like casual leave, medical leave etc of employees. After sending email successfully I have to update this database.It will be better to tell in this context that the email sending portion of my cs script is :
this info string is passed to the sendResponse() javascript function as :
And the sendResponse() function is :
Now the problem is, in which portion or when I do update the database. Should I update the database in try-catch block of email sending or from sendResponse() function?I have tried to call C# function UpdateDatabase() from sendRespose() as shown here. But this static method is creating too many problems like the popup.aspx is not closing automatically, if I try to call another C# non-static method from the static UpdateDatabase() method to close the window I have to call it by creating a new instance of that page, which is eventually not closing the popup window. Can I call stored procedure from javascript function sendResponse() and pass parameters to it? If so how can I call it?
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