C# - Add-Update-Delete GridView?
Mar 8, 2011
I want to populate the gridview in asp.net web application. in fact I am able to do it but my scenario is I want to develop it based on user authentication. means Let say Admin is logged in then he must authorized to edit all fields of row in gridview. but say if Employee is logged in then, he should only applicable for to edit Name and Address columns in gridview. can i do this ? what I have to take under consideration. in which event i can do this?
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Nov 29, 2010
I want to know how to Update / delete the table records in ASPNETDB.MDF in single update / delete query ?
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Mar 11, 2011
I have one GridView and one "Add" Button. If I click the "Add" button, one new row will be added to the GridView at the sametime I want to show "Update and Cancel" buttons in CommandField Column.
When I click the Update Button after the Insertion of the New Row, I want to Show the Delete Button in the Command Field Column. Once again When I click the Delete Button, the Corresponding row will have to be deleted.
So far I have done all the four things(update, cancel, edit and delete) at the same. But now I dont want Edit. The problem is when I include "ShowDeleteButton = True" in the command field, the "update and cancel" buttons are not displaying when I click the "Add" button.The "update cancel" buttons are displaying only when I include "ShowEditButton = true". But I dont want to Edit the Column.
Here I want only to do Update, Cancel and Delete. How to do? I dont want coding, I have written all the coding parts in Gridview_Rowupdating and RowDeleting Event.
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May 21, 2010
We are working in asp.net mvc in one of our project. This is first time we work on mvc. Previous we worked on Forms based development. In MVC we are facing some problem. Form based development there are so many control but in mvc there are no control. can anyone give us link of some control like gridview with insert update delete and some other tools that I can easily use in my project. We are using asp.net mvc 2.0.
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Apr 26, 2010
how would i do my Gridview delete command like a update command?
im using a datasource... and my delete command is like my update command... so i can change the status into "INACTIVE"...
DeleteCommand="UPDATE ACCOUNT_MAINTENANCE SET am_status = 'INACTIVE' WHERE (accmain_no = @accmain_no)"
UpdateCommand="UPDATE [ACCOUNT_MAINTENANCE] SET [account_type] = UPPER(@account_type), [min_deposit] = @min_deposit, [min_capital] = @min_capital WHERE [accmain_no] = @accmain_no"
when i press my delete command at gridview... the status changed into "INACTIVE" but when i refresh or press f5... it automatically update the status into "INACTIVE" also...
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Apr 22, 2010
Select method returns array of strings . But How I need to appear selected node for edit delete methods get this string (userName) ?
for methods like :
[DataObjectMethod(DataObjectMethodType.Delete, true)]
static public DeleteMember(...
View 1 Replies
Mar 9, 2011
Am running asp.net application with c#.Am using gridview to update and delete the columns.deleting is working fine.if am clicking the update button i got
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
My code is;
protected bool IsRowModified(GridViewRow row)
int currentID;
string currentName;
string currentLocation;
currentID = Convert.ToInt32(GridView1.DataKeys
currentName = ((TextBox)row.FindControl
currentLocation = ((TextBox)row.FindControl
View 2 Replies
Oct 2, 2012
How can i update, delete 2 table in gridview?
I have created 2 table in access
1. Recipient (Userid, RecipientId, RecipientName, Company, DeliveryAddressId)
2. MailingAddress (Id, BuildingInfo, StreetInfo, City, Province)
I connected this gridview with sqldatasource
"SELECT Recipient.UserId, Recipient.RecipientId, Recipient.RecipientName, Recipient.Company, MailingAddress.BuildingInfo, MailingAddress.StreetInfo, MailingAddress.City, MailingAddress.Province FROM (Recipient INNER JOIN MailingAddress ON Recipient.DeliveryAddressId = MailingAddress.Id)"
The gridview it can select from 2 table, (RecipientId, RecipientName, Company, BuildingInfo, StreetInfo, City, Province) but cannot update 2 table.
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May 7, 2015
By using this structure of XML :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
[Code] .....
or this :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
[Code] ....
I want to apply INSERT < UPDATE < DELETE < SEARCH (you can apply searching outside gridview if u wish) in gridview by using XML File Provided above as a data source ...
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May 7, 2015
How to add data to grid with on click of button, without save to database, and on again click to button data will append to grid in new row.
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Apr 3, 2010
I have 3 gridviews in one of my web page. I have simplified the system structure in the image below(further description will be stated below the image): As shown in the image above, the web site(presentation layer) will work closely with the Business Logic layer(BLL) and Data Access Layer(DLL). ObjectDataSource control will be the middle man to select, update, insert and delete the data in the gridviews. During Select, returned data from the database at DAL will be stored in a datatable and return to BLL and then the website itself.
The data in the returned datatable will be filetered by type using RowFilter method and stored into the 3 dataviews. Each dataview will act as the datasource for the 3 GridViews respectively, and therefore I specified the datasource programatically instead of setting the datasourceid for each gridview.
dataview1 = New DataView(dtSelectedTable)
dataview1.RowFilter = "Type='1'"
GridView1.DataSource = dataview1
dataview2 = New DataView(dtSelectedTable)
dataview2.RowFilter = "Type='2'"
GridView2.DataSource = dataview2
dataview3 = New DataView(dtSelectedTable)
dataview3.RowFilter = "Type='3'"
GridView2.DataSource = dataview3
However, the Update(command button) and Delete(template field) doesn't work, the RowUpdating and RowDeleting event wasn't trigger when I click on the button, but it works if I set the gridviews' datasourceid to the objectdatasource. I couldn't figure out why, hope that someone who have come across the same problem couldn't provide some guidance.
View 5 Replies
Feb 24, 2010
I've got my data in the gridview via:
Now I need to make all the data editable (add, update, delete). Why isn't the Gridview the same as DataGridView? With the DGV, the data showed EXACTLY as it did in the database and one could add a record, edit a record, or delete a record.
View 2 Replies
Aug 30, 2010
Im a newbie, hoping any experts can lend a hand. I have a gridview table connected to an SQL database. I have auto generated the update and delete methods to allow me to edit the gridview.
However, I would like the editable data in the gridview to be replaced by a selectable drop-down box. The drop down box is referencing an sql table for selection.
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Apr 11, 2010
I want to Add, edit, delete and update the records using gridview with validations.
I am not using any default datasources like sqldatasource or accessdatasource.
Want to do it in code behind.
Validations should be used as if some one try to update the value as blank or do not enter characters/numbers like that.
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Jul 6, 2010
I need a control to modify data from my data base tables like a GridView. Has ASP.NET the control that I need implemented? Who could I do that?
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May 7, 2015
How to use ObjectDataSource Update query from code behind.using edit and cancel button in GV asp.net.
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Mar 29, 2013
I have a student data, when I put the student id in textbox, it show the students mark in gridview like
1st semester marks in first row , 2nd semester marks in second row ,etc
and i want insert 3rd semester marks , 4th semester marks for the particular student , and also , delete , update in gridview....
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May 7, 2015
how to insert,update,delete row in gridview without saving in database ?suppose 1 textbox,1 button and 1 gridview .textbox and button outside of gridview.
what is the coding of this project ?
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Feb 4, 2014
I have been looking at the guide: [URL] ....
Is it possible to have an edit function, so you can edit the expanded records - fx if you want to add/correct information.
Adding a normal edit/delete button like on a normal gridview doesn't seem to work when it is nested.
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Mar 26, 2016
I have to upload different format files(jpeg,pdf,doc) in each row of grid with edit and delete button....
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Apr 3, 2010
I have 3 gridviews in one of my web page, each of which will display different data based on the typeid. I have simplified the system structure in the image below(further description will be stated below the image):
As shown in the image above, the web site(presentation layer) will work closely with the Business Logic layer(BLL) and Data Access Layer(DLL). ObjectDataSource control will be the middle man to select, update, insert and delete the data in the gridviews.
During Select, returned data from the database at DAL will be stored in a datatable and return to BLL and then the website itself.
However, the Update(command button) and Delete(template field) doesn't work,the RowUpdating and RowDeleting event wasn't trigger when I click on the button, but it works if I set the gridviews' datasourceid to the objectdatasource.
View 6 Replies
Dec 7, 2010
I have a gridview that pulls data from two tables, CLIENT and PAYMENT. I want to add the edit, delete functions to the gridview for the payment portion of the table, that is to edit or delete the payments but not the client. I've manually enabled the edit, delete functions and input the queries. I've also deleted the textboxes from the templates which draw from the CLIENT table so they cannot be edited. Everything looks good on the surface until I actually go to edit or delete anything, and it has no effect.Here's the structure of the two tables:
ClientID Pk PaymentNumber Pk
FName CLIENT$ClientID Fk
LName PaymentDate
ContactNo NULL PaymentAmount
ArrivalDate PaymentDetails NULL
DepartureDate NULL
Here's the update query:
UPDATE [PAYMENT] SET [PaymentDate] = @PaymentDate, [PaymentAmount] = @PaymentAmount, [PaymentDetails] = @PaymentDetails WHERE [PaymentNumber] = @original_PaymentNumber AND [CLIENT$ClientID] = @original_CLIENT$ClientID AND [PaymentDate] = @original_PaymentDate
AND [PaymentAmount] = @original_PaymentAmount AND (([PaymentDetails] = @original_PaymentDetails) OR ([PaymentDetails] IS NULL AND @original_PaymentDetails IS NULL))
Finally, here's the delete query:
DELETE FROM [PAYMENT] WHERE [PaymentNumber] = @original_PaymentNumber AND [CLIENT$ClientID] = @original_CLIENT$ClientID AND [PaymentDate] = @original_PaymentDate AND [PaymentAmount] = @original_PaymentAmount AND (([PaymentDetails] = @original_PaymentDetails)
OR ([PaymentDetails] IS NULL AND @original_PaymentDetails IS NULL))
View 3 Replies
Oct 26, 2010
I'm having a gridview in my aspx page with checkbox, User can select one or more than one record(s) at a time and clicks on delete button, Then i'm constructing an object of my DTO and adding all the checked row's Primary Key (DataKeyNames - GUID's in my case) to a serializable class and generating an XML and sending it as parameter to the Stored Procedure.
My Doubt is, can i bulk delete all the rows from database table those are present in my XML document??
If it works, I can do bulk update with XML only, i already did bulk insertion by generating an XML..
My Another Question is, Will it affect the performance? Each time when i construct an DTO object and adding it to the Generic List?
Which one is better, I mean ObjectDataSource or SQLDataSource or my XML method?
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Jul 21, 2010
I have a gridview with edit,update and delete options..Using a radiobutton,how it is possible to select a particular row of gridview and update or delete that particular row?
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May 24, 2010
all of a sudden my GridView has stopped firing the row update event. Friday I was working on it and was working flawlessly. Now I haven't made any changes to the code and all of a suddent has stopped working (yes rediculously bizarre and have been banging my head all day thinking what the something is wrong with it, excuse my french).
Everyone of those events fire except the update. I click the update button and nothing happens.
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