C# - Adding Scripts To ScriptManager On Condition

Dec 10, 2010

I have a tricky scenario whereby I want to add ScriptManager scriptreference only on some conditions as follows


I googled up and tried to add '#' as <%# but by adding '#' it can't find the class (xyzclass) and so get the error as

Expected class, delegate, enum, interface, or struct

I tried doing the work as mentioned here too[URL]

No luck so far. If I take the approach as mentioned in above link, it says something like

The base class includes the field '', but its type (System.Web.UI.ScriptManagerProxy) is not compatible with the type of control (System.Web.UI.ScriptManager).

what I need is just to add scripts via ScriptManager ONLY dynamically. Is there any way which is in practice good one too.

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C# - ScriptManager Adding Script Multiple Times To Page (duplicates)?

Dec 3, 2010

This is the exact same question as this unanswered one from May.

(edit) Note: this unanswered post exactly describes the behavior - extra scripts being added in the <head> by ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock in a usercontrol, in an UpdatePanel, is causing duplicates. C# .NET 4.0. The page is structured like this:

UserControl1 (ascx) - loaded in code by Page
UserControl2 (ascx) - loaded in code by UserControl1

The first time the script is added as expected, in the body. The code, simply, in the UserControl2 OnInit:

ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page, Page.GetType(), "myscript", script, true);

I've also tried referencing "this" instead of page, which doesn't really make sense since I don't want the same script keys duplicated on the page if the usercontrol is loaded multiple times on a page, but it didn't work anyway.

After a partial postback, the script is added again - but curiously in the <head> of the page, not the body, and interestingly, lacking the normal //<![CDATA[...//]]> wrapper that asp.net usually adds.

Another script which is added by UserControl1 is duplicated exactly the same way after a partial postback.

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ADO.NET :: What Is The Purpose Of Adding A Try Catch Condition That Simply Throws The Exception?

Sep 30, 2010

What is the purpose of adding a try catch condition that simply throws the Exception?

Sample Code (Note: The db object is proprietary code that simply uses ADO.Net):


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Error When Adding A ScriptManager To Page / Ajax Client-side Framework Failed To Load

Oct 23, 2010

I am using VS2010, .Net 4. I am trying to add a ScriptManager to my page, so I can reference an AJAX Enabled WCF Service. When I add the ScriptManager control to my page and view it - I get the error shown below. I have no clue how to resolve it. I get the error by simply putting the control on my page (not reference the WCF Service).

Error seen when "viewing source":

(script src="/ScriptResource.axd?d=cN6E-bUIIAhb0PYSsbqev2ndhi3W3ltVtHjrJ-T5yBfO3jQBEHWjU39PLAybm-JIxwU4s59EhJFweLHmABl1zA2yo8fKhHYHGS7RTy1fhECuWqXbMMy5aCuSlqHbfp3advQcwp11SqaDwkvU1YN6Bw2&t=ffffffffbd2983fc" type="text/javascript")(/script)

(script type="text/javascript")
if (typeof(Sys) === 'undefined') throw new Error('ASP.NET Ajax client-side framework failed to load.');

Actually, my problem is that I am not able to access the service. I am referencing it inside the ScriptManager and have the javascript code in place, but Firefox is reporting that it cannot find it. Says it is not defined. I do not know how to test this or determine where it is failing.

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AJAX :: UserControl With ScriptManager And UpdatePanel, Some Pages With ScriptManager?

Feb 8, 2011

I have a user control with both an UpdatePanel and a ScriptManager.

Some pages in the system have a ScriptManager of their own, and need to include the UserControl.

This throws the "You can only have 1 ScriptManager" exception.

If I remove UserControl's ScriptManager, I'll get 'UpdatePanel1 requires a Script Manager" exception.

I've tried to modify the UserControl to dynamically include it's own script manager if none exists. But all the methods I've used before involve adding a delegate to Page.OnInit-- which won't work, since the UserControl Init fires first.

Because the system designers here like making my life difficult, I can't create a MasterPage, or a BasePage for the system in inherit off of. I'd be stuck going to each page an adding a ScriptManager before the UserControl on each of them. Is there any way of, in the UserControl, detecting if the page has a ScriptManager, and if not, adding it dynamically in a way that makes the UpdatePanel happy?

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Get ScriptManager From MasterPage?

Jun 14, 2010

I am trying to set focus on an ASP:PANEL once the updatepanel is done with whatever it is processing.

I put this code on my VB code-behind but it didn't seem to do anything:

DirectCast(Master.FindControl("ScriptManager1"), ScriptManager).SetFocus(Panel1)

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AJAX :: Add More Than One Scriptmanager Tag In Page?

Mar 14, 2011

I need to that is this possible to add more than one scriptmanager tag in page. If i add, What error msg will come?

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How To Get The Current ScriptManager Without Page

Jan 14, 2011

I'm trying to extend ScriptManager to simplify dealing with resources that have multiple resource files (e.g. more than one script file as well as css). The goal is that I will be able to add a single ScriptReference to Scripts and have it load more than one resource related to that reference name.

What I'm getting stuck on is, how does your basic ScriptManager know what to do with stuff when when using static methods that do not include a Page parameter? For example:

ScriptManager.ScriptResourceMapping.AddDefinition("someName", new
ScriptResourceDefinition { Path="/script/somescript.js"});

This adds a definition to (I guess) whatever the active script manager is for the page that's running when you call it. But unlike the old-school methods, like RegisterClientScriptBlock there is no parameter passed that identifies the page. But this stuff must get stored in the ScriptManager object, no? So how does it know?

I could always get a reference to the active one with this:


but ideally, I would create new methods that work exactly like Microsoft's. I can't figure out how I could implement something like

ScriptManager.ScriptResourceMapping.AddDefinition(string name,
ScriptResourceDefinition definition,
ResourceType type)

that could figure out the object instance to add the stuff into without having to add a Page parameter.

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Looking For Source Code For The ScriptManager?

Feb 27, 2010

I know I can load the symbols for the class but i can't get it to work. I tried everything so i give up.

I only need the code for this class. It's because i am using a custom script manager and i must know how the .net one works.

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MVC :: Is ScriptManager Still The Current Way To Register JS

May 24, 2010

Is MVC ScriptManager still the current way to register JS specific to my .ASCX (partial view)?


That is from last year before VS2010 release, so I wonder if there is a more prevalent way to do this?

It's also from before VS2010 release, so maybe there is now an "packaged" way to do this?

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AJAX :: ToolkitScriptManager/ScriptManager?

Jun 7, 2010

I have a form which I am using the RoundedCornersExtender, If I am using the ScriptManager control I am getting the following error-Error: AjaxControlToolkit requires ASP.NET Ajax 4.0 scripts. Ensure the correct version of the scripts are referenced. If you are using an ASP.NET ScriptManager, switch to the ToolkitScriptManager in AjaxControlToolkit.dll.I googled it and found that one way to overcome this is to use the ToolkitScripyManager, I replaced the ScriptManager with the ToolkitScriptManager and I dont get the above error anymore. On this same form I am using an UpdatePanel control but from some reason I am not getting a partial render but always a full page render.

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AJAX :: How To Use Toolscriptmanager Or Scriptmanager

Feb 8, 2011

Currently using Framework3.5 Ajax Dll-3.5 Pages included -MasterPage and 6-Default Page's myquery i m currently using Different Designing Interace for all the Default Page's means some of page's includes update panel and some not sly some page's include ajax toolkit tool's like -CascadingDropDown,UpdatePanel and Masked Edit Control do i need to

add scriptmanager in all the page's involving MasterPage?
add ScriptManager or ToolScriptManager in Master Page ?
add toolscriptmanager in masterpage and rest of page's using ajax controls and update panel

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AJAX :: ScriptManager And Timer?

Aug 4, 2010

I'm having a serious problem with my ASP.NET AJAX application.There is an javascript function in my application needs to be executed after the Timer_Tick event. Here's the code behind:


When I call the javascript function 'UpdateValue' for the first time(at onload page event), it works correctly. But after the Timer_Tick event, it does nothing. This is the HTML code:


What's the problem with the ScriptManager or the Timer_Tick event?

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How To Construct A Control Like The ScriptManager

Jan 25, 2010

Maybe this is not the best title to it, but this is what I am trying to find out. I need a way to construct a control in ASP.Net that mimics the ScriptManager in that it should look like this:


How to make the Control have a List of items that you can add items to from the Source of a page.

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AJAX :: ScriptManager EnablePageMethods?

Apr 22, 2010

I am trying to update a listbox on the server from javascript using Ajax PageMethods. How would I reference the listbox control inside the Shared Sub, I get Error 156 Cannot refer to an instance member of a class from within a shared method or shared member initializer without an explicit instance of the class. The reason I want to do it this way is because when I updated it on the client the code-behind did not have the updated count.


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ScriptManager.RegisterHiddenField In Chrome?

Dec 17, 2010

I'm working with some code that utilizes the ScriptManager.RegisterHiddenField to keep track of modifications to a datamodel. It works fine in IE and FF, but Chrome is having trouble. A simple example of the problem occurs if you add something like:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
ScriptManager.RegisterHiddenField(this, DateTime.Now.ToString(), "keith");


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Is It Possible To Put A ScriptManager Control In A Content Page

May 25, 2010

Is it possible to put a ScriptManager Control in a Content Page?I've tried inserting a ScriptManager, UpdatePanel, and ContentTemplate within the ContentPlaceHolder1 of one of my pages and it's not working.

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AJAX :: How To Dynamically Add ScriptManager To A WebUserControl

Feb 9, 2010

I had this problem: I created a WebUserControl that used som Ajax stuff - hence it needed a ScriptManager.

The problem was that I couldn't add it to the WebUserControls html code (the .ascx file) since the WebUserControl sometimes was placed into a parent page that already had a ScriptManager, and I couldn't add a ScriptManagerProxy since the parent page sometimes didn't had a ScriptManager.

Alot of people just use a ScriptManager on the MasterPage, but this fails if: one doesn't use a MasterPage or one uses iFrames etc. that uses stand alone aspx pages, like Thickbox might do...

Here's the solution:

in the WebUserControls code behind (.cs file), put this:

protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)

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AJAX :: Difference Between ToolkitScriptManager And Scriptmanager?

May 31, 2010

Can you tell me why its necessery to include "ToolkitScriptManager" or "scriptmanager" when we use AJAX ?

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Web Forms :: Which Should Use, ToolkitScriptManager Or ScriptManager , And What Will Going Wrong

Jan 14, 2011

I use scriptmanager instead of toolscript manager and don't seem to have problems. But I have noticed that the recommendation is to use toolscriptmanager. Is there any difference now?

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AJAX :: Update ScriptManager To ToolkitScriptManager?

Sep 27, 2010

I just downloaded the latest (3.5.40412.0) version of Ajax Control Toolkit and in order to update the existing version, I have replaced <asp:ScriptManager with <ajaxtoolkit:ToolkitScriptManager. The page loads with an javascript error:

Error: $get("id of ToolkitScriptManager_hiddenfield") is null
Source File: https://localtest.dk/layouts/site.aspx?_tsm_hiddenfield_=sitesscriptmanager_hiddenfield&_tsm_combinedscripts_=%3b%3bajaxcontroltoolkit%2c+version%3d3.5.40412.0%2c+culture%3dneutral%2c+publickeytoken%3d28f01b0e84b6d53e%3aen-us%3a1547e793-5b7e-48fe-8490-03a375b13a33%3a475a4ef5%3aeffe2a26%3a1d3ed089%3a5546a2b%3a497ef277%3aa43b07eb%3a751cdd15%3adfad98a5%3a3cf12cf1%3ad2e10b12%3af3d989c9
Line: 48

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Getting A Scriptmanager Into A Dynamically Rendered Page?

Apr 13, 2010

We are rendering usercontrols dynamically like this:


This lets us the same user controls when rendering pages normally as we do when rendering responses to ajax calls. However, when adding controls which themselves contain a scriptmanagerProxy we run into the problem that the newed up Page object doesn't contain either a ScriptManager or the HtmlForm in which the ScriptManager needs to run.

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AJAX :: Behind The Scenes Of ScriptManager Control

May 30, 2010

Can anybody explain why cant you have more than one scriptmanager control in a page. Why gets emitted in the markup which creates a problem with two scriptmanager control on the page.

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C# - Scriptmanager RegisterStartupScript Does Not Work On Callbacks

Feb 8, 2011

I am using a third party UI Library (devexpress) to implement some data grids. These grids work with Callbacks (not UpdatePanel partial Postbacks).

I am trying to use Scriptmanager RegisterStartupScript to execute some code on the client after the callback. This works great with partial postbacks but does not work with Callbacks.

Is there any way to queue client side code for execution inside the callback server side handler?

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Need Updatepanel And Scriptmanager Get AJAX Working?

Dec 13, 2010

I'm finding that the scriptmanager and the updatepanel and basic implementations of AJAX for ASP.NET. I'm just wondering whether these were required to use AJAX and partial page update and referencing handlers such as button1_click on the server code page ?

Also if i can ask another question, I'm also wanting to know whether the updatepanel can support feed-in like facebook ? What I'm wanting to do is have something that updates the screen (like the update panel), and items within this panel contains links. When the user clicks on the link it shows a modal div, giving the user options to do some updates. Once the user clicks submit, then this makes a call to the server to update the details then also update the panel. Within the panel I also want to move some of the div elements using javascript (causing the drag and drops to save to the database).

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