C# - Button's OnClick Event Doesn't Fire

Nov 28, 2010

The following code is my ASP.NET page :

<MdsMenu:MenuItem Text="Button" Href="#">
<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Button 01" OnClick="Button_Click" />
<asp:Button ID="Button2" runat="server" Text="Button 02" OnClick="Button_Click" />

I don't know why Button_Click event doesn't fire!

protected void Button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Button senderButton = sender as Button;
Label1.Text = senderButton.ID.ToString();

MdsMenu:MenuItem is my custom WebControl. If I insert a Button control out of MdsMenu:MenuItem tag it works well but if I inserted it within MdsMenu:MenuItem tag it doesn't fire the concerned method. What's wrong with my code?

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel.Design;
using System.Drawing.Design;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using System.IO;
namespace MenuServerControl
[AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Level = AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)]
[AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Level = AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)]
[ParseChildren(true, "MenuItems")]
[ToolboxData("<{0}:Menu runat="server"> </{0}:Menu>")]
public class Menu : WebControl
#region Fields
private List<MenuItem> _MenuItems;
string _Direction
string direction = "";
switch (this.Direction)
case Directions.LeftToRight:
direction = "direction:ltr;";
case Directions.RightToLeft:
direction = "direction:rtl;";
direction = "direction:rtl;";
return direction;
string _AnimationDelay
if (AnimationDelay == null)
AnimationDelay = 1000;
return AnimationDelay.ToString().ToLower();
string _AnimationType
switch (this.AnimationType)
case AnimationType.Opacity_Height:
return "animation:{opacity:'show',height:'show'}";
case AnimationType.Opacity_Width:
return "animation:{opacity:'show',width:'show'}";
case AnimationType.Opacity:
return "animation:{opacity:'show'}";
case AnimationType.Height:
return "animation:{height:'show'}";
case AnimationType.Width:
return "animation:{width:'show'}";
case AnimationType.Height_Toggle:
return "animation: {height: 'toggle'}";
case AnimationType.Width_Toggle:
return "animation: {width: 'toggle'}";
return "animation:{opacity:'show',height:'show'}";
string _AnimationSpeed
switch (this.AnimationSpeed)
case AnimationSpeed.Fast:
return "speed:'fast'";
case AnimationSpeed.Normal:
return "speed:'normal'";
case AnimationSpeed.Slow:
return "speed:'slow'";
return "speed:'fast'";
string FloatStyle
if (Direction == Directions.RightToLeft)
return "float:right;";
else return "";
string _Main_ul_CssClass = "";
#region Properties
public string Main_ul_CssClass
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_Main_ul_CssClass)) return "";
_Main_ul_CssClass = "class=" + _Main_ul_CssClass;
return _Main_ul_CssClass;
_Main_ul_CssClass = value.Trim();
public Directions Direction { get; set; }
public int? AnimationDelay { get; set; }
public AnimationType AnimationType { get; set; }
public AnimationSpeed AnimationSpeed { get; set; }
public bool DropShadow { get; set; }
public bool AutoArrows { get; set; }
[Description("The menu collection")]
public List<MenuItem> MenuItems
if (_MenuItems == null)
_MenuItems = new List<MenuItem>();
return _MenuItems;
public VerOrHor VerticalOrHorizontal { get; set; }
#region Methods
public Menu()
DropShadow = true;
AutoArrows = true;
public override void RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriter writer)
writer.Write("<div id="" + this.ID + "" style="" + _Direction + " " + FloatStyle + "">");
public override void RenderEndTag(HtmlTextWriter writer)
protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e)
#region Adding Script & link Tags
HtmlGenericControl jquery = new HtmlGenericControl("script");
jquery.Attributes.Add("type", "text/javascript");
jquery.Attributes.Add("src", Page.ClientScript.GetWebResourceUrl(typeof(MenuServerControl.Menu), "MenuServerControl.JavaScriptFiles.jquery_1_4_3.js"));
jquery.EnableViewState = false;
HtmlGenericControl hoverIntent = new HtmlGenericControl("script");
hoverIntent.Attributes.Add("type", "text/javascript");
hoverIntent.Attributes.Add("src", Page.ClientScript.GetWebResourceUrl(typeof(Menu), "MenuServerControl.JavaScriptFiles.hoverIntent.js"));
hoverIntent.EnableViewState = false;
HtmlGenericControl jquery_bgiframe_min = new HtmlGenericControl("script");
jquery_bgiframe_min.Attributes.Add("type", "text/javascript");
jquery_bgiframe_min.Attributes.Add("src", Page.ClientScript.GetWebResourceUrl(typeof(Menu), "MenuServerControl.JavaScriptFiles.jquery_bgiframe_min.js"));
jquery_bgiframe_min.EnableViewState = false;
HtmlGenericControl superfish = new HtmlGenericControl("script");
superfish.Attributes.Add("type", "text/javascript");
superfish.Attributes.Add("src", Page.ClientScript.GetWebResourceUrl(typeof(Menu), "MenuServerControl.JavaScriptFiles.superfish.js"));
superfish.EnableViewState = false;
HtmlGenericControl supersubs = new HtmlGenericControl("script");
supersubs.Attributes.Add("type", "text/javascript");
supersubs.Attributes.Add("src", Page.ClientScript.GetWebResourceUrl(typeof(Menu), "MenuServerControl.JavaScriptFiles.supersubs.js"));
supersubs.EnableViewState = false;
if (Direction == Directions.LeftToRight)
HtmlGenericControl csslink = new HtmlGenericControl("link");
csslink.Attributes.Add("href", Page.ClientScript.GetWebResourceUrl
(typeof(Menu), "MenuServerControl.CSS.superfish.css"));
csslink.ID = "NavigationMenu";
csslink.Attributes.Add("type", "text/css");
csslink.Attributes.Add("rel", "stylesheet");
csslink.EnableViewState = false;
HtmlGenericControl csslink = new HtmlGenericControl("link");
csslink.Attributes.Add("href", Page.ClientScript.GetWebResourceUrl
(typeof(Menu), "MenuServerControl.CSS.RightToLeft superfish.css"));
csslink.ID = "NavigationMenu";
csslink.Attributes.Add("type", "text/css");
csslink.Attributes.Add("rel", "stylesheet");
csslink.EnableViewState = false;
if (this.VerticalOrHorizontal == VerOrHor.Vertical && this.Direction == Directions.RightToLeft)
HtmlGenericControl csslink01 = new HtmlGenericControl("link");
csslink01.Attributes.Add("href", Page.ClientScript.GetWebResourceUrl
(typeof(Menu), "MenuServerControl.CSS.RightToLeft superfish-vertical.css"));
csslink01.Attributes.Add("type", "text/css");
csslink01.Attributes.Add("rel", "stylesheet");
csslink01.EnableViewState = false;
else if (this.VerticalOrHorizontal == VerOrHor.Vertical)
HtmlGenericControl csslink01 = new HtmlGenericControl("link");
csslink01.Attributes.Add("href", Page.ClientScript.GetWebResourceUrl
(typeof(Menu), "MenuServerControl.CSS.superfish-vertical.css"));
csslink01.Attributes.Add("type", "text/css");
csslink01.Attributes.Add("rel", "stylesheet");
csslink01.EnableViewState = false;
protected override void RenderContents(HtmlTextWriter output)
StringBuilder CreateMenuHtmlTags()
if (this._MenuItems == null)
throw new Exception("تگ های مربوط به منو را کامل کنید");
StringBuilder Html = new StringBuilder("");
#region Add <Script>
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Main_ul_CssClass))
Html.Append("<script>$(document).ready(function() { $("ul.sf-menu").superfish({pathLevels: 1,");
Html.Append("<script>$(document).ready(function() { $("ul." + Main_ul_CssClass + "").superfish({ pathLevels: 1,");
Html.Append("delay:" + _AnimationDelay + ",");
Html.Append(_AnimationType + ",");
Html.Append(_AnimationSpeed + ",");
Html.Append("dropShadows: " + DropShadow.ToString().ToLower() + ",");
Html.Append(@"autoArrows: " + AutoArrows.ToString().ToLower() + "});});</script>");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Main_ul_CssClass) && VerticalOrHorizontal == VerOrHor.Vertical)
Html.Append("<ul class="sf-menu sf-vertical sf-js-enabled sf-shadow" id='sample-menu-1'>");
else if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Main_ul_CssClass))
Html.Append("<ul class="sf-menu sf-js-enabled sf-shadow" id='sample-menu-1'>");
Html.Append("<ul class="" + Main_ul_CssClass + "" id='sample-menu-1'>");
foreach (MenuItem item in _MenuItems)
if (item == null) continue;
if (item.SubMenuItems != null && item.SubMenuItems.Count > 0)
Html.Append("<li" + item.li_CssClass + ">");
Html.Append("<a href="" + item.Href + "">" + item.Text.Trim() + "</a>");
ParseSubMenuItems(ref Html, item);
else if (item.SubMenuItems != null)
Html.Append("<li" + item.li_CssClass + "><a href="" + item.Href + "">" + item.Text.Trim() + "</a></li>");
return Html;
void ParseSubMenuItems(ref StringBuilder Html, MenuItem menuItems)
if (menuItems == null) return;
Html.Append("<ul " + menuItems.ul_CssClass + " style="display: none; visibility: hidden;">");
foreach (var item in menuItems.SubMenuItems)
if (item == null) continue;
MenuItem Sub_MenuItem = item as MenuItem;
WebControl webControl = item as WebControl;
if (Sub_MenuItem != null)
if (Sub_MenuItem.SubMenuItems != null && Sub_MenuItem.SubMenuItems.Count > 0)
Html.Append("<li" + Sub_MenuItem.li_CssClass + ">");
Html.Append("<a href="" + Sub_MenuItem.Href + "">" + Sub_MenuItem.Text.Trim() + "</a>");
ParseSubMenuItems(ref Html, Sub_MenuItem);
else if (Sub_MenuItem.SubMenuItems != null)
Html.Append("<li" + Sub_MenuItem.li_CssClass + "><a href="" + Sub_MenuItem.Href + "">" + Sub_MenuItem.Text.Trim() + "</a></li>");
else if (webControl != null)
webControl.EnableViewState = true;
webControl.EnableViewState = true;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
using (StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(sb))
using (HtmlTextWriter textWriter = new HtmlTextWriter(sw))
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Collections;
namespace MenuServerControl
[ParseChildren(true, "SubMenuItems")]
public class MenuItem : INamingContainer
#region Fields
ArrayList _SubMenuItems;
string text = "";
string href = "#";
string _ul_CssClass = "";
string _li_CssClass = "";
#region Properties
[Description("متن منو آیتم")]
public string Text
return text;
text = value;
[Description("<a /> href attribute")]
public string Href
return href;
href = value;
[Description("<ul /> css class")]
public string ul_CssClass
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_ul_CssClass)) return "";
_ul_CssClass = " class="" + _ul_CssClass + """;
return _ul_CssClass;
set { this._ul_CssClass = value.Trim(); }
[Description("<li /> css class")]
public string li_CssClass
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_li_CssClass)) return "";
_li_CssClass = " class="" + _li_CssClass + """;
return _li_CssClass;
set { this._li_CssClass = value.Trim(); }
[Description("The MenuItems collection")]
public ArrayList SubMenuItems
if (_SubMenuItems == null)
_SubMenuItems = new ArrayList();
return _SubMenuItems;

You can download the project from here.

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The button is supposed to change text when clicked but no method I have tried works with my page.

Here is my simple upload form page:


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AJAX :: ReorderList Doesn't Fire Update Event?

Jan 12, 2011

I have my ReorderList setup, and it seems to work. It doesn't give me any errors, and it allows drag/drop of the entries.

BUT, it never updates my datasource. I have tried putting breakpoints on the update events, both on the reorder list, but also on the datasource, none fires.

What could i possibly do wrong, to achieve this?

Here's my code, just in case:



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