C# - Code In Markup For A Link-href (.Net)?

Dec 17, 2010

I have an aspx-Page with an anchor-tag. Itīs href has to take a parameter of thepage, which is a public member.public int CommissionId


I know how to design the link in code-behind, but want to do it in Markup.I tried

<a href='<% String.Format(@"Details.aspx?commissionId=" + CommissionId) %>' runat="server" id="cancelLink" class="button" onclick="this.blur();"><span>Back</span></a>

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MVC :: Image Link Helper, Look Like A Href, But Not Act Like One?

Dec 5, 2010

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Databinding Expression In Link Tag's Href Not Working?

May 19, 2010

I have the following HTML with a databinding expression as shown below:


The 'title' tag's expression gets evaluated fine.

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Web Applications - Why Inline Asp.net Not Working Within <link Href>

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<link href="css/reset.min.css?v=<%= App.Golbal.VERSION %>" media="all" rel="Stylesheet" type="text/css" />

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<link href="css/reset.min.css?v=<%= App.Golbal.VERSION %>" media="all" rel="Stylesheet" type="text/css" />
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Jan 28, 2010

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C# - How To Set Href Attribute Of Anchor Tag That Is Within A Repeater In Code Behind

Oct 20, 2010

normally on would use the following :-

aspx page:-

<a ID="a1" href="javascript:void(0);">Link1 </a>

code behind:-


how do u set this HRef attribute in case the anchor tag is within a repeater ?

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AntiXss.UrlEncode Vs. AntiXss.HtmlAttributeEncode Usage In Link (a Href)?

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Change Master Page A Href Link From Content Page?

Sep 9, 2010

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<ul class="menu">
<li class="first" runat="server" id="Li2">
<a runat="server" id="A1" href="../NewEntry.aspx">Create a New Entry</a>
when i go to content page ("NewEntry.aspx") i want the link name to be changed to "Update Entry"
<ul class="menu">
<li class="first" runat="server" id="Li2">
<a runat="server" id="A1" href="../UpdateEntry.aspx">Update Entry</a>

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Web Forms :: C# Run Onlick Method In .cs Code From Href Button?

Oct 17, 2010

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From the .... .aspx file[Code]....

have tried changing out the # with onclick="loggut_Click" but its still not working.

from the ....cs file

protected void loggut_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Session["Innlogget"] = "nei";

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C# - Possible To Do Inline Code In ASPX Markup

Jun 1, 2010

Is it possible to do things in a PHPish way in ASP.Net? I've seen <%= %> but I've tried it and couldn't get it to work. The PHPish equivalent of what I want to do is

<script src="<?php echo ResolveUrl("jquery/js/jquery.js"); ?>"></script>

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Write HTML Markup From Code Behind?

Apr 4, 2011

What is the Best way to write my own HTML from code behind?

i currently use this :

<asp:Literal ID="ltr" runat="server"></asp:Literal>

and from code behind :

ltr.Text = "<p class="specific-class"></p>";

is it a right to do something like this?

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Development Server Is Not Updating Changes To Markup / Code?

Sep 1, 2010

I've been working on the ASP.NET Development Server recently (on an MVC project and I'm finding that it is inconsistent in how it serves the changes I make to my code. For example, I make a change to the C#/HTML/CSS/JS in the dev environment and run the page, and the change appears on the screen. But if I edit the HTML again and run the page again, the new change doesn't appear. Even ctrl+F5 doesn't do it. I have to stop the web server and run the app again for the changes to update. Has anyone else experienced this? Is there a way to sort this problem out?

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WebMatrix :: Razor Syntax - Separate Code From Markup

Aug 28, 2010

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C# - Difference When Declaring A DataSource In Markup Compared To Code Behind

Jan 13, 2011

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E-mailing Forms: Adding HTML Markup To Code-behind?

Apr 13, 2010

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Probably a straightforward thing, or not intended usage at all,

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.net - Markup Code Inside Custom Server Control?

Dec 29, 2010

I'm new to custom server controls and I'm hoping to use them to build various 'modules' for different sites I build to cut down on duplicate code.I'm familiar with custom user controls in which I can create an .ascx & .ascx.vb file which can then be imported into an .aspx page and used freely.However, with custom server controls I cannot find a way of using markup/html code. Is this possible at all or must all code be created programmatically?

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Accessing User Control Properties Defined In Code Behind In Markup?

Feb 9, 2011

I have a public property defined in code behind of a user control. I want to toggle visibility of controls in the markup based on the property's value.

However, using the following syntax:

<td style="display:<%#(Container.PageControlMode == PageControlMode. PageMode.Wizard) ? "none" : "inline" %;">

I have the following property in my code behind:

public PageMode PageControlMode { get; set; }

Does not work and generate errors.

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C# - Extend Control (ASCX) And Access Base Markup File From Subclass Code?

Jan 29, 2010

I'm building form validation controls for our C# ASP application. The bulk of the work is handled by a BaseValidator control (subclassing System.Web.UI.UserControl), which also has the markup for the validation output. This is then extended by subcontrols like PasswordValidator, that provides the Validate method and any extra fields needed by that validator control.

(The end goal is to have controls like <uc1:PasswordValidator ControlId="txtPassword" /> which we can plop into any form with minimum duplication.)

However, PasswordValidator.ascx.cs cannot access the form elements defined in BaseValidator.ascx; the only way I've found to do so is to duplicate the markup in each subcontrol's *.ascx file. How can I extend BaseValidator.ascx.cs and access BaseValidator.ascx's markup in the subclass?

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C# - Call A Webservice Via A Link / Unable To Add Code To The Code Behind?

Oct 21, 2010

I have a webservice I need to call via a link. The webservice returns a pdf document and takes a document Id as a input parameter.Under normal circumstances I could have the link call some code in the code behind which in turn calls the webservice.

However the difficult part about it is I can't add code to the code behind. The reason is it is for some CMS users who want to know what links to add to the page which will download the pdfs. I can only add the link to the aspx page.

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Web Forms :: Timer Control In Markup, But Code-behind Saying "not Declared"

Dec 28, 2010

When I first created a timer (Timer1) I handled the Tick event. No problem, intellisense worked and the timer control was declared then. I toggled it's enabled property, no problem.

I just went to look back at the _Tick event for the Timer1 control, and it has the blue underline mark in VWD that says that Timer1 is undeclared. I looked back at the markup and the <asp:Timer ID="Timer1" runat="server" ... /> control is there. I don't understand why all of a sudden my code-behind class is not recognizing the ID of my timer control.

The page runs fine, but it is throwing me off why VWD is seeing this as an error when I hard-type the control name.

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How The Server Process The Page - Code Behind - "markup Mixed With HTML Elements"

Oct 23, 2010

I want to know how the server will process my page that contain:

1- ASP.NET markup mixed with HTML elements.
2- Code behinde.

Will it read the ASP.NET markup line by line and even HTML elements? And then reads the code behind? or what exactly?

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Create Link Button By Code Behind?

May 30, 2010

Can we Create a link button by code behind .. means i have to create a multiple link button on a web page i want create this button dynamically from code behind

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