C# - Compare Two Saved Files With The Filename Of Same Url?

Feb 4, 2011

I'm saving many text files. Filenames are urls. File has whole html of webpage from url. All text files are saved in one folder.

My problem:
I need to compare two files of same url, but how?

filenames of same webpage are the same, I cant save 2 files with the same name.add version of url is stupid because I cant add it into my webapplication.

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C# - Getting The New Filename Of A File Saved With Ajax AsyncFileUpload?

Dec 16, 2010

I'm saving a file with the asyncfileupload ajax plugin from the ajax toolkit and when I save it I'm changing the filename (to avoid multiple files with the same name).

After the file is uploaded, the user needs to know what the file has been named so I'm using this javascript code on the onclientuploadcomplete event.

function UploadComplete(sender, args) {

This works except it gets the old name, not the new name (which is determined server-side). Is there any way to get it to return the new name rather than the old name? Or any work around to achieve this?

This is my code in the code behind the get the new filename:

string filename = DateTime.Now.ToString("dMyHmsf") + e.filename;
string strPath = MapPath("~/SavedImages/") + filename;

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C# - Understand This RegEx Statement / Validate Filename From Asp FileUpload Control To Allow Only Jpeg And Gif Files?

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Please help to understand this RegEx statement in details. It's supposed to validate filename from ASP.Net FileUpload control to allow only jpeg and gif files. It was designed by somebody else and I do not completely understand it. It works fine in Internet Explorer 7.0 but not in Firefox 3.6.

<asp:RegularExpressionValidator id="FileUpLoadValidator" runat="server"
ErrorMessage="Upload Jpegs and Gifs only."

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Caching - ASPX And ASCX Files Not Updating When Saved?

Mar 4, 2011

At some point in the last month, two web application projects that I've been working on have stopped showing updates to aspx and ascx files until IIS is restarted, or the website they belong to is reset. This seems to be very random and I can't find any reason in the web.config sections that would cause this change. What are some good places to look for a source to this issue?Current caching parts of web.config: Removing the outputCacheProfile and restarting IIS made no difference.

<add name="ClientResourceCache" location="None" enabled="true" duration="3600" varyByParam="*" varyByContentEncoding="gzip;deflate"/>

Commening out the staticConent and restarting also made no difference

<clientCache cacheControlMode="UseMaxAge" cacheControlMaxAge="1.00:00:00">
<add extension=".gif" policy="DontCache" kernelCachePolicy="CacheUntilChange" duration="0.00:01:00" location="Any" />
<add extension=".png" policy="DontCache" kernelCachePolicy="CacheUntilChange" duration="0.00:01:00" location="Any" />
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<add extension=".css" policy="DontCache" kernelCachePolicy="DontCache" duration="00:01:00" location="Any" />
<add extension=".jpg" policy="DontCache" kernelCachePolicy="CacheUntilChange" duration="0.00:01:00" location="Any" />
<add extension=".jpeg" policy="DontCache" kernelCachePolicy="CacheUntilChange" duration="0.00:01:00" location="Any" />

We've also tried adding .ascx and .aspx extensions with CacheUntilChange which made no difference. Other sites with these same settings aren't having the issue. Edit: Originally this state that there also was no update when the project was built, I haven't personally been able to confirm that issue but was told by another developer that was occurring.

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Forms Data Controls :: Adding Hyperlink Control To Listview To Link To Files / Retrieving Filename From SQLdatasource

Dec 19, 2010

I have created a asp.net webpage for viewing daily downloaded newspaper, saved as a pdf file in a selected folder (~/NEWS/{0}) within the web root directory. Also i have a SQL datasource linked, where the news table has two columns viz: date and filename.

I want to create a tiled listview where the date text is visible on the hyperlink. on clicking the hyperlink, the file name is retreived for the corresponding date and the pdf file opens in a fresh page.

I have tried going to the item template in listview and replacing the label control with a hyperlink control, but then not able to successfully proceed ahead.

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Web Forms :: Uploaded Files Path Saved To SQL But Not Fully Returned On Webpage?

Nov 29, 2010

I am trying to put together a page where files uploaded by a specific users would be listed in a bulletedlist and I am stuck. Here's the rundown:

Users login, they upload files which are saved to disk in the user's own directory. All the file's information, including the path, is stored in a SQL database.

The user has also its own page, where there is a bulletedlist (set as a hyperlink) that gets the filename from the SQL. However, the path to the file is incomplete.

The file is saved to the site's directory structure: C:WebsitesSiteUploadsUserFile.pdf. However, the hyperlink shows[URL]

Can anyone point me to the right direction? Below is a snippet of the upload method and the retrieval to build the bulletedlist.



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Web Forms :: Fetching Of Files Saved In Database Using Generic Handler Is Slow

Jul 8, 2013

I have used [URL]....

above method to save and retreve files from sql server database. I have uploaded around 50-60 images as jpg. But it taking so much time to get display online. but it's working faster when accessing from local database. 

There's the page where images are displaying [URL]....

Is the speed for images retreiving from sql database is  slower as compared to retrieving images from folder..?
.vb code:

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
If Not Page.IsPostBack Then
scroll = fillbannerpics()
End If
End Sub


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Compare Two .aspx Files Before Uploading?

Nov 2, 2010

I was wondering whether there is away to compare two .aspx pages. I have a website on my local machine and the same website on a production server. What i will like to do is compare .aspx page from my local and production server to see what the differences are.

Is this possible?

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Web Forms :: Setting A Compare Validator To Compare With Control In Different Content Area

Jan 10, 2011

When attempting to place controls in different content areas using Masterpages and trying to use a compare validator, I get the error: Unable to find control id 'txtStartDate' referenced by the 'ControlToCompare' property of 'cvlDate'. I have also attempted to set it within the c# code behind in page load: cvlDate.ControlToCompare = txtStartDate.ID and by using findControl there must be an easy way to achieve this?

<asp:Content ID="Content4" ContentPlaceHolderID="leftForm" Runat="Server">
<asp:Label ID="lblStartTimeEnter" runat="server" Text="Start Time:" Width="100px"/>
<asp:TextBox ID="txtStartTime"runat="server" MaxLength="50" Width="250"/>
<asp:Content ID="Content4" ContentPlaceHolderID="rightForm" Runat="Server">
<asp:label ID="lblEndDateEnter" CssClass="formMargin labelInput" runat="server" Text="End Date:" Width="100px"/>
<asp:TextBox ID="txtEndDate" CssClass="formMargin" runat="server" MaxLength="20" Width="250" ClientIDMode="Static"/>
<asp:CompareValidator ID="cvlDate" runat="server" ControlToValidate="txtEndDate" ControlToCompare="txtStartDate" Operator="GreaterThan" Type="Date" ErrorMessage="Start Date must be before End Date" > *</asp:CompareValidator>

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Feb 15, 2010

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Web Forms :: Compare Two Dates In "dd Mmm Yyyy" Format In Compare Validator

Apr 17, 2010

I am trying to check for a condition such that a date in an input control (textbox) is not greater from a date 1 years from current date(exactly) and also it should not be less than a date 1 year back from current date. for eg. if today's date is "21/dec/1990" then usen cannot enter a date in textbox which is less than 21/dec/89 and it should not be greater than 21/dec/1991. for this i first tried to confirm the greater than condition, i wrote the following code:


but this gave an error: The value '' of the ValueToCompare property of 'CompareValidator1' cannot be converted to type 'Date'.

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How To Get Only FileName (not Full Path)

Jan 10, 2011

using asp.net/vb.net 2005.

Is there an easy way other than splitting the string of getting only the filename (not the full path, the short name) of a file, what I have now is:


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Localization - LocalResources Same Filename?

May 13, 2010

I have a small question and I think this is asked before but I can't seem to find it...I have 2 pages:


The resource file for the /Default.aspx is in /App_LocalResources/Default.aspx.resx but where do I place the Default.aspx.resx for the /Profile/Default.aspx? When I place it in /App_LocalResources/Profile/Default.aspx.resx it keeps telling me the resource isn't found...I access the resources like this: <%$ Resources:lblHeader.Text %>

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C# - Error Trying To Add Filename To End Of String?

Mar 25, 2011

Error trying to add filename to end of string:

if (FileUploadControl.HasFile)


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Add DateTime And ID To FileName Before Uploaded?

Jan 12, 2010

I want to add the date/time and the user's ID to a file name before I uploaded the file into the web server. How do I do that?

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Web Forms :: How To Get FileUpload.FileName In Detailsview

Feb 23, 2010

I have a detailsview with an upload image to the database. Image is save as binary file in database, and imagename is the name of the file. I'm able to load the image to the database using FileUpload. How do I get the image name to the database? Is there any method like OnInserting or something that allows me to retrieve the file name and save to database?

<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Image" SortExpression="Image">
<img src='../Handler.ashx?PromoID=<%# Eval("PromoID") %>' />


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Remove Invalid Characters From FileName

Feb 9, 2010

I've wrote this little method to achieve the goal in the subj., however, is there more efficient (simpler) way of doing this? who will search for this like I did.

var fileName = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
fileName.Append("*Bad/ :, Filename,? ");
// get rid of invalid chars
while (fileName.ToString().IndexOfAny(System.IO.Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars()) > -1)
fileName = fileName.Remove(fileName.ToString().IndexOfAny(System.IO.Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars()), 1);

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Select Filename In File Uploader

Dec 11, 2010

I have 2 aspx pages. A&B. The page B.aspx contains Fileupload and Update button. When I Navigate from A.aspx to B.aspx the fileuploader must automattically select a file in the client machine (say C:TempTestFile.jpg). The Filename (TestFile.jpg) is already exists in our Database.

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AJAX :: AsyncFileUpload - How To Get New FileName After Upload

Oct 22, 2010

I'm using ajax.toolkit asyncFileUpload to do the async image upload.

I don't know how to get the new file name that i give it in server side.

This js function


only returns the name of the filename on the client, not the new name that I have given server side
how can I do?

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AJAX :: Getting .saveas Filename From Asyncfileupload?

Oct 25, 2010

I have my asyncfileupload set up to give the posted file a new guid as its filename, what i need is the NEW filename so i can insert it into a database. PostedFile just gives me the original name, as does args.get_fileName().

Here is my codebehind:


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Web Forms :: Get The Filename Under Shared Path?

Jun 8, 2010

Afetr uploading a file from database it returns string value.I want replace the uploaded filename with new string [return ] value inside saved path .So I want to enter into my Saved filepath folder and Find uploaded filename & replace with new string value..?The reason of replacing that file with new string value is backend people know that file upload is completed.How to enter into the path..I am getting my filepath from webconfig file. My filepath is a shared network folder. i tried in below way,Fileupload method:





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C# - Mapping A Filename To Paths On A Server?

Jun 28, 2010

I have a problem with my code. My code is using the fileupload control to browse for a filename when you add a filename it processes it and the code runs fine on when it lives on local host, but when I put the code on our prodution server it cannot find the filenames listed by user.

For example if I use the upload control to browse to B:MISCH IntiveRPTTOFL_3.csv and the code lives on my localhost which know what that file path means it works, but if the code is moved to a production server it may or maynot know what B:/ is or B:/ maybe mapped to something else. Even if I am browsing to a file on my C drive it will work on if the code is on the machine that the C drive is on, but it will not work if the code is on another machine because obviously that file wouldnt be on that C drive.

Private Function CSV2DataTable(ByVal filename As String) As DataTable

Using MyReader As New _
MyReader.TextFieldType = FileIO.FieldType.Delimited

What can I do in asp.net to make the filename work correctly?

Ok lets say I get the filename and save it as so

FileUploadControl.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~/") + filename);

now I want to pass the filename to the function above for processing. Do I pass Server.MapPath("~/") + filename as the filename? Also when I am done what do I do to delete the file from the server?

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Web Forms :: Rename The Uploadcontrol Filename?

Oct 5, 2010

I have a question. How do you rename a file from an upload control and save it in webserver folder?. Actually I know how to save it in the webfolder. All I want to know is how to check if the file already exist and to rename it if it exist with an addition of number to the file uploaded? Here is my code now. But I wanna add another number to it with the orignal file name.

filepath = Server.MapPath(
"~/Resumes/" & UploadResume.FileName)

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Web Forms :: Access Filename In ReportViewer

Jun 30, 2012

 <wijmo:C1ReportViewer ID="C1ReportViewer1" Width="800px" Height="600px" runat="server" > </wijmo:C1ReportViewer>

How can I access the filename in reportviewer ....

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