C# - Convert UpdatePanel To Panel In Code Behind?

Oct 25, 2010

The CMS I use struggles with UpdatePanels in some of my custom controls and master pages during edits. I'd like to convert them dynamically to regular panels on Page_Load or Page_Init or something based on whether the page is being edited.

I'd like to convert all the UpdatePanels on a page to Panels dynamically. Finding the UpdatePanels isn't an issue, all my pages inherit from a common base class, and all my controls inherit from a common base class -- so I can override the Page_Init or whatever.

I suspect I can't covert the UpdatePanel to a regular Panel. I thought about maybe finding the UpdatePanel, adding a Panel to the UpdatePanel's parent, then looping through each of the UpdatePanel's controls and adding them to the new Panel, then removing the UpdatePanel.

But if I add a new Panel, it'll be at the end, can you add a Panel in the middle... maybe with Insert? This shouldn't be difficult, but am I making it too difficult? Is there a simpler way? Anybody ever done stuff like this?

Update I ended up override the OnInit function on my MasterPage base class to readd the UpdatePanel to the ScriptManager after it moved per Philippe's comment on [URL]

protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
if (Page is CMSPage && Page.IsDesignMode())
foreach (UpdatePanel up in this.FindControls<UpdatePanel>())


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Code Behind :


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