C# - Find Node By Title And Delete It, But Always Is Deleted First Node?

Mar 31, 2011

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<siteMap xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/AspNet/SiteMap-File-1.0">
<siteMapNode url="~/" title="Úvodní stránka">
<siteMapNode url="Pocitace" title="Počítače" />
<siteMapNode url="Elektronika" title="Elektronika" />

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Similar Messages:

Web Forms :: Error - Could Not Find The Sitemap Node With URL 'Menu1.aspx?node=hardware'

Dec 8, 2010

Is it possible to have >1 sitemap files so that I can separate section 1 and 2 into two separate sitemap files?

The codes give this error:

Could not find the sitemap node with URL 'Menu1.aspx?node=hardware'.

The .aspx file has:


The Web.sitemap file contains:



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Forms Data Controls :: Read Selected Node And Its Parent Node Values For Treeview In JavaScript?

Feb 18, 2011

how to read selected node and its parent node values for treeview in asp.net in JAVAscript.

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AJAX :: When Expand Another Node, The Previous Expanded Node Collapses?

Oct 19, 2010

I created a sitemap with a treeview navigation in my aspx site. I am hoping someone can show me the code to put in a Masterpage so that when I expand a child node, all other nodes collapse, and when I expand another node, the previous expanded node collapses.

I have an example here of what I am trying to accomplish:


I am using asp.net with VB.

I have been scouring the internet looking for a solution, but so far haven't found anything that works.

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VS 2010 Populate Child Node When Parent Node Is Selected

Oct 16, 2012

I'm populating a treeview dynamically. On OnTreeNodePopulate I call a sub and populate the Parent nodes. I do not want to populate the child nodes at this time. Upto this point it works fine.

Now I would like the user to click the parent node and then populate the child node. I tried to use TreeNodeExpanded, but that is called for each parent node, so that didn't work.

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C# - Datagrid Getting Selected Value (delete Xml Node)?

Dec 26, 2010

Lets assume there are 2 columns in my datagrid:

<asp:View ID="viewRemove" runat="server">
<asp:DataGrid ID="dgRemove" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" OnDeleteCommand="dg_DeleteCommand">
<asp:BoundColumn DataField="name" HeaderText="names" />
<asp:ButtonColumn ButtonType="PushButton" Text="Delete" CommandName="Delete" ></asp:ButtonColumn>

The first column displays names from a xml file and the button column just hold delete buttons so i can delete the corresponding item to the left of it (1st column).

How exactly can i retrieve/pass this selected value to a function? In other words when i press the button to the right of the name, it passes the value so i can work with that to remove the corresponding xml node. (using XPath)

XmlDocument XMLDoc = new XmlDocument();
XPathNavigator nav = XMLDoc.CreateNavigator();
var node = nav.SelectSingleNode("/root/name['" + ??? + "']");

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Find XML Node Using JQuery

Jul 11, 2011

I have an asp .net image map loaded from xml, I am using jQuery to highlight the map.

At the same time I want to look up some descriptive text held in the xml. So far I have this.

type: "GET",
url: "/xml/" + feed,
dataType: "xml",

[Code] ....

And my xml looks like this


[Code] .....

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Find Parent Node In Treeview?

Mar 2, 2010

Im using treeview in asp.net

how can i check if parent contains childnodes in treeview selected node changed event.

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Find A TreeView Node From Codebehind?

Feb 21, 2011

I need to retrieve a specific node from the TreeView in order to dynamically set it's NavigateUrl property. I've tried using the code below:

TreeNode homeLink = TreeView1.FindNode("Home");

However this returns System.NullReferenceException error.My guess is that I'm using a wrong valuePath in the FindNode("Home"); function. I assume that valuePath refers to the "title" property of the node in the SiteMap?ere is an extract from the sitemap:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<siteMap xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/AspNet/SiteMap-File-1.0" >
<siteMapNode url="" title="" description="" SelectAction="Expand" roles="*">


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How To Find The Parent Of TreeView Node In JavaScript

Mar 21, 2010

How to find the parent of an ASP.NET TreeView node in JavaScript?

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Web Forms :: Sitemap Node - Seond Line Of Sitemap Node Won't Indent?

Mar 25, 2010

I have a second level node that goes onto two lines. The first line indents 15px as is set by the class for node level 2. The seond line kicks back to the same level as 1st level nodes. Here's what I mean:

Parent Node

Second node

line 2 of second node

I want it to be like this:

Parent Node

Second Node

line 2 of second node

View 4 Replies

Web Forms :: Add Child Node And Sub Child Node To The Tree View Dynamically

Jan 22, 2011

i want to create one treeview dynamically which will have child node and sub child node.for this i am getting my treeview value from the table with below column:Id,Name,Parent,IsActivewhere main parent nodes parent id will be 0 and then all other records parent id would be related id. the table structure would look

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Forms Data Controls :: Add / Remove And Delete A Node In A Treeview?

Jan 17, 2011

I want to add, edit(update) and delete a node from a treeview. These all opeartion must be performed on the treeview itself.

I am using VS2010 with framework 3.5, in asp.net c# language.

My database is Mysql.

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Data Controls :: How To Delete Location Tag (Node) Programmatically In Web Config File Using C#

May 7, 2015

I want to delete location path using parameter textbox .. example : I enter name of location path in the texbox when i click button delete then location path in web config will be remove..

<location path="page1">
<allow users="ADMIN" />
<deny users="*" />

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Data Controls :: How To Delete Location Tag (Node) Programmatically Using Its Path In Web Config File

May 7, 2015

I want to delete location path using parameter textbox and allow user ..

example  :

location path = textbox1
allow user = textbox2

explanation : i enter name of location path in the texbox1 and allow user  in the texbox2,  when i click button delete then location path based on parameter textbox1 and textbox2 in web config will be remove..

this below my web config

<location path="3pm.aspx">
<allow users="testing1,testing2,tunggal ,usertest" />

[Code] ...

So far this is my code for deleting location path using parameter name of path , yet to parameter allow user ..

protected void DeleteLocationPath(object sender, EventArgs e)
string path = Server.MapPath("~/Web.Config");
XmlDocument xDoc = new XmlDocument();

[Code] .....

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TreeView Are Selected Node Style Doesn't Appear To Selected Node

Aug 11, 2010

<asp:TreeView ID="TreeViewCategories" runat="server" ExpandDepth="0" Style="min-height: 200px;
max-height: 500px;" LineImagesFolder="~/TreeLineImages" NodeIndent="0" LeafNodeStyle-CssClass="LeafNodesStyle"
CssClass="TreeView" NodeStyle-CssClass="NodeStyle" ParentNodeStyle-CssClass="ParentNodeStyle"

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Sitemap Randomly Breaks Over Time / Could Not Find The Sitemap Node With URL '~/Default.aspx'

Aug 2, 2010

I've been having some production runtime errors that I don't fully understand. This has happened to us on a couple different ASP.NET 4.0 Web Sites (shudders - yes, I know - we're porting it to MVC but that's taking some time).

First of all, we have never been able to reproduce this issue in development/QA environments. Secondly, upon deployment, the issue seems to be non-existent. Sometimes the issue manifests within a day or two of deployment and other times the deployment will be live for a month without it manifesting at all. However, once it manifests, then ANY page viewed under the web site causes the error. Lastly, this problem seemed to only come up once we migrated to .NET 4.0. We started at 2.0, a year ago upped to 3.5, and recently upped to 4.0 with this solution and most child projects.

The error:

Could not find the sitemap node with URL '~/Default.aspx'.

A simplified version of our sitemap (with some names changed and uninteresting nodes removed) is as follows:

<siteMap xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/AspNet/SiteMap-File-1.0">
<siteMapNode roles="*" title="EG">
<siteMapNode url="~/../SM/Default.aspx" title="Welcome" description="" roles="*" />
<siteMapNode url="~/../SD/Default.aspx" title="SD" description="" roles="*" />
<siteMapNode url="~/../SMD/Default.aspx" title="SMD" description="" roles="*" />


I have confirmed in all of the SiteMaps that there is a node with url="~/Default.aspx" with roles="*" (which includes public/anonymous access), so I am very confused as to why this problem occurs.

SiteMap does not have a node for Default.aspx. All of them do. SiteMap's Default.aspx node is not accessible for security reasons to the current user/role. They're all accessible to anonymous users and this problem even exists for super admin users. Passed-in URL contains querystrings (Default.aspx?abcd). I don't know if this is a problem (I sure would hope not) but once the problem manifests itself, I can handwrite the URL with no querystrings and the problem still exists.

SiteMap changes. It doesn't Service's permissions to the sitemap file. The sitemap works perfectly fine after a deployment, so unless permissions are changed in a way that IISRESET fixes, then this is not an issue. The worker process becomes globally corrupt. I don't think so. We have ~12 web sites all in the same app pool and the problem always stays confined within a single web site. Also, we have yet to have this happen to more than a single web site at a time although it has manifested itself in 4 different ones so far.

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Put A Property On XML Node?

Mar 1, 2010

Ok so the code below works to inject a new node in to my XML document, however I can't figure out how to pass properties in to the node. So for instance if I wanted the date in the node I would want something like this

<submission date="2/29/10">Text Inside The Node</submission>
protected void submitButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
XPathNavigator xpath; //used to navigate tru the XML file


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C# - How To Read The Attributes Of Xml Node

Mar 17, 2011

which is the efficient way to read the attribute values of xml node?

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C# - How To Add A New Treeview At The Selected Node?

Feb 9, 2011

I have a treeview with four levels; parent, child, grandchild, great-grandchild. My selectednode is at the grandchild level.

What I'm trying to do is to create a new "Treeview" at the grandchild - NO, I dont wnat to create a new node to the "selectednode" (grandchild). So it should be somelike this:


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C# - Disable A Treeview Node?

Jul 6, 2010

I have listed data for ASP.net control TreeView. I wanted to disable a particular node/parentnode in the listed TreeView. I wanted to do this using jQuery.

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Get Node Count With XPathDocument And C#?

Mar 11, 2011

I have a simple xml document and I want to get the count of a certain node. How can I do this? Right now I am using the following syntax to get the node.

// send request and strore in xpath doc (read-only)
XPathDocument xDoc = new XPathDocument(requestURL);
// Create navigator
XPathNavigator navigator = xDoc.CreateNavigator();
XPathNavigator navError = navigator.SelectSingleNode("/api/error");

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Web Forms :: Get URL From Root Node?

Jan 19, 2010

ok in one of my application i want .aspx page path from the root that is when i click on text box or any other controll there should be window same as when we try to add img url we get window like that window i want.so that if i select any page i get url from the root .like

~/default.aspx is from root if it is in some base folder say Folder1 then how i get url ~/Folder1/page.aspx.

I am asking this because user can select any page from any folder and they should get path with respect to root

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MVC :: ImageURL SiteMap Node?

Aug 22, 2010

how i can add the ImageURL from a sitemap into a navigation menu, i had this working with webforms but cannot get it to work with mcv




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Web Forms :: Expand A Particular Node On Treeview

Jun 22, 2010

What I am acheiving is a simple treeview which will have a tree structure

-- xx
Simple stuff !. Here is the code

TreeNode tree1 = new TreeNode("dir1", "", "", "dir1", "");
TreeNode node = new TreeNode("xx", "xx");
TreeNode tree2 = new TreeNode("dir2", "", "", "dir2", "");

Now I want to do is collapse all the tree and find a particular node e.g dir1xx
I have put the code

tree.FindNode("dir1").Select(); <-- falls over

but it falls over on the 2nd line with object not set

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