C# - Fire TextChangedEvent Only When Certain Conditions Have Been Met?

Feb 24, 2011

If I have a TextChanged event wired on an asp.net textbox, it will fire everytime I add/remove a character. Is it possible to only fire it if and only if the textbox meets certain conditions such as if the textbox has a non-empty string greater than 5 characters.

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Similar Messages:

Web Forms :: TextBox TextChangedEvent Is Nullifying The Button Click Event?

Feb 19, 2010

I have four text boxes with start date,end, trialstartdate, trial end date. On pageload I retrieve the information from database into data table and display it on the page. It displays multiple rows. Whenever the dates(in any row) change, on TextChangedEvent I store the updated information into the datatable. After the user clicks submit I update all the information back to the database. This works fine until I change some value in the textbox and then immediately click submit button. As soon as I clicked the submit button it fires textchanged event but ignores the button click event. I have to click on submit button again to fire the button click. It works fine if i change value in the textbox and then click else where on the page and then click submit button.

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How To Apply Conditions To Databound Objects

Oct 20, 2010

I use a repeater on my website.

My code for this example is

Item: <%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Col")%><br>

Now, depending on the result of the dataitem will depend on what I want to display. For example, The databitem may show a true or false value, and depending on which one I want to show a different result on my page. So instead of it display true, it display a string. EG, if true, the text 'in stock' would display.

At the moment, I am using a method to call a function (please correct my terminology - or let me know my terminology is right!).




<%#CB(DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Col"))%><br>

code behind:

public string CB(object o)
//perform something
return string.format("");

Is this the best way as it appears to be an ugly fix in my opinion. Especially as I have several items on my page which will have to use this (ususally just checking if there is a value in the dataitem or if it is empty/null)

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DataSource Controls :: All Conditions Must Be Met Before Save?

Jul 5, 2010


How to achieve that is saved, but when all conditions are met,If not write the words "Field not met?

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SQL Server :: If Conditions In Stored Procedure?

Nov 8, 2010

tell me is it possible to use Switch Condition (case)

ALTER Proc [dbo].[Usp_viewcart_test]
@cust_id int

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Windsor And .net MVC Singleton Race Conditions?

Dec 14, 2010

Quick question regarding the use of Singleton lifestyle in Windsor, and Asp.Net MVC. If the following class is registered as a singleton am I correct in thinking that I will have a race condition?

public class UserMapper : IMap
public void Map(MyDto dto, MyDomain domain)[code]...

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SQL Server :: Dynamic Where Conditions In Stored Procedure?

Feb 19, 2011

I have a table that contains ID, lastname and firstname of a person. How to make my stored procedure handle the where conditions using only stored procedure.

SELECT * FROM person where lastname = @lastname

SELECT * FROM person where firstname = @firstname

SELECT * FROM person where ID = @id

Instead of making three stored procedure, I need to do it entirely in one sp.

View 13 Replies

SQL Server :: Multiple Conditions In Select Command

Feb 27, 2011

Is it possible to have multiple conditions in an SQL select command. I have an SQL Table with the follwing filds.


Image1 is a varchar(50) and stroes the picture name. Image1Approved is a tinyint (0 = Pending, 1 = Declined & 2 = Approved) I am using the following to query the SQL database.

SelectCommand="SELECT Image1, Image1Approved, Image2, Image2Approved, Image3, Image3Approved FROM UserProfiles WHERE (UserId = @UserId)"

The part that I am stuck on is only returning the images that have there associated approved condition set. I know how to do this with a seperate select command for each image but can this be done for all image files in one statement.

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How To Create Monthly / Daily Events / Conditions

Feb 19, 2011

I am looking for a way to run a specific function only if it is on a specific hour.

Something like this:


How can I do this outside the code. to maintain monthly,weekly and daily events...

How to create monthli,daily events/conditions?

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HttpHandlers :: Http Modules Initialization Conditions?

Jan 11, 2011

I am having an Asp.net Web application in .Net 3.5 Framework, deployed on IIS 6.0. Obviously we have used Http Modules in our application. The problem is that we are having many entries specifying the message "Http Module is getting Initialized" Now, I would like to know when does an Http Module get initialized? I mean is there any specific reason? Also, is there any case of recycling of http module?

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MVC :: Hide Or Disable The ActionLink In Views Through Conditions?

Feb 12, 2010

How to hide or disable the ActionLink in views Through conditins

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Enable/Disable Gridview Checkbox Based On Conditions?

Mar 2, 2011

I had a checkbox in gridview to select rows for batch update, i want to disable and enable the checkbox base on some conditions.

For example, I had a column called "Status", if the status="Approved", the checkbox of this row will be disable, otherwise the checkbox is enabled to select.


<asp:CheckBox ID="cbSelectAll" runat="server" Text="" OnClick="selectAll(this)" />
<asp:CheckBox ID="cb_Select" runat="server" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="status" HeaderText="Status" ReadOnly="True" meta:resourcekey="GridView1_status">
<ItemStyle HorizontalAlign="Center" Width="80px"/>

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Forms Data Controls Can Move Page Only With Conditions?

Jan 22, 2011

I have a simple page where I am listing records from a SQL table in a GridView. All seems to work except that users could not create records. So I created a seperate page where users can add records. This is a form with fields that user fills in and click on the submit button. Code-behind VB takes care of sending the data to a SQL Stored Proc. Upon return, I am changing text of a text label on the form which display any errors that occured during the insert.

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Javascript - Combining Conditions Included Script Files?

Feb 1, 2010

We are working on an ASP.NET CMS project using jQuery as the basis for our client side scripting. The jquery-1.2.6.js file is the only script file that is always included. Other script files are currently included depending on what components the CMS editor is using on a page or page template.A lot of the script combiners produce a static script. If we took that approach we would have to add all possible script files in just in case they were needed. We are not currently using any of the ASP.NET Ajax extensions so have not looked at what that may give us.

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Unique Content Within Master Page Based On Conditions Met?

Aug 20, 2010

would like to present users with unique content based on certain conditions being met as they land on the home page (default.aspx). The condition logic will be in the VB code behind Page Load event. The content will go in a content placeholder as specificed from the master page. However, the content change wouldn't be something small (ie making a panel or label visible or not) but rather it will be different HTML, Divs and databound gridview content. The HTML content will be stored in the database.

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OnLoad Method Where Some Conditions Are True After Refresh/redirect?

Jul 27, 2010


the code above generates the error as I mentioned at this topic's title. I simply need to refresh my ASP.NET page, I can't use that code instead:HttpContext.Current.Response.AddHeader("Refresh","2");because it says about IIS pipeline modeThe puprose is that I must get into OnLoad method where some conditions are true after refresh/redirect

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How To Check Whole Website For Certain Conditions In Rendered Source Of Every Page

Jan 22, 2010

Like I want to check

on Every page <h3> tag must come after <h2> otherwise page should be marked.

like if any page has PDF then Some particular text <p>Download Adobe reader from here</p> should be at bottom of every page is this condition is not matched then page should be marked.

I want to make different type of conditions to check then want to check on whole site and if anything mismatch then report should be generated.

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How To Ensure User Accepts Terms And Conditions On Website

Jan 21, 2010

We're modifying an existing ASP.NET application. We added a Terms and Conditions page with an "Accept" button that stores that choice in the user's account data. We want to prevent the user from accessing any page when the user has not accepted the Terms and Conditions.

I think we want to do this by looking up the "accepted terms" value upon login and storing it in the session. Then we need to intercept every request and check for that session value. (If it's not there, we redirect the user to the Terms and Conditions page.)

Is the PreRequestHandlerExecute method the right place to put this check? This method also gets called on requests for stylesheets and images, so it doesn't seem like it was intended for this purpose.

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Crystal Reports :: Inserting Standard Term And Conditions?

Jun 29, 2010

I've been trying to get terms and conditions (same for every page) to print on the second page of each paper. So if I have a three page document, I have 6 pages that print out. My report is as follows:

Report Header (surpressed) Page Header A - Terms & Conditions Page Header B - Header information Group Header 1 Group Header 2 Details A thru l Group Footer 1 Group Fotter 2 Page Footer A-E so basically i need a range of sales order to print say SO Numbers 1-10, each page will have detail information and on the back will be our terms and conditions. I cannot put the T&C in the Report Header because I need it to print for every group.

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Forms Data Controls :: Conditions To Databound Objects?

Oct 20, 2010

I use a repeater on my website.My code for this example is

<ItemTemplate> Item: <%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Col")%><br> </ItemTemplate>

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Web Forms :: Multiple Conditions For Editing A Details View?

Dec 29, 2010

I have a form that has a detailsview. In that detailview I have and edit button that is visible only when a condition is met. I made the edit command field a template to achive this. My Question is can I have multiple conditions that make the edit button visible. Attached is my current linkbutton with the current variable.


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SQL Server :: Produce Embedded 'if' Conditions In Stored Procedure?

Feb 7, 2011

I a trying to produce embedded 'if' conditions in Stored Procedure.

I have the SP working without the embedded IF stmts indicated below.

I would like to have an easier method to choose the SQL stmt based on the user selection for the operand <>=.


the embedded IF stmts are the onese I am having issues with....


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VS 2010 / Checking Conditions With Dropdownlist On Each Item Bound?

Jul 21, 2011

I am binding Dropdownlist from sqldatasource. Is it possible to check conditions with Dropdownlist on each item bound, based on the select command.

<asp:DropDownList ID="DropDownList1" runat="server" DataSourceID="SQLDataSource1" DataTextField="emp_name" DataValueField="emp_id"></asp:DropDownList>
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SQLDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString1 %>" SelectCommand="select emp_id,emp_name,status from emp_master"></asp:SqlDataSource>

In this example code, when binding if the status of the employee is OffDuty then it must be highlighted in DropDownList.

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Data Controls :: Populate DropDownList Based On Conditions

Nov 3, 2012

How to assign data to drop down list based condition from one dropdownlist to other dropdownlist with in single table. I want to display ....

note: m1,m2.etc and e1,e2,e3,e4,e5..etc

All are containing in single table...

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DataSource Controls :: Selecting All Data From A Table Based On Some Given Conditions?

Jul 8, 2010

I am having a staff table which contain staff information on it. To search staff information from the table, I want to prefer filter style. For example in the select query I want to display staff information according to three criterias. Select staff information from all sections, Select staff information from a given section, select staff information by a given Name. All these selects must be performed in a single select statement. Suppose,

SELECT * FROM StaffDetailsTbl
ELSE SectionID = @SectionFilter
ELSE Name Like '%@NameFilter%'

Where Declared variables are parameterized stored procedure values retrieved from the user.

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