Data Controls :: Populate DropDownList Based On Conditions

Nov 3, 2012

How to assign data to drop down list based condition from one dropdownlist to other dropdownlist with in single table. I want to display ....

note: m1,m2.etc and e1,e2,e3,e4,e5..etc

All are containing in single table...

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Data Controls :: Populate City DropDownList Based On District DropDownList Selection

Sep 2, 2012

i have 2 DDL in my page that when users select item from ddldistric1 item in ddlcity1 will change these are my code

 protected void DDLcity1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void BindDistrictC()


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Web Forms :: Populate DropDownList Based On RadioButtons And Populate GridView Based On DropDownList

Oct 5, 2012

there is a radio button, a dropdownlist. radiobuttons are OY, OTY,VDA ( in my database there are fields named OY.OTY,VDA) if i select OY in my radio button the data should be displayed from field OY in dropdownlist and if i select OTY in my radio button the data should be displayed from OTY field in dropdownlist is it possible. there is a sqldatasource for dropdownlist .

<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server"
ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:MS16ConnectionString %>"


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Data Controls :: Populate GridView Based On DropDownList Selection

May 7, 2015

If the drop down list event change gridview column values to be changed.

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Data Controls :: Bind (Populate) CheckBoxList Based On DropDownList Selection Using JQuery AJAX

Jan 24, 2016

I have dynamically popute the data in Dropdownlist(Countries) and the On selected index event of Dropdownlist there is noeed to bind /populate the Checkbox list from database depending on the selections made from the Dropdownlist.

For example If I select Gujrata then all the cities of Gujrat should be visible and bounded to the check box list.

2) Once the checkbox list is bounded with data from the database, We need to select  the checkbox from the checkboxlist  and  pass tyhe selected  text of all the  selected checkboxes  fro the checkbox list  as comma seperated  values to database  and then I need to Display in the Grid.

Below is my code for Dynamically populated/Bind DropDown list and get the States:


<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="MachineCode.aspx.cs" Inherits="SampleApp.MachineCode" %>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="">
<head runat="server">
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

[Code] .....

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DataSource Controls :: Selecting All Data From A Table Based On Some Given Conditions?

Jul 8, 2010

I am having a staff table which contain staff information on it. To search staff information from the table, I want to prefer filter style. For example in the select query I want to display staff information according to three criterias. Select staff information from all sections, Select staff information from a given section, select staff information by a given Name. All these selects must be performed in a single select statement. Suppose,

SELECT * FROM StaffDetailsTbl
ELSE SectionID = @SectionFilter
ELSE Name Like '%@NameFilter%'

Where Declared variables are parameterized stored procedure values retrieved from the user.

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Proper Way To Populate Dropdownlist Based Off Another Value?

Dec 21, 2010

I'm running into a minor issue with some ASP.Net code I'm working on. For simplicity sake lets say I have two dropdownlists, one that is full of various items and another that is full of other items, but based off the selected item of the first dropdownlist. I currently set variables into hidden inputs to check to see if the item in the first dropdownlist has changed and if it has to change the second dropdownlist, but I'm also having to check to make sure that if something else causes a postback to NOT repopulate the second dropdownlist as to not lose what is currently selected by the user. This check also allows me to make sure that when I navigate away from the page, the correct values are selected and not something replaced by a postback repopulation.

I'm new to ASP.Net/HTML/CSS/Javascript and the like. I know while what I have works, it isn't even close to being the correct way to do things. correct my ways and figure out the BEST way to solve this current problem. Some good ASP.Net tutorial websites would be nice too as I need to keep improving my skills with it.

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Web Forms :: How To Populate Datagrid Based On Dropdownlist Changing

Jan 24, 2010


how to populate datagrid based on dropdownlist changing

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Web Forms :: Bind Dropdownlist Text Value To Dataset, But Populate The Value Based On Number Of Items

Mar 7, 2011

I need to bind my dropdownlist to my dataset that is returning application specific text values. But for purposes on that page, i need to assign the value to each one starting at 0 to the number of items returned from my dataset..

Example, if my dataset only returns 1 item, the value of that item needs to be 0


If my dataset returns 4 items, the value of those items needs to be 0 thru 3


Is it possible to assign values like that to a dropdownlist from the code behind?

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Forms Data Controls :: Data Populate From One Dropdownlist To Second One Dropdownlist?

Dec 2, 2010

I am using 3 dropdown list in a gridview and the values for the dropdownlist is dynamic from database.based on first dropdown list selected value the values must fill to second dropdown and based on second dropdownlist selected value then items should load to 3rd dropdown and same for 4th dropdown list. Here if i select age,gender,sex, fist name, last name from the template name Human. The first drop down only populate the fields like Age,gender,Sex and so on., When the second dropdown list populate from the fields corresponding Template name Human, Finance, and so on.

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Data Controls :: Filter And Populate GridView Based On List Box Selection

May 7, 2015

As per ListBox Items a data should show in GridView by using UP and Down arrow keys. I tried by using Oonselectedindexchanged but when a page loads from listbox the cursor become active to inactive.

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Forms Data Controls :: Populate Tree Based On Drop Down Menu Selection

Mar 24, 2011

I have written a code that populates data from database into the tree using C# and is working perfectly , the thing is how can i populate the tree based on a selection from a drop down menu

the code to populate the tree is below :


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Forms Data Controls :: Populate A Dropdownlist From Other

Jan 28, 2011

When someone selects one of the search criteria, I want the other dropdownlist boxes to re-populate with only the information from the current search and take out all other information if that makes sense. This search functionality works except it the dropdownlist boxes stay populated with all information originally loaded from the database. Here is my code:


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Enable/Disable Gridview Checkbox Based On Conditions?

Mar 2, 2011

I had a checkbox in gridview to select rows for batch update, i want to disable and enable the checkbox base on some conditions.

For example, I had a column called "Status", if the status="Approved", the checkbox of this row will be disable, otherwise the checkbox is enabled to select.


<asp:CheckBox ID="cbSelectAll" runat="server" Text="" OnClick="selectAll(this)" />
<asp:CheckBox ID="cb_Select" runat="server" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="status" HeaderText="Status" ReadOnly="True" meta:resourcekey="GridView1_status">
<ItemStyle HorizontalAlign="Center" Width="80px"/>

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Unique Content Within Master Page Based On Conditions Met?

Aug 20, 2010

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Data Controls :: Populate DropDownList Using Multidimensional Array?

Jul 17, 2015

How can i read multiple column values into an array list? I am trying to read a list of category names and category ids from database into an array list; i am then binding these values into drop-down list. With my current code, i am able to do with one column only but would like to pull both cat_name and cat_id so how can i do that?


<asp:DropDownList ID="DropDownList1" runat="server" DataTextField="ct_name" DataValueField="ct_id" AppendDataBoundItems="true">
<asp:ListItem Value="-1">Select</asp:ListItem>
code behind
private ArrayList GetDummyData()


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Data Controls :: SqlDataSource Populate Dropdownlist With Or Without Parameter?

Aug 14, 2013

I use SqlDataSource control to list out search result when user choose a date, but if the date is null, then it will list out all record. How to do the sql command?
SELECT Ref_No as name, Job_Order_ID as value
FROM Job_Order
WHERE (Status <> 'JO_Completed') AND (Delivery_Date = @jaDate)
OR (Status <> 'JO_Completed') ORDER BY Ref_No 


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Data Controls :: Populate Items In DropDownList From TextBox Value?

Sep 28, 2013

Populate items in DropDownList from TextBox Value in ASP.Net ...

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Forms Data Controls :: Populate Gridview When You Select The Dropdownlist?

Jan 20, 2010

I am trying to populate a gridview when you select the dropdownlist.selected value. I don't want to use the sqldatasource or any other datasource. I am trying my best to achieve this, but didn't succeed till now. One of my friend said that i need to get the selected value from dropdownlist and search for the data in the database using the selectedvalue and populate the dataset and bind to the gridview.

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Forms Data Controls :: DataList/FormView Won't Populate DropdownList?

Sep 17, 2010

I have a ddl inside the formview that I can't figure out how to wire up properly. The formview contains detail info, but the ddl needs to list the entire set to items. Then I want the ddl's selected value be set from the recordset intended for the formview. I think it's just a timeing issue s I would like your help. Thanks, - EJM.

Here my code somewhat reduced to save space...


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Forms Data Controls :: Programmatically Populate A DropDownList In A Formview?

Apr 24, 2010

I have a dropDownlist in a Formview Edit and Insert Template that is Bound to a Field, It is for a credit card expiration date, so I want to programatically populate it so it will automatically show the next 8 years from this year. Works fine!

Except When I add it to the Formview, and click on edit it gives me an error basically saying my record does not match the list item data, but it should since it shows the year just fine. So I am figuring that it is not binding the ListItems to the dropdownlist.

I have tried every event I could try and I always get the same error. I have tried the ModeChanged, DataBound, DataBiding, PreRender, Load on both the Formview and the DropDownList, but no go. How do I do this?


This works fin on a DropDownList that is not in a FormView, so I know its not the Code. and the record I am updating is 2010, so the record is not out of range

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Forms Data Controls :: Populate DropDownList In InsertItemTemplate After Insert?

Sep 18, 2010

I thought this one would be easy, but no go. What I am trying to do is the following: I have two DropDownLists in my InsertItemTemplate, each bound to its own datasource. After the fields in this form have been filled out and the ItemInserting event fires, I rebind the ListView to its datasource, but the DropDownLists turn out empty. I tried to bind them in the ItemInserting event and it seems they get filled, but nothing shows up in them when the page loads. I also tried to fill them in the ItemDataBound event, but the e.Item.ItemType == InsertItem doesn't do it.

How can I fill those DropDownLists?

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Forms Data Controls :: DropdownList Selection To Populate TextBox?

Sep 14, 2010

I have a dynamically generated dropdownlist, that lists e.g. Company Names. I want to be able to select a particular Company and display associated information e.g. Name, Address, City, State... etc. in text boxes adjacent to the list.

I am trying to fire the following code from the dropdownlist "OnSelectedIndexChanged" property, but cannot 1) get the code to fire upon selection, and 2) populate the text boxes...


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Forms Data Controls :: Cannot Populate The Textbox With Selection From Dropdownlist

Oct 27, 2010

Cannot populate the textbox with selection from dropdownlist


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Data Controls :: Populate And Bind Dropdownlist Within FooterTemplate Of GridView

May 30, 2013

Way to enclose one Dropdownlist there for the Gridview?

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