C# - Get Timezone Difference Between Client And Server?

Sep 1, 2010

If my user is in California and they have their computer set to PST, it's 1:00 pm there. If my server is set to EST, the current server time is 4:00 pm.

I need a way to get the timezone difference between the client and the server, either in Javascript or C#. In my example, I would get 3 (or -3, doesn't matter).

Does anyone know how to do this?

EDIT: Possible solution for RedFilter

Doing it all in javascript:

serverDate = new Date('<%= DateTime.Now.ToString() %>');
clientDate = new Date();
diffMin = (serverDate.getTime()-clientDate.getTime())*1000*60; //get difference in minutes

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<script type="text/javascript">
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