SQL Server :: Display Datetime According To Timezone?

Oct 24, 2010

When a post is made to the site/database, it's made as Universal Time. A user can set the site's default timezone from a dropdown menu in the admin area, which saves the selected timezone to a database table (table: DefaultTimezone, column: Timezone). Now, how can I adjust the following code to display the datetime according to the correct timezone, that was set in the database? So if the Timezone column has "US Eastern Standard Time" in it, it would display the published datetime in that format.

<%#Eval("Published", "{0:MMM dd, yyyy - h:mm tt}") %>

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Datetime - Set TimeZone For MVC Application?

Jul 7, 2010

My Application hosted at server in time zone which differs from mine. All date in database is not correct for my time zone. How can I set my time zone for Application or how I can convert date to my time zone on output

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JavaScript Date Format Without Timezone Info - Timezone Offsets?

Jul 6, 2010

I have a client side JavaScript that generates a date in JavaScript( new Date(2007,5,1)).

I need this date passed through to a hidden field that the code behind can access.

My issue is that when the hidden field is converted into a DotNet datetime, the time is incorrect. This is because the JavaScript is including timezone info from the client browser.

DotNet is then using this info to recalculate the time based on the difference between the server time and the client time.

What i need from the JavaScript is just the year, month and day.

I don't want to pass through 3 int values to my code behind as this will be a major change to the whole app.

What is the best way for me to accomplish this?

If i can set a UTC time with no timezone info I think that might work.

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C# - Get Timezone Difference Between Client And Server?

Sep 1, 2010

If my user is in California and they have their computer set to PST, it's 1:00 pm there. If my server is set to EST, the current server time is 4:00 pm.

I need a way to get the timezone difference between the client and the server, either in Javascript or C#. In my example, I would get 3 (or -3, doesn't matter).

Does anyone know how to do this?

EDIT: Possible solution for RedFilter

Doing it all in javascript:

serverDate = new Date('<%= DateTime.Now.ToString() %>');
clientDate = new Date();
diffMin = (serverDate.getTime()-clientDate.getTime())*1000*60; //get difference in minutes

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Web Forms :: Change Server Timezone Programmatically

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Databases :: Converting SQL Server Datetime To MySQL Datetime?

Sep 30, 2010

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Nov 15, 2010

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The given value of type MySqlDateTime from the data source cannot be converted to type datetime of the specified target column.

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User Controls :: Display Time To User As Per TimeZone

Feb 26, 2014

How get current date and time

example:  TimeZone(UTC +10)


<script type="text/javascript">
function ClientTime() {
var dt = new Date();
var ss = dt.getSeconds();
var mm = dt.getMinutes();
var hh = dt.getHours();


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C# - How To Display DateTime With Just The Date Component

Nov 6, 2010

I have a label like:

<asp:Label ID="dateLabel" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval('SomeDate') %> />

This displays showing the date and time. However I just want to display the date.

I'm aware that in the code behind you can write SomeDate.ToString("dd MM yyyy");

However I want a way of doing this by changing the code in the tag instead.

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Web Forms :: How To Display Sql Datetime Field As Text

Jul 23, 2010

how do i display a datefield field e.g. 07/27/2010 08:00:00 as Tuesday, July 27, 2010? (i want the time part but i couldnt find any fucntions that display the date in text mode?)

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Display DateTime In GridView Using User's Time?

Apr 28, 2010

I have a DateTime stored in UTC time that I'd like to display to the user in their local time from within a GridView control. How can I convert my DateTime to the user's time (not my server's local time)? Here is my current field as it appears in the GridView Columns collection:

<asp:BoundField DataField="RunTime" HeaderText="Run Time"
SortExpression="RunTime" DataFormatString="{0:f}" />

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Unable To Convert String To Datetime When Display Date In Textbox

Nov 11, 2010

I am using Calendar to display Date in Textbox. my Problem is that it works Ok in localhost but when I had uploaded the same, error come "Unable to convert String to datetime".

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Web Forms :: Split Date And Time From DateTime And Display In TextBox

Dec 4, 2013

There is a "singleline" Textbox in my page in which both date and time are fetch from database table column "DateTime".

I want Time to be come below Date in that "singleline" Textbox.

I can't take that Textbox as "multiline". How to split date and time in singleline Textbox?

How to achieve this?

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Web Forms :: Format And Display DateTime From Database In Label Control Using C#

May 7, 2015

I am trying to insert "Date" and "Time" in database table (both are separate columns) using below code:

string query = "Insert into tempTable(List_Id, Date, Time) VALUES('" + lblId.Text + "', @Date, @Time)";
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query, connection);
TimeSpan time = new TimeSpan();
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Date", Convert.ToDateTime(DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString()));
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Time", Convert.ToDateTime(DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss")));

Above record is inserted in DB like below:In Date column: 12/29/2014 12:00:00 AMIn Time column:12/29/2014 5:30:46 PMDatatype for "Date" and "Time" column is "datetime"I want that: as I save the Date and Time in DB table, it should display same date and same time what is saved in DB table not current date and time.I tried below code to fetch saved records from table, after inserting Date and Time in DB:

string query2 = "Select Date, Time where Id='" + itemId + "'";
SqlCommand cmd2 = new SqlCommand(query2, connection);
SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(query2, connection);
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
lblDate.Text = DateTime.Parse(dt.Rows[0][0].ToString()).ToString("dd-MM-yyyy");
lblTime.Text = DateTime.Parse(dt.Rows[0][1].ToString()).ToString("HH:MM tt");

But currently it is giving me below output : Date:29-12-2014Time:18:04 PM (current time)..

Why its showing current date time in place of saved record ??

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Display Datetime Type Into Date In Gridview

Feb 4, 2010

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I want to display this information in gridview.. i also displayed the inforamtion, but what the problem is the display of date is 4/2/2010 12:00:00 AM.. i need to display only the date in the gridview as 4/2/2010 under the date column .

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Data Controls :: Extract And Display Time In Label From DateTime Field

Jan 29, 2014

My work is done properly all good with this query

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Custom Server Controls :: DateTime Server Control?

May 17, 2010


DateTime Server control

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Data Controls :: Filter Records Based On Year From DateTime And Display In GridView?

Dec 30, 2013

i am having table in which date, company name and amount is stored

i have one dropdown in which i kept year 

now i want to show data in gridview according to year selected from dropdownlist but how i can seperate date from year in date field

protected void ddlYear_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)


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Web Forms :: Calculate And Display DateTime In TextBox Based On Date Populated From Database

Oct 7, 2012

in my asp.net_vb web there is a text box (textbox1) in which a date is dispalyed from database (eg 21-Mar-2012) in another text box (textbox2)  i want to display

if the date is less than 30 Jun then the textbox2 should display 1 Jul+the year of textbox1

if the textbox1 date is greater than 30 Jun the text box2 should display 1 Dec + the year of textbox1

my web is in asp.net and code is in vb

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How To Get Timezone Before Postback

Jul 7, 2010

I am making a page that accepts post data from any number of pages that I cannot change, access, or in any way control.

I need, in one way or another, to get the timezone of the user. I know, ideally the posting page would do this, but I cannot access these pages.

First, there is javascript. I can get the javascript function to return (or change a label to) the correct value, but the problem is I need this info before the postback. I've been trying to write the timezone name on another page and read that page, but I have no idea how to begin to do that? Any other workaround to use the javascript is welcome, or any way to force call this before Page_Load is called?


Basically, this works in debug mode, but when it's live only an empty string is returned. I am baffled? Is there any better way to read data from a page? I am using Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"] to get the ip, and that seems to be correct, since it inserts the correct ip into the database I'm using.

Here is the call:


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How To Order A TimeZone List In C#

Feb 17, 2010

I have an ASP.NET web application that requires users to select their appropriate time zone so that it can correctly show local times for events.

In creating a simple approach for selecting the time zone, I started by just using the values from TimeZoneInfo.GetSystemTimeZones(), and showing that list.

The only problem with this is that since our application is primarily targeted at the United States, I'd like to show those entries first, basically starting with Eastern Time and working backwards (West) until I reach Atlantic time.

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Getting Timezone List To Combo Box?

Jan 26, 2010

I want get timezone list to combo box. How can i get timezone list?

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How To Convert Timezone Conversion

May 15, 2010

How do I convert timezone from this format "03/03/2010 03:24:42 PM EST" to the current timezone in asp.net?

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