Getting The Full Path Of The File Uploaded Using HTML Inputfile Type To Read The Content Of The File?
May 20, 2010
I would like to use HTML input file type in my aspx page to allow user to browse for a excel file and then read the content of the excel sheet programmatically.If I want to read the excel sheet I need the full path of the file to connect to the excel sheet using do not understand how can I get the full path of the file.I know I can get the filename using postedFile.FileName property.But I need the full path of the file.
I have a simple upload page using the html file element. I choose a .pdf file to upload and when I inspect the Content type of the file when it goes to server the value is "application/msword" instead of "application/pdf"
When inserting a binary file do you know what will be the correct content type for extensions like .txt or .gif or others not in your sample? Is there a list of correct content types?
I have an Async File Uploader control inside a Repeater which is inside an update panel. Now,I am uploading the file into ftp,so I am not uploading the video file,using SaveAs() method. For uploading the file in ftp,I have this UploadFile method which takes these four parameter:FileName, UploadPath, FTPUser, FTPPassword.Now this FileName,I have to send the full file path. My UploadComplete event looks like this:
<pre lang="cs">protected void AsyncVideoUpload_UploadedComplete(object sender, AjaxControlToolkit.AsyncFileUploadEventArgs e) {//VideoPath is a session variable VideoPath = string.Empty; if (AsyncVideoUpload.HasFile) { // string filepath = AsyncVideoUpload.PostedFile.FileName; string filepath = e.filename;//above two captures only the file name,but I want the total path,like c:/MyDocuments/... UploadFile(filepath, "","test","Value*12"); VideoPath = AsyncVideoUpload.PostedFile.FileName; } }</pre>
I wrote some code to upload files to amazon S3, if I put a full file path manually It successfully uploads the file from my computer. What I'm trying to do is use a file upload control and store the full path in a variable so that I can use it for my amazon method. Ive read everywhere it seems that the browser won't let you get the full file path for security reasons.
How can I get the full file path? Should I just store the files on my webserver and point my amazon method to the server path, and then use the file upload control to tell it what the filename is?
I created a virtual directory in the Visual Web Developer, according to this post:
I want the user to upload / download documents in the mvc app to that virtual directory. When a document is uploaded, I'm specifying the path to the document to be stored for later retrieval like so:
~/VirtualDirectoryName/FileContent.docx. But when I try to open that as a link in th app,using ResolveUrl, it appends the port number after localhost like so,[URL], I get a document not found, since it really should be, [URL].
in my case. iam replacing some data in document and saving in client side. so itz automaticaly saving in thw client side(normally in the Temp folder). i want to get that full path from the client side.
I am using HTML file control and HTML image control in .aspx page (for uploading image and showing on web page). It is working fine. But I am unable to get that uploaded image file path and file name in .aspx.cs page. And also tell me how to save selected image in MS ACCESS database.
I a now Porting a data from Uploaded Excel File to database. In that, I need to check "Sheet name" Of that Excel file Whether it is Sheet1 or Sheet2 or something else...
how can we save the uploaded file path in to database and then retrieve it in gridview as a link so when user click on that it will open that file in browser.
i hv postback event executing after i am trying to upload a file to server to ask for conformation by the user. after postback fileupload control gets cleared and i am not able to get its value after postback. controls viewstateEnabled property is true. How do i assign a file path to fileupload control after postback.
I am running Windows Server 2008 Datacenter, ASP.NET 4, IIS 7 and getting the error :Access to the path <path> is denied when using the FileUpload control to save the uploaded file to this directory.I have given the directory in question full access to Network Service but that makes no difference.I have even given the directory full access to Everyone but it still gives the same error.Totally baffled by it
I have a VS 2008 web application that I need to capture the full file path (directories and file name) from the selected file. So user selects a file and then clicks on one of the buttons which transfers control to my code for processing. So how do I get the file path? I can get the file name, but not the path.
I have an ASP.NET FileUpload control, which allows only image type. I used RegularExpressionValidator like below.
<asp:FileUpload ID="fuPhoto" runat="server" TabIndex="40" /> <asp:RegularExpressionValidator ID="RegularExpressionValidator3" runat="server" ControlToValidate="fuPhoto" Display="Dynamic" ErrorMessage="* You can only upload .jpg, .gif or .png image types." ValidationExpression="^.*.(jpg|JPG|jpeg|JPEG|gif|GIF|png|PNG)$">* You can only upload .jpg, .gif or .png image types.</asp:RegularExpressionValidator>
This method will only verify the file's extension, not its actual type. Once I receive the file, I want to examine its contents to determine what it really is, in this case image only.
i have stored the txt file to sql server database .
i need to read the txt file line by line to get the content in it.
my code :
but here i have used the FileStream to read from the Particular path. but i have saved the txt file in byte format into my Database. how to read the txt file using the byte[] value to get the txt file content, instead of using the Path value.