C# - HTML Email "opens" Not Being Tracked?

Oct 26, 2010

Let's say I wanted to show my StackOverflow "flair" badge in the signature of an email in Outlook. Obviously, I would want the image to be refreshed whenever I reply to an email or forward the email. Now, assuming the I (and others) have decided to allow images to be downloaded from me (who in this case we'll call a "trusted source") then they would see my flair badge refreshed on subsequent loads. If I copy and paste this badge into a new email then the image will not refresh on subsequent page loads because Outlook has embedded the image and severed the link to original image.

I completely understand everyone's comments about spam but this question is more about Outlook VML and manipulation of it. If the answer is always and forever "spam! Off with his head!" then that's fine. I get it but it seems to me that there may be situations where someone may not want the default behavior of Outlook to modify an email that it has already accepted.

Original Questions

We have an internal mail system that dynamically generates and sends HTML emails. We have a web beacon generated by an HTTP handler. The system works as expected: users recieve emails and we track opens as the web beacon is called.

The problem occurs when someone takes that same email that they just received (and we just tracked) and copies & pastes the content (including the web beacon) into a new email in Outlook. Outlook embeds all images instead of maintaining the URL back to the web beacon.

Is there a way to generate an image through an HTTP handler such that the src of the image is maintained when pasted in Outlook?

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Response.ContentType =
+ sf.FileName);
Response.OutputStream.Write(sf.Data, 0, sf.Data.Length);

I tried Response.End() insted of Response.Flush(); but didnt help.

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Let me know if you need any more info.

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How To Send An HTML Email, With Pictures, From A Website

Jul 22, 2010

I am trying to implement a "send newsletter" process that works like this: -

1. The author develops a newsletter using Word.

2. When they are ready to distribute it, they save it as HTML, and upload this to the web site. It is then viewable with the appropriate URL.

3. They then distribute it with a web process that uses SendMail.

I have two problems: -

1. When you "Save as web page (*.htm, *.html)" from Word, the document is saved as .htm, and if there are any graphics within the document they are saved in a separate "*_files" folder. How do I upload this folder to the web site?

During testing I'm fudging this by uploading the folder with FTP, but of course this is not a viable solution for users.

2. I can send the email using alternate views, but the htmlview lacks the graphics. My logic reads the uploaded .htm document into a string variable called "HtmlBody", and then


This all works perfectly except that the email arrives just a graphic symbol and blank space where the graphic should be. How do I either send the graphics with the email, or (better) send it with references to the graphics back on the web page. The html
that I am sending out contains references to the graphics like <v:imagedata src="./FamNet%201%20July%202010_files/image001.jpg" o:title="NZSGFamNet"/>, which is looking in a subfolder from the folder containing the html. I suppose that if I could solve the first problem I could replace the "./" in the image reference to [URL]. This would not be too difficult, as I could recognize "FamNet%201%20July%202010" as the newsletter name and so look for the string"./" & NewsletterName & "_files". However somebody might be able to suggest a more elegant solution, provided that I can solve the first problem.

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MailMessage message = new MailMessage();
message.From = new MailAddress("sender@fgk.com");
message.To.Add(new MailAddress("receiver@fgk.com"));
message.Subject = "This is my subject";
message.Body = "This is the <b>content</b> <br /> <img alt=Logo src=../Images/logo.jpg align=left />";
message.IsBodyHtml = true;

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Web Forms :: Embed Images In HTML Email With C#?

Apr 6, 2010

Here is my code. What do I need to change to get the images referenced in the HTML to embed?

SendEmail1 : System.Web.UI.Page
string FileNameToAttache;protected
void Page_Load(object sender,
EventArgs e)protected
void sendButton_Click(object sender,
EventArgs e)SmtpClient smtpClient =
SmtpClient();MailMessage message =
MailAddress fromAddress =
MailAddress(fromTextBox.Text);string[] toEmails = toTextBox.Text.ToString().Split(';');foreach
(string toEmail
in toEmails) {//MailAddress toAddress = new MailAddress(toTextBox.Text);
message.From = fromAddress;
message.Subject = subjectTextBox.Text;
message.IsBodyHtml =
/* Attaching Files Begin */
FileNameToAttache =
emailWithAttach.Host =
emailWithAttach.DeliveryMethod =
emailWithAttach.UseDefaultCredentials =
FileNameToAttache =
FileNameToAttache =
FileNameToAttache =
if (AttachFile1.PostedFile !=
null)HttpPostedFile attFile = AttachFile1.PostedFile;int
attachFileLength = attFile.ContentLength;if (attachFileLength > 0)Path.GetFileName(AttachFile1.PostedFile.FileName);new
Attachment(Server.MapPath(FileNameToAttache)));SmtpClient emailWithAttach
= new
(AttachFile2.PostedFile != null)HttpPostedFile attFile = AttachFile2.PostedFile;int
attachFileLength = attFile.ContentLength;if (attachFileLength > 0)Path.GetFileName(AttachFile2.PostedFile.FileName);new
Attachment(Server.MapPath(FileNameToAttache)));if (AttachFile3.PostedFile
!= null)HttpPostedFile attFile = AttachFile3.PostedFile;int
attachFileLength = attFile.ContentLength;if (attachFileLength > 0)Path.GetFileName(AttachFile3.PostedFile.FileName);new
Attachment(Server.MapPath(FileNameToAttache)));if (AttachFile4.PostedFile
!= null)HttpPostedFile attFile = AttachFile4.PostedFile;int
attachFileLength = attFile.ContentLength;if (attachFileLength > 0)Path.GetFileName(AttachFile4.PostedFile.FileName);new
/* Attaching Files END */
message.Body =
smtpClient.Host =
resultLabel.Text =
resultLabel.Text =
"<html><head><title>" +
HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(subjectTextBox.Text) +"</title></head><body style='background-color:#edf8ff;'><div
style='width:600px;'><table width='600' align='center' style='background-color:#ffffff;'>" +
"<img src="[URL]/>" +"<tr><td colspan='2'style='width:500px;'><p>"
+ HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(greetingTextBox.Text) +
"</p></td></tr><br />" +"<tr><td colspan='2'style='width:500px;'><p>"
+ HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(createTextBox.Text) +
"</p></td><img src="[URL]" /></tr><br />" +"<tr><td
colspan='2'style='width:500px;'><p>" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(closingTextBox.Text) +
"</p></td></tr>" +"<tr><td><img src="[URL]"
/></td></tr>" +"</table></div></body><html>";"Localhost";"Email
sent! <br />";catch (Exception
ex)"Couldn't Send the Message!";protected
void clearButton_Click(object sender,
EventArgs e)

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Email - Using Html Page As Mail Body?

Oct 11, 2010

I have an email template in a file called template.html, how can i use it as mail body in asp.net?

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Web Forms :: Send A HTML Formatted Email?

Feb 9, 2010

I m trying to send an HTML formatted email. When I get the email I can see the links and <br> tags working but the bold, underline and italics aren't. This is what I used

Msg.BodyFormat = System.Web.Mail.MailFormat.Html

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Web Forms :: Reading Html Of Aspx Page To Put In Email ?

Nov 23, 2010

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Web Forms :: Sending HTML Email To Multiple Recipients?

Mar 10, 2010

I'm a newbie to ASP.I am trying to create a webform to send a HTML newsletter to the visitors freinds.

I have created a loop (For i = 1 to 5) to include the recipients name (ToName1, ToName2, ...... ToName5) in the email

What is the syntax to use the varible ToName + i

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Sending Multiple Html Pages In Single Email?

Sep 24, 2010

want to send muliple html pages in a email in vb.net

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How To Send An HTML Email - Finding Good Tutorial

Jan 20, 2010

Does anyone have a good tutorial or now how to send html emails. I have searched and searched and not been able to get anything to work. I have tried CDOSYS and havent been able to get it to work. Currently I am using System.Net.Mail and System.Text so that I can use StringBuilder and put it in the body.

I would like to be able to build an aspx page and send it as the body in an auto generated email.

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Render View With All Css Classes Inline For HTML Email?

Nov 16, 2010

I would like to be able to render a view in ASP.NET MVC so that all css classes in the elements are rendered inline in the tags. The sole purpose of this is to have email clients recognise html, as I believe that style must be inline for it to be recognised in email messages.

Is there any facility in ASP.NET MVC (or ASP.NET) that allows this?

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Web Forms :: Best Way To Create HTML Templates For Sending Email

Apr 5, 2010

I want to create HTML templates to send my subscribers e-mail message. I put HTML tags into a text file and changed the required format items every time I want to send an e-mail with values from my database using string.format():



I think the application will be slower as string.format() searches for more format items.

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Encoding Special Characters For Outlook HTML Email?

Mar 24, 2010

I have an asp.net / C# page which takes a comment, and then emails that comment. Sometimes when the user enters "&" in the comment, the comment is being truncated. So for example if the comment is "test & test" the email only sends out "test ".

I have tried HttpUtility.HtmlEncode - but it looks like the issue is on the outlook side and not on the C# side.

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