C# - Is System.DateTime Client Dependant
Dec 19, 2010
I was working on an attendance system on ASP.Net where the entire week's dates are calculated by my program based on the current date. I am using DateTime.Today. I was apprehensive to use this as I feel that users can modify this date by merely changing their system clock and mark previous week's attendance.Can DateTime.Today be changed by changing system clock on client side? If yes, is there something else I can use instead of that?
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Similar Messages:
Nov 8, 2010
Members 'System.DateTime modDate' and 'System.DateTime insertDate' both marked as row version.modDate and insertDate is a SQL Server database field with smalltimedate as data type.
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Apr 1, 2011
I have a problem:
I've created usual Controller and View(Edit view) for editing my Entity (EntityFramework)
Here is view example:
<div class="editor-field">
@Html.EditorFor(model => model.BirthDate)
@Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.BirthDate)
BirthDate is Nullable<DateTime>
but during loading my View I get this exception
The model item passed into the dictionary is null, but this dictionary requires a non-null model item of type 'System.DateTime'.
That's because of BirthDate is null in database but it is nullable and I expect that it just leaves the filed empty.
And I have Shared EditorTemplate:
@model System.Nullable<System.DateTime>
@if (Model.HasValue)
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Nov 10, 2010
Above is my code. The error I'm get is, Unable to cast object of type 'System.DateTime' to type 'System.String'.
The column "To" and column "Subject" are strings and column "Receive" is DateTime. I can't made any changes in the database, so I need to write some code to handle casting a string to datetime or if statement as a work around.
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Jul 8, 2010
I want to use the System.DateTime.Now() function (to get system time) rather than the Date() function (for user's time) in a Javascript routine of an ASP.net web page, however this does not seem to be supported in Javascript (as it is in VB.net).
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Feb 19, 2010
I am thinking to have a standardize date format for all the Date Time in the system when display to user and also for user input.For example YYYY-mm-DD HH:mm:ss .Does the Standardize date format for date timewill cause error by different clent local pc date format?The way i capture the datetime format from user input is :
dim dteDateTime as DateTime
If the above format is not correct?Does anyone has idea on the correct way to standarize the Date Time format for all the ASP.NET system?
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Mar 8, 2010
I receive following errormsg: System.Exception: String was not recognized as a valid DateTime.How can I change following code to avoid this?
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Mar 19, 2011
I have two textbox on my asp.net page which are taking dates from calendar control:
On Calendar selection, I am assigning the value of selected have to hidden variable. below is the code:
DateTime dtOne;
dtOne = Convert.ToDateTime(hdnOne.Value.Trim().ToString());
DateTime dtTwo = Convert.ToDateTime(hdnTwo.Value.Trim().ToString());
When keeping breakpoint I get this value for dtOne
9/2/2011 02:03...
It is working fine in pre prod deployed site, but when I copy paste the same deployed code to the production I am getting below error:
System.FormatException: String was not recognized as a valid DateTime.
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Jan 22, 2011
If server is located in US and website user is from Asia, when user add a new comment, he sees that the comment is added 10 hours ago because there is 10 hours timing difference in Asia and US.What I want to do is when displaying comment, automatically convert date time to the time of target country or region where user come from. Track user region/country DateTime in any webpage should be converted to that country time So that I can display user that he posted comment a few second ago...
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Apr 23, 2010
Am I going to be able to query (using LINQ to SQL) a database field with a type like the following "public System.Nullable<System.DateTime> Spouse_DOB"?
I'm trying to use the following code: [Code]....
and I get the error "'System.Nullable<System.DateTime>' does not contain a definition for 'Month' and no extension method 'Month' accepting a first argument of type 'System.Nullable<System.DateTime>' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)"
Is it because this DateTime column allows a NULL value (since everyone isn't married in my database)?
Error 1 'System.Nullable<System.DateTime>' does not contain a definition for 'Month' and no extension method 'Month' accepting a first argument of type 'System.Nullable<System.DateTime>' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
C:Working WebsitesGrannys Clan Address BookDefault.aspx.cs
38 26
C:Working WebsitesGrannys Clan Addres
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Feb 6, 2011
DateTime startingDate = DateTime.Parse(DDMonth.SelectedValue.ToString());
LbCalendarCurrentMonth.Text = startingDate.ToString("MMMM");
returns the error: System.FormatException: String was not recognized as a valid DateTime.
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Jul 14, 2010
in my project, i am storing a datetime in oracle 10g database and i have to retrieve it as a datatable with all other fields in that table. so when i am retrieving it, i am not getting the same date and time. i am using german culture in database and server side. and i am using US culture in client side. when i store the date for eg., 7/10/1986 13:13:13 then when i retriev it at the same time i am getting an different time. here i am getting a time difference of 3 hours.
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Jan 5, 2010
I am trying to do dependent dropdown in a formview. I am getting this error when I select the DDL1. I ma using VS2008 and with code behind in VB.
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May 13, 2010
was having some trouble setting up databound cascasding dropdownlists. As a workaround I decided to go down the route of placing three standard dropdownlists in an updatepanel - I cant find any info to help to do this.Can anyone help with what I need??? I need three dependant dropdown lists to refresh after selection of the parent one without refreshing the whole page. Im using VS2005 .net 2.0 and I have installed the ajax toolkit.
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May 12, 2010
I am having a problem with the Client Validation not firing when I have marked a nullable DateTime field as [Required] and the value of the field is null. (It is actually stopping ALL client validation on the page working - not just the DateTime field).
Interestingly enough, once a post back has been done and the error picked up on the server, the client validation starts working.
Also if you set the date to a none null value (see commented out line in the controller) it will also work
I have replicated this behaviour in a small test project (this is deliberately very Noddy - just enough to replicate the problem)
Am I doing something fundamentally wrong or am I looking at coding some sort of work around here? (I realise that a Required nullable field sounds like a bit of a oxymoron, but I wanted to present the user with a blank field which they must then fill, not one pre-populated with an arbitrary date value)
View (Auto generated)
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Feb 20, 2010
In asp.net website, i am using crystal report. My question is very generic i.e. How it is possible to display client side (browser) date and time?
Actually in my case our website is going to hosted at India, while that site is used by user's at SWEDEN.
Now the problem is that when user request for report then it is displaying server side date time because i have used PRINTTIME control of crystal report. But user should have date and time of their PC. because that time is basically a report generates date time.
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Aug 31, 2013
I'm having a little issue, currently my code, first it saves to DB then send an email in both codes it saves and send the current date and time. I use the following function to get the current date Now() . The problem is when it saves to DB, it saves the current time and date using the timezone of DB server location and the email send the date and time and appear in my wanted timezone (easter time zone). I was wondering if it's possible to make the also save to DB with the correct time zone without using any javascript.
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Mar 25, 2010
I have a problem in my application. I have deployed application on server. i have a string in dd/mm/yyyy format. to which when i am trying to parse in datetime it is working fine on my server when i am working locally on server. but when i am trying it remotely(client) it is giving exception saying string is not recognized as valid datetime format. This is how i am trying the code.
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May 21, 2010
I am storing files in SQL using FileStream from a ASP .NET app. I am also storing the filetypes.
I want to allow users to download (and open these files) to view them. I see a lot of code samples on how I can read data out of FileStream, and put it into a buffer in memory. I guess from there, I can write it out to a file.
But since the data is already in a file (SQL "Select myFileStreamColumn.FilePath()" returns it's location) can't I somehow put up a Save As... dialog for the user, and let them download it directly from the SQL storage area to their local PC?
Do I have to read the data out of SQL, write it out to a file, and then give them a Save As... dialog pointing to that new file?
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Feb 10, 2011
I want to save a doc file in client machine.
How i save file on a perticular location on client machine?
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Aug 26, 2010
My ASP.net application producing a Report in MS-Word format,my application resides in Server ,Report is generating from server. when i do same in cleint machine report did not produce.I am accessing the application with static IP address in client machine.This is my code for generating the report
Protected Sub btnReport_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles btnReport.Click
Dim strBuilder As New StringBuilder()
strBuilder.Append("<h3 title='Header' align='Center'><u> FABDB</u></h3> ".ToString()) [code]...
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Dec 17, 2010
Given a file path on client machine, is it possible for me to get the content of the file from that
location and show that content in browser using any client scripting language.when i explored on this , i got following information.1.Client scripting languuages are not allowed to have access to client system as it is a hugesecurity threat.2. We can use ActiveXObject (FileSystemObject) to have access to client system, but it haslimitations like it only works in IE & client also need to change IE settings to make sure that thisactive x componet runs in his browser.Does any one have any alternative solutions with Jquery/Ajax or any client scripting language(that is cross browser compatible and works for all file types.)
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Feb 15, 2010
I Want to get client system information that is
1. Client system name
2. Logon Username
3. OS Drive Name
4. how to copy a file from server to client ?
View 4 Replies
Feb 20, 2010
I have a large scale application which uses javascript for many reasons. these javascript files included in some JS files and JS files imported to Asp.net Masterpage files.
this JS files contents (javascript functions) will add to page when page display to user, so a Bunch of waste Javascript functions will include in Asp.net pages.
I'm lookingfor a way which these JS files downloads to users computer (any where, e.g: temporary internet files or some where else) and the Asp.net page use that functions which downloaded with page.
I also want to download 1 time ( per user login or per Open Session ) to users computer.
So How to download JS file to Users PC and Use them in Asp.net Pages
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Jun 1, 2010
I am using System.Net.Mail in C#.net website. Basically, I use this to send email alerts to users when some action has occurred.
The problem is, when some PC's are used to trigger an email, nothing happens. I have 2 PC's in my office, and when I do the action on one of them, it works, but not on the other. Why is that?
Also, when an action is triggered by the login page (email reports), it works everywhere, but not on other pages.
I thought C# was server-side code? Shouldn't everything work or not work based on what the server has installed?
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