C# - Ordering A List Alphabetically?

Feb 4, 2011

my code will explain what the problem is in the WHAT DO I PUT HERE section how can get the list ordered by a-z?

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Sort DataAdapter Alphabetically - VB.Net

Nov 30, 2010

This should be a fairly simple one. I am creating a dataset which will contain a description field which I would like to sort by. The reason I want to sort the dataadapter and not in my SQL is that I am already ordering by the results that have a particular value. My SQL looks like this:

SELECT pif_desc, pif_fund, psf_end, (CASE WHEN SUM(pmi_units) IS Null THEN 0 ELSE SUM(pmi_units) END) As fundunits FROM tbl_mem INNER JOIN tbl_sfunds ON pm_scheme = psf_scheme INNER JOIN tbl_invfun ON tbl_fund = tbl_fund LEFT JOIN pe_minv ON pmi_fund = pif_fund AND pm_member = pmi_member WHERE pm_member = @pm_member GROUP BY pif_desc, pif_fund, psf_end ORDER BY fundunits DESC

My VB looks like this:

Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("getMembersFundsDCGENST", conn)
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
Dim p_pm_member As New SqlParameter("@pm_member", SqlDbType.Int)
p_pm_member.Value = pm_member
Dim p_period_closing_date As New SqlParameter("@closingdate", SqlDbType.DateTime)
p_period_closing_date.Value = period_closing_date
Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter(cmd)

I want to sort the datarows is ds.tables(0) by pif_desc but still have the rows with fundunits > 0 listed first.

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C# - Order The Subcategories Alphabetically?

Mar 24, 2010

I have a table:Category with some sort of categorie


Well, the strange question is: how can i order the subcategories alphabetically?
If i'd have binded the children repeater to a linq it would be easy.
But in this case?

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ADO.NET :: Linq Query With Ordering?

Jan 28, 2011

the best way to do the following (I'm using a simplified example of my actual problem?Say I have a customer ordered items table with fields: oItemId, OrderId, ProductId, ItemPriceI want to query where OrderId >oMin && OrderId <oMaxand for each value of OrderId I want to find the record with the highest ItemPriceso for a single OrderId the query would be:(from o in context.orderItems where OrderId==x orderby o.ItemPrice select o).first()but OrderId isn't a single value. If I modify the where clause then this query would still produce a single record whereas I want a single record per OrderId.oh and as an additional question: does anyone have a compact test for whether a record exists. I am using the querystring to specify an Id and there are numerous things that I want to protect against. If I do:

var myRecord = from o in context.orders where o.orderId == request.querystring["Order"] select othen this fails if the querystring isn't specified. So first I test that the querystring != nul . Then I need to do:bool recordExists = (myRecord != null)because even if the querystring is specified it may be an invalid orderId and thus the query returns no results. Is there a shorter/simpler way to calculate the result. I have not yet got to grips with lambda expressions and I'm not sure whether there is a better approach with lambda expressions.

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ADO.NET :: Ordering Data In DataTable?

Feb 19, 2011

i want to oredering My Data In DataTable by DateTime as Desc how???

i know i can do that in sql :

select MyDate from Dates order By Dates.MyDate desc

but i want to order it in DataTable

View 5 Replies

Datatable Select Ordering

Jul 18, 2011

I have a dataset generated from xml from a web service.Data needs to be sorted by date order descending, I cannot get the web service changed so thought I'd try:

repeater1.DataSource = dsCombinedBlock.Tables(2).Select("Status < 3 and status <> 99", "DateReceived desc")
However the dates are treated as a string so the results look like


How do I get the proper ordering applied.

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Web Forms :: How To Sort Treeview Alphabetically

May 7, 2010

I am dynamically binding the treeview using DOM.

I m populating the tree by sayin treeview1.nodes.add(Treenode)

After this, i need to sort them alphabetically. I have followed this ref:[URL] but I was not able to understand how to do it only for parent nodes, since I don't have child nodes.

Moreover I m not able to get property sort().

How do I achieve this?

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C# - Sorting Digits In A String Alphabetically?

Feb 20, 2010

We have a list of titles, some of which start with numbers (e.g. 5 Ways to Make Widgets). We would like to sort this as if it were "Five Ways..." without changing the title. We know that some movie places do this, but I can't find info online on how to do it.

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How To Keep The Rows Ordering Of Datatable Unchanged

Jul 6, 2010

I have a datatable with the ordering of its DataClassIndex column before editting:

DataclassIndex 0 1 2 3 4

When I start modifying some other cells in this datatable, the ordering of DataClassIndex column changes to something like this

DataclassIndex 3 4 2 1 0

How can I modify a datatable content without altering the original order of the datatable.

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AJAX :: SlideShowExtender - Sorting / Ordering

Jun 22, 2010

This was programmer error - a problem with my SQL. I am populating a slideshow extender control successfully from a list of images maintain din a MySQL database. I have created a "back" button that executes the following javascript:

This correctly goes back to my web service method that fetches rows from my database. I issue an "order by" in the SQL to sort the rows returned in descending tiome order and have verified that they populate the slide array in that order. However, when the page renders, the slideshow appears to play them in almost a random order. Is there any trick to getting images in a slideshow array to play in a particular order?

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AJAX :: Ordering Tabs In A Tab Container?

Jun 4, 2010

I need to change the order of some tabs in a tab control, how can achieve this?

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Visual Studio :: How To Sort Templates Alphabetically

Feb 8, 2010

I'm wondering if Visual Studio is ever going to allow users to sort the available templates alphabetically.

When clicking on File | New File, I'm greeting with the New File dialog window, which has a seemingly arbitrarily ordered list of items to choose from. This isn't so bad, because there aren't that many, but it would still be nice to order them.

When right-clicking a project, and choosing Add | New Item, I get a Add New Item dialog box that has the same dementedly senseless order, and there are many more of them. Fifty-three on my system, in fact. Having no easy way to order these alphabetically is a serious pain, and I've seen complaints about it all over the Internet. Does anyone know of a way to get Visual Studio 2008 to order these templates alphabetically, and does anyone know if Visual Studio 2010 will finally include this feature?

I found a PowerShell script online that was supposed to accomplish this, but it appears to have been written for .NET 2.0, and I'm using .NET 3.5. I don't have the time to pick apart the PowerShell script and hope I get the modifications right.

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Web Forms :: How To Sort The Names In Combobox Alphabetically

Feb 1, 2011

How to sort the names in combobox alphabetically?

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Sorting A Gridview Alphabetically When Columns Are Codes?

Jun 15, 2010

i have a gridview populated by a Web Service search function. some of the columns in the grid are templatefields, because the values coming back from the search (in a datatable) are ids - i then use these ids to lookup the values when the rowdatabound event is triggered and populate a label or some such.
this means that my sorting function for these id/lookup columns sorts by the ids rather than the textual value that i have looked up and actually populated the grid with (although i do put the ids in the grids datakeys).

what i want to do is top be able to sort by the looked up textual value rather than the codes for these particular columns.what i was going to do to get around this was to when the datatable comes back from the search, adding more columns the textual values and doing all the looking up then, thus being able to sort directly from the manually added columns.

is there another way to do this? as that approach seems like a bit of a bodge. although i guess it does remove having to do the looking up in the rowdatabound event....

my sorting function works by sticking the datatable in the session and on each bind grabbing the sort column and binding the gridview to a DataView with the sort attribute set to the column - and the direction.

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Sql - TSQL Grouping And Ordering For Dynamic Table?

Jun 7, 2010

I hoping someone may be able to point me in the right direction for this. Basically Im writing an asp.net web control to dynamically display a set of data based on field data stored in the database.

I want the control to create a dynamic asp table from a set of data from the database, however I cant get my head round the query needed to order the data into a list that I can create a htmltable from (if that makes sense)

my data looks like this, where I have a field name, the order the corresponding control will be rended in, and the number of columns that control takes up in the asp table:

Id | FieldName | ColumnSpan | Order ...
1 | UserName | 1 | 1
2 | FirstName | 1 | 3
3 | LastName | 1 | 4
4 | Email Address | 2 | 2
5 | DOB | 1 | 5
6 | Notes | 2 | 7
7 | Password | 1 | 6
8 | UserID | 1 | 0

I have made a couple of attempts at creating a stored procedure that accepts an integer representing the number of columns the table will have, with no real progress. I would like the query to return something like the following (if the input parameter was 2 (columns)) - where the fields are grouped into logical rows

row | FieldName | Order
1 | UserId | 0
1 | UserName | 1
2 | Email Address | 2
3 | FirstName | 3
3 | LastName | 4
4 | DOB | 5
4 | Password | 6
5 | Notes | 7

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Sort Dropdownlist Alphabetically

Jan 24, 2011

I need to sort dropdownlist alphabetically.

This is the code I am using ,its working but it brings numbers first and then alphabets like 1,2,abc,bcc..


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Forms Data Controls :: Show The Category Name Alphabetically?

Jan 19, 2010

I am having a problem .I want to display the book category and subcategories which is fetched from database .

I want to show record like

- Advertising
- Artists


How to show record like this and which control I have to use for this.

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Data Controls :: Filter GridView Rows Alphabetically

Apr 28, 2014

LinkButton A
LinkButton B

A          B           C         D          E


EmpID       EmpName   

1              Aakash
2              Ajit

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LINQ To SQL Ordering From External Method / No Supported Translation To SQL

Nov 17, 2010

It seem to me that this was hard...


I get this run time error "no supported translation to SQL".

What i want is to get lists of the posts, and do a small quick calculations of the rating and then sort those from highest to low and take 5 posts only.

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Forms Data Controls :: Group Alphabetically And Give Page Break?

Feb 12, 2010

I want to do something like this.


i have all the categories in my dataset. now i want my repeater to display it in alphabatically categories.

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DataSource Controls :: Select Definite No. Of Rows After Ordering By Descending Order?

Mar 20, 2010

I am a bit confused how to say this but here goes.I have a sql server 2008 database tablewhere I want to select rows by descending order of a [column name] and then select first 10 rows from that output.I was trying something like select top 5 * from (select * from movie_data order by hits DESC);this does not work and I'm quite new to query-writing.

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Data Controls :: Enable Disable Save Button While Ordering GridView Rows Using JQuery

Feb 25, 2016

I came across the below article, I would like to know how to properly respond to the drop or stop event so that I can show the Save button only once someone changed the order. In other words, I would like the Save button hidden initially, only to make it visible once a drag and drop has occurred.


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Ordering Sub-items Within Ordered Items In A Linq To Entities Query?

Aug 25, 2010

I have a few tables, Listings, ListingImages and a few others related to Listings. ListingImages is related to Listings so that you can have many ListingImages per Listing.

When I query this table I do;


Now this is fine. However, I now want to sort the ListingImages independently within each Listing (by an ImageOrder column I have in that table).

How can I do this and pass all my Includes(...). Would it be bad form to sort the ListingImages within the View as this solution seems to work?

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Architecture :: Best Way To Implement Online Ordering For A Store Store Already Built?

Mar 19, 2010

hey folks I got a general question that maybe some of you can just weigh in. I developed an online store for a client and people place orders online for a food ordering place however I am trying to find the best way to have the orders show up for them at the store. Currently I am sending an email and an autoprint software prints it out which works most of the time but not good enough sometimes it doesn't print. Anyone had similar issues or have other alternative solutions you may have heard off? Like I said the site sends an email to the customer and the store's email account.

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AJAX :: Display Cascading Dropdown List Based On Checkbox List Selected Value

Nov 10, 2010

How can i generate dropdown lists based on what has been selected in the checckbox list. Below is an example of what i need. if the user selects the options day, lotID and waferID, then 3 cascading dropdown lists should be displayed. And then a gridview displays data based on what has been chosen in the dropdown lists.


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