C# - Quartz On A Lightly Loaded Server?

Jan 24, 2011

I have several important Quartz events that MUST go off at specific times of the night. Lately I have been noticing that not all the events are run. I have a feeling that overnight our server load is very light (ie. zero users) and that the web server kind of goes to sleep, and hence so does Quartz. Does this seem plausible? I am using Quartz.net within the web server, and not as a separate service.

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C# - Modifying JobDataMap In Quartz.NET?

Nov 19, 2010

I am creating a Quartz.NET application in C#, and creating a bunch of administration webpages (C#/ASP.NET) so users can easily create jobs, set datamap fields and edit datamap fields.

I'm having some trouble editting jobs data maps though - any changes I make aren't saved at all. Is there anything I need to call after modifying the jobs data map?

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C# - A Quartz Shedule Miss?

Jan 6, 2011

I am using quartz.net and it's great. But what happens if my server is down and I miss an event (I am using a database to store quartz events)? I want to make sure events run, even if they are a week late, but I don't see how this is configured?

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C# - Modifying Quartz.NET Job Details After They've Been Scheduled

Oct 22, 2010

I have a Quartz.NET application where I need the administrators to be able to modify the job details - mostly information in each jobs datamap, but also things like the triggers - here is my code I'm using

protected void ButtonSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
JobDetail jobDetail = sched.GetJobDetail(hdnID.Value, hdnGroupID.Value);
jobDetail.JobDataMap["idname"] = txtName.Text;
jobDetail.JobDataMap["initialPath"] = TextBox1.Text;
jobDetail.JobDataMap["targetPath"] = TextBox2.Text;

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Handle Application Shutdown In Quartz.Net?

Sep 26, 2010

I have used Quartz.Net for queuing and sending emails from my application. I don't know how each scheduled job responds to application instance stopping, pausing or shutting down. The IJob interface has no method that can notify a running job about these events.My question is how can I handle these cases when they occur so that the job can exit while leaving the application and the data in a stable state?

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Controls :: Implement And Integrate Quartz

Jun 16, 2015

i want to cancel order after 24 hours if its not been confirms.

how to do it in asp.net?

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Call C# Method Using Quartz.net Based On Time?

Jul 14, 2010

I ve just added quartz.net dll to my bin and started my example... How to call a c# method using quartz.net based on time?

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using Quartz;
using System.IO;

public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Response.write("Mail Sent Successfully");
public bool SendMail()
MailMessage mail = new MailMessage();
mail.To = "test@[URL]";
mail.From = "sample@[URL]";
mail.Subject = "Hai Test Web Mail";
mail.BodyFormat = MailFormat.Html;
mail.Body = "Hai Test Web Service";
SmtpMail.SmtpServer = [URL];
mail.Fields.Add([URL], "1");
mail.Fields.Add([URL], "redwolf@[URL]);
mail.Fields.Add([URL], "************");
mail.Fields.Add([URL], "465");
mail.Fields.Add([URL], "true");
return (true);
catch (Exception err)
throw err;

Here i am just sending a mail on page load. How to call SendMail() once in a day at a given time (say 6.00 AM) using quartz.net. I dont know how to get started? Should i configure it in my global.asax file.

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Quartz.Net Embedded Into .NET MVC2, Not Firing Off Jobs?

Aug 22, 2010

I'm trying to get Quartz.net working by embedding into my .Net MVC2 application. I know this is not ideal, but I'm just trying to get it up and running before moving it over to a service. I can't get my jobs to fire off, but I think I'm configured correctly. In my Global.asax.cs:

protected void Application_Start()
Quartz.IScheduler scheduler = BuildQuartzScheduler();

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Pros And Cons Of Running Quartz.NET Embedded Or As A Windows Service?

May 20, 2010

I want to add quartz scheduling to an ASP.NET application.It will be used to send queued up emails.What are the pros and cons of running quartz.net as windows service vs embedded.My main concern is how Quartz.NET in embedded mode handles variable number of worker processes in IIS.

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Custom Server Controls :: Embedded Css Not Loaded In Update Panel

Jan 5, 2010

I have created a custom required textbox control. In this control's preinit event i load a css file. Alle css and images are inside the assambly. When i use my custom control on a page the control loads fine and also the css and images are loaded. Validation of the control occures when i click the validate button. So this works perfect. But now i want to use my control in the following senario: I have a grid in an update panel. When i select a record in the datagrid i show a panel in a second updatepanel. Inside this panel i have my custom required textbox control.

The following is happening: I select a record and the panel will be made visible. The custom required textbox control is visible, but the build-in css is not loaded. As a test i have created a new testpage. On this testpage i have put my custom required textboxes in an updatepanel the css is loaded fine. So when my controls are in a panel inside a updatepanel and i set the panel to visible, the css is not loaded.

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AJAX :: Calling Server Side Events For A User Control Loaded In Update Panel - Refresh Page

May 23, 2010

I need to update datalist in image gallery when fileupload has been completed.

<div style="display: block;">
<div style="padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px;">
<uc1:ctrlFileUpload ID="ctrlFileUpload1" runat="server" />
<uc2:ctrlImageGallery ID="ctrlImageGallery1" runat="server" />

In the Control File Upload I need to fire the the other ctrl to refresh the page.

<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanelUploadArea" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional">
<asp:FileUpload ID="FileUpload1" runat="server" />
<br />
<asp:Button ID="UploadButton" runat="server" Text="Upload Now" OnClick="UploadButton_Click" />
<asp:Label ID="lblResult" runat="server" ForeColor="#0066FF"></asp:Label>
<br />
<asp:PostBackTrigger ControlID="UploadButton" />

View 25 Replies

How To Know The User Control Has Been Loaded

Jan 11, 2011

On my web page, I have few controls.

Sometime one of those control was not completly loaded.

I would how do I know a user control was completly loaded.

View 3 Replies

Loaded On Web App Startup Or Only When Invoked?

Jan 8, 2010

Are all loaded on web app startup or only when they’re invoked (i.e., when their code is used)?

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Master Is Not Loaded After Publishing?

Jan 3, 2011

When running my ASP.Net project in debug mode all appears in perfect order, however after pbulishing the project to Windows Web Server 2008 R2 (IIS7) I get the that the style sheet being referenced by Site.Master is not loaded.



I've confirmed the correct paths and file names on numerous occasions, but to no avail.

View 13 Replies

Get Html Code After Css Is Loaded?

Apr 21, 2010

i already have the html code using HttpWebResponse and StreamReader but the problem is the html code has not applied the css yet?

how do i get the html code with css applied.

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C# - Dll's Loaded Through Reflection - Phantom Bug?

Jun 8, 2010

I got a strange one here and I want to know if any of you have ever run accross anything like it.

So I've got this web app that loads up a bunch of dll's through reflection. Basically it looks for Types that are derived from certain abstract types and adds them to the list of things it can make.

Here's the weird part. While developing there is never a problem. When installing it, there is never a problem to start with. Then, at a seemingly random time, the application breaks while trying to find all the types. I've had 2 sites sitting side by side and one worked while the other did not, and they were configured exactly(and I mean exactly) the same.

IISRESET's never helped, but this did:

I simply moved all the dll's out of the bin directory then moved them back. That's right I just moved them out of the bin directory then put them right back where they came from and everything worked fine.

Any ideas?

Got some more info

When the site is working I notice this behavior:
After IISRESET it still works, but recycling the app pool will cause it to break.

When the site is broken:
Neiter IISRESET nor recycling the app pool fixes it, but
moving a single dll out then back in fixes it.

Even More Info

So it turns out that IsAssignableFrom is not returning the correct value. I would not have believed it to be true, but I had my logger log the result and the 2 types, and it definitely returned the wrong value. The crazy thing is that the same dll will return different values at different times when comparing the same 2 types. Yet More Info The particular class that IsAssignableFrom fails on in located in a file with other classes. If I move the class to its own file, then everything works fine. However, if it is in the same file as other classes(even if it is in its own namespace block) then the Type reference is all wrong. The Type reference will have the correct name and methods, but it has trouble finding the correct constructor.

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C# - Cascading Drop Down Is Loaded?

Mar 4, 2011

I have used Cascading Drop Downs (for Make and Model) in my web form. I am using webmethod from webservice to bind the CDDs. Following is the code -

<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlMakes" runat="server" Width="150px">
<cc1:CascadingDropDown ID="cddMakes"unat="server"

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ADO.NET :: Related Rows Are Not Loaded?

Nov 21, 2010

I want to have two combo boxes: One for categories and one for subcategories. As a category is selected in one combo box, all the related subcategories are displayed in the other combo box. EF 4.0 should be perfect for this. But the subcategory collections are always empty!


I can see that Lazy loading is set to true. I tried setting it to false and adding Include("Subcategories") but the subcategories collection is always empty.

I even tried using the SQL Server Profiler. Although I couldn't explain the timing, I could in some cases see the queries to return the subcategories. I even executed the query and it returned the expected results.

I'm really getting frustrated by EF. Although I'm fairly new to SQL Server, I could've had what I'm working on done hours ago. Instead, it's like a black box with no way for me to troubleshoot or determine what the heck is going wrong.

View 8 Replies

Ensure Javascript Is Loaded Once Only?

Jan 6, 2010

I've been working in asp.net webforms and I've been making a UserControl that depends on a small bit of javascript which is in an external file.

I want to be able to put a reference to the javascript inside the UserControl to ensure that it gets loaded on the page, but the problem is that the UserControl can appear multiple times on a page so I only want the script to be loaded with the first instance of the UserControl.

Is there an easy way to do this in ASP.NET Webforms?

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Flash Image Is Not Loaded?

Feb 22, 2011

I tried to show flash image in the first loading page of asp.net.But it is not showing most time.some times it is showing.What is the problem behind of this ..

my code is

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" MasterPageFile="~/MasterPage.master" CodeFile="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="_Default" %>
<asp:Content ID="Content1" runat="server" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolder1">
<object type= "application/x-shockwave-flash" data="Flash images/Left_Flash.swf" width="215" height="478">
<param name="movie" value="Flash images/Left_Flash.swf" />
<embed src="Flash images/Left_Flash.swf" width="215" height="478"></embed>

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Yellow Exclamation On Page When Loaded?

Jun 18, 2010

Within IE after this page loads getting the yellow exclamation in the bottom. When i view the error this what i get

Line: 916
Char: 1
Error: Object doesnt support this property or method
Code: 0

Now this page hasnt been touched in some time and last time it was, everything was working. Now with this error, my button event is not being fired, so not sure where to begin, since the ASPX and Code behind dont have a line 916, how can i find out what its complaining about?

Here is the code behind:


Here is the ASPX code:


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How To Determine If Page Is Fully Loaded In C#

Mar 18, 2011

How can you determine if your page is fully loaded in asp.net c#?

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JQuery :: Run Code On Page Loaded?

Oct 3, 2010

I have a MVC view that contains some dropdowns like this :


To compliment this with AJAX calls (to create CascadingDropDown) I have the following javascript :


The CascadingDropDownCategory function is from [this site][1].When doing a post the dropdowns is set properply but when running


The lastCategoryId is sill -1? I can see that the dropdowns have got values and should also have triggered the change event? Why is i getting -1?

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Web Forms :: Checking If A Class Is Loaded?

Feb 2, 2011

I have a class called 'Tutorial'. At the top of my page I declare the object as below: [Code]....

The last thing I have is an Add and Save button and what I would like to achieve is add/update the record based on if it exists or not. To do this I would like to check the state of the tutorial object to see if it has been loaded and use its id without needing to put it on the page for reference later.

Will the tutorial object still contain values after postback and how can I check if its been declared?

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Dropdownlist With The Colors Loaded As Th Text

Jun 17, 2010

I have a dropdownlist with the colors loaded as th text.I place it in a placeholder and that has a vertical scrollbar, When I scroll the entire Placeholder the colours in the dropbox are getting hidden due to the scrooling

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