C# - Restrict A Page Navigation To One Control?

Nov 12, 2010

I am making an online exam website where a user is taken to a page where there are multiple choice questions. I want to set it up so that once a user navigates to this exam page, he cannot navigate back. The only way he can get out of it is by clicking the submit button and then he cannot access that page again. The questions on the exam page are in an sql database. restricting the navigation of the page.

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Mar 15, 2010

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1. Select a type --appended during page load

2. Green type -- fetched from SQL server via a datasource

3. Red type -- fetched from SQL server via a datasource

4. User Manual -- appended during page load

For the sake of simplicity my website has 4 pages. When the 'Select a type' list item is selected - the user should be taken to a general 'Introduction' page. When the 'Green type' - the user should be taken to a 'Green' page - and etc.

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Web Forms :: Navigation Control Appear Behind The Panel?

Jan 10, 2011

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<asp:MenuItem Text="Customer">
<asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="~/CustomerLogin.aspx" Text="Log In"></asp:MenuItem>
<asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="~/CustomerProduct.aspx" Text="Product"></asp:MenuItem>
<asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="~/CustomerInformation.aspx" Text="Information"></asp:MenuItem>

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Restrict Page Access In IIS 6.0

Aug 24, 2010

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Feb 28, 2010

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MVC :: Dynamic Navigation Page In 2 Or 3

Dec 4, 2010

I've been tasked with managing the re-write of a very large enterprise application's UI. The existing UI was built upon an infrastructure which leverages the EntLib 3's PageFlow application block and the Web Client Software Factory. It performs horribly - part of the reason we need this upgrade so badly.

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Jun 18, 2010

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Web Forms :: Navigation Menu Control Horizontal - Multiline?

Jan 7, 2010

I've built a website with a Horizontal Menubar at the the top of the site, it works fine the only problem is now that i have added more items to the website map it has now grown wider than the site, so what i would like it to do is when it gets to a certain width drop down and start adding the node links underneath. i tried setting the width property of the <asp:menu> but this did not seem to do anything at all. I could obviously add a second menubar linking to another sitemap but i would like to be as dynamic as posssible. Plus the menu is baseed around the role structure so some users may only see 5 items where admins, supervisors etc may see around 30 level 1 menu items with multiple subitems. so in short how to i make the menu wrap round to the next line when a certain length is reached

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Web Forms :: How To Stop Wizard Control Next Step Navigation

Aug 11, 2010

I am using Wizard control for password recovery. at first step I am checking the UserName with chkUserName(UserName.Text) function if UserName presents, the function will return the User Id and will navigate to next step, if UserName is wrong the function will return 0 and should not navigate to next step, but should stop at index 0 i.e. at the same step.

I have tried some solutions but it is navigating to next step in both the conditions.

in aspx the code is like:


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Web Forms :: Wizard Control Navigation - Button For Options?

Apr 8, 2010

I have a wizard control, which has 3 steps and the last is a complete step. I put on him a button in order to enable the user the option to return to the first step. How could I navigate back to the fist step?

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AJAX :: Accordion Control For Left Navigation Menu?

Feb 23, 2010

i want to implement an accordion control to the left navigation menu. The Main title on left menu called Activities is standard so i have hard coded it. The subtitles I want to pull from the database , from the stored procedure "Activity_Get". however i am not able to achieve this because I get an error "DataSource 'sds2 ' for control 'accActivities' doesn't exist". The following is the aspx code.

HeaderCssClass="navlink3" HeaderSelectedCssClass="navlink2"
FadeTransitions="true" TransitionDuration="250"

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Web Forms :: Disable ToolTip On Asp - Menu Navigation Control?

May 26, 2010

How to get rid-off ToolTip showing when people hover over menu items in asp:menu navigation control? The ToolTip itself covers pop-out sub-menu and very irritating. ToolTip actually displays "description" from Web.sitemap. I thought to delete "description", but that would be nice to have for asp:SiteMapPath.

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How To Restrict Files To Access Only On Test Page

Jan 14, 2010

when i would like to restrict files to access only on my Test page , here i am retriving my files in iframe in Test page, problem occurs when a user authenticated themselves then they will be redirected on welcome page and he can access my files through welcome page on Browser by knowing my Folder Name. but i do'nt want to give permissions to access on welcome page using IBrowser i only want to give my files(.mht files) that should be accessed on iframe.

this code as shown below doing pretty well in Visual studio "Debug mode but when i deploy this on iis 7.0 then it is not restricting my .mht files so please help , if you have any othe idea to protect then please give me .


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AJAX :: Restrict User To Select Future Date In Calender Control?

Mar 10, 2011


i m using calenderExtender control, here i want to restrict the user not able to select future date its also working fine , now i want to restrict the user cant select future date than current day+7 (next day)

for ex:

if today is 10 march then he can select next 7 days means till 17 march bt he cant select 18 march

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