C# - Retrieve Values From Selected Listview Control Row?

Jan 8, 2010

My Listview control contains 4 columns and 30 rows.I can retrieve the row number by using:

//get row of listview item
ListViewDataItem item1 = e.Item as ListViewDataItem;
int findMe = item1.DisplayIndex;

How do I then get values from one or all 4 columns?I was trying:

this.lblReponseRoute.Text = item1.FindControl("routenameLabel").ID.ToString();

UPDATE1:The final solution is:

//get row of listview item
ListViewDataItem item1 = e.Item as ListViewDataItem;
int findMe = item1.DisplayIndex;

//find label value var routeLabel = (Label)ListView1.Items[findMe].FindControl("routenameLabel");
this.lblReponseRoute.Text = routeLabel.Text;

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public string Title { get; set;}
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new Exam { Id = 1, Title = "Math"},
new Exam { Id = 2, Title = "History"}

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HTML page....


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<table width="900px" border="0" style="font-size: small">
<tr style="background: #DDDDDD;">
<th align="center" style="width:80px">Delete</th>

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