C# - Server Control Library Calling Its Own Services?
Nov 18, 2010
I am posting this as a part of my effort in searching the best possible design solution for my requirement. I am currently working on a complex server control(not user control) in asp.net which is going to be rendered into html elements on the client side.And those html elements needs to do a ajax call backs to the server using js/jquery. Here is the problem. As this is a serverside control and can be added into any application/domain. I dont want to have those callback services hosted separately. Is there any way that I can host those server callback services in the same library? If so, how can I access them from the client side?
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Jan 28, 2011
Sometime earlier this week i saw a reference to a commercial library (think was priced at 299) that wrapped up all the various GoogleDocs family of services - have lost the link. I've searched codeplex and VS's Library Manager without joy.I'm aware of Google's sdk but would prefer working with a higher abstraction - though a verbose kickstarter project that integrates gData to an asp.net datatier would be nice.
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Nov 29, 2010
I want to convert following PHP code to C#.
$client=new SOAPClient(API_URL."www/ws_rpc.php?wsdl&actor=fieldreport_actions&client=".API_KEY,array("uri"=>"SOME_URL","style"=>SOAP_RPC,"use"=>SOAP_ENCODED,"encoding"=>"UTF-8"));
$auth = $client->is_valid_panelist_login("login_type_email",$username,$password);
How can I do it? I found 1 sample at: Help me convert this PHP SOAP code to C# But this looks bit different.
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Sep 27, 2010
For an ASP.Net website with calls through to a WCF Service:
Three web clients click the button that calls the WCF Service simultaneously.
Does the web server make 3 concurrent calls? (e.g. WCF Service receives 3 concurrent calls) one on behalf of each web client?
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Jul 13, 2010
I make an asynchronous call from one web service to another web service deployed on different server? The scenario is that an ASP.NET webforms page will call a web service in an async manner. This particular web service will then make another async call to a second web service deployed on different web server. This this possible to achieve, and what additional steps or code would be necessary to make this happen?
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Feb 23, 2011
My requirement is i need to display some quotes from some vendors in my User Interface. Some of the quote details will be fetched from database where as some vendors are giving web services to get the quote results. I need to combine the quotes from database as well as the various web service response and display in the grid.
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Sep 8, 2010
I emebeded jquery library in custom server control. but it's not working. it throws "object expected error". the complete code listing is given below.
jquery-1.4.1.js is rename it to jquery.js
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;.........
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May 31, 2010
I'm working on a web application using VB.NET. In page load event am calling a remote web service which take time to bring the data. During this process none of the other contents on page are shown(render).
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Mar 21, 2010
I have a fairly complex business application written in ASP.NET that is deployed on a hosted server. The site uses Forms Authentication, and there are about a dozen different roles defined. Employees and customers are both users of the application.
Now I have the requirement to develop a Windows Mobile client for the application that allows a very specialized set of tasks to be performed from a device, as opposed to a browser on a laptop. The client wants to increase productivity with this measure. Only employees will use this application.
I feel that it would make sense to re-use the security infrastructure that is already in place. The client does not need offline capability.
My thought is to deploy a set of web services to a folder of the existing site that only the new role "web service" has access to, and to use Forms Authentication (from a Windows Mobile 5/.Net 3.5 client).
I did see this question and I am aware of the limitations that Forms Authentication poses. Since security is not my primary motivator (I use SSL and can restrict access by IP address), but rather using existing user accounts and roles, my decision tree is somewhat different as well.
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Apr 22, 2010
I have the web form whcih processing several web services calls.
If one call failed, it will rollback transactions. But it cannot.
Due to the web services will complete for each call.
I am using sql connection and sql command.
Is it possible to do this?
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Feb 4, 2011
How to Find All the Web Services and Windows Services Running on a Server in ASP.Net. I have the server details with me and want to find all the Web services running on it.
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Mar 2, 2011
The message sent to browser is as follows:
The type My.API.Class is ambiguous: it could come from assembly '[on Temporary ASP.NET Files]' or from assembly '[on bin folder]'
The problem occurs when debugging a Web App, speciically when making a request to a WebMethod of a WebService.The project compiles just right. It generates My.Website.dll on bin folder and if I publish the Web Application. It works fine.The asmx file is on the root of the application. The CodeBehind file is on App_Code and its marked to be compiled to generate My.Website.dll.The way this person exposes its problem is somehow similar but I get starting to be lost when he talks about a proxy class and shared dlls I don't use.
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Apr 5, 2010
We have created an ASP.NET web app that upload files to WSS Doc Libary. The files get added under 'SYSTEM ACCOUNT' in the library. The FullTextSqlQuery class is used to search the document libary items. But it only searches files that has been uploaded by a windows user account like 'Administrator' and ignores the ones uploaded by 'SYSTEM ACCOUNT'. As a result the search results are empty even though we have the necessary data in the document library. What could be the reason for this?
The code is given below:
public static List GetListItemsFromFTSQuery(string searchText)
string docLibUrl = "http://localhost:6666/Articles%20Library/Forms/AllItems.aspx";
List items = new List();
DataTable retResults = new DataTable();
using (SPSite site = new SPSite(docLibUrl))
SPWeb CRsite = site.OpenWeb();
SPList ContRep = CRsite.GetListFromUrl(docLibUrl);
FullTextSqlQuery fts = new FullTextSqlQuery(site);
fts.QueryText =
"SELECT Title,ContentType,Path FROM portal..scope() WHERE freetext('" +
searchText +
"') AND (CONTAINS(Path,'"" +
ContRep.RootFolder.ServerRelativeUrl + ""'))";
fts.ResultTypes = ResultType.RelevantResults;
fts.RowLimit = 300;
if (SPSecurity.AuthenticationMode != System.Web.Configuration.AuthenticationMode.Windows)
fts.AuthenticationType = QueryAuthenticationType.PluggableAuthenticatedQuery;
fts.AuthenticationType = QueryAuthenticationType.NtAuthenticatedQuery;
ResultTableCollection rtc = fts.Execute();
if (rtc.Count > 0)
using (
ResultTable relevantResults =
retResults.Load(relevantResults, LoadOption.OverwriteChanges);
foreach (DataRow row in retResults.Rows)
if (!row["Path"].ToString().EndsWith(".aspx"))
//if (row["ContentType"].ToString() == "Item")
using (
SPSite lookupSite =
new SPSite(row["Path"].ToString()))
using (SPWeb web = lookupSite.OpenWeb())
SPFile file = web.GetFile(row["Path"].ToString());
} //using ends here
return items;
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Feb 8, 2011
I want to call a validate function on asp:button click event and also want to do some server side work on this click like adding values to session variables and redirecting page to new one.
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Jul 8, 2010
I'm building an n-tier application, with the web client and the class library separate. I'm also using the factory pattern of development, using interfaces to act as containers for different objects they are associated with. The problem I'm expreriencing is that I declared a public interface class in the class library and I can create an instance of it in in my aspx pages but whenever I declare it in my custom control code-side, i get an error, like so:
Error 20 The type or namespace name 'IContentMaker' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
notge that I have inherited the class library namespace using the 'using' keyword just in case you are wondering. My code is like so:
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using TQO_Classes ; //importing the class library project
public partial class PageContentMgr : System.Web.UI.UserControl
private IContentMaker _data; //this line throws the error, it works fine on aspx pages
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May 23, 2010
I need to update datalist in image gallery when fileupload has been completed.
<div style="display: block;">
<div style="padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px;">
<uc1:ctrlFileUpload ID="ctrlFileUpload1" runat="server" />
<uc2:ctrlImageGallery ID="ctrlImageGallery1" runat="server" />
In the Control File Upload I need to fire the the other ctrl to refresh the page.
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanelUploadArea" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional">
<asp:FileUpload ID="FileUpload1" runat="server" />
<br />
<asp:Button ID="UploadButton" runat="server" Text="Upload Now" OnClick="UploadButton_Click" />
<asp:Label ID="lblResult" runat="server" ForeColor="#0066FF"></asp:Label>
<br />
<asp:PostBackTrigger ControlID="UploadButton" />
View 25 Replies
Jan 7, 2010
Any one used Microsoft Chart Control in SQL Server Reporting Service reports? Specifically the 2005 version?
View 3 Replies
Feb 1, 2010
I have a custom DDL that lives in my Server control library. Currently I add this control to a table by strongly typing the name of the control, the customary way.
Control_Library.Report_NumberDDL newDDL = new Control_Library.Report_NumberDDL();
What I want to be able to do is dynamically create that control by pulling the control name from a table. So I would have the name of the control in my code, in this case "Report_NumberDDL", and I would like to then create the control without having to strongly type it.
Something like this, though I know this doesn't work:
string controlName = "Report_NumberDDL";
Control_Library."controlName" controlNum1 = new Control_Library."controlName"();
Edit:I tried to do this:
Type type = Type.GetType("Control_Library.Report_NumberDDL");
object control = Activator.CreateInstance(type);
But on the CreateInstance(type) I get a null value exception. So the Type isn't getting created correctly.
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Apr 28, 2010
I have created an asp.net application which contains a user control. Within the application this control works fine. I have then moved the control into a separate "control library" project. When I try to load the control from the control library I find that the asp elements defined in the ascx for the control are not instantiated - i.e. I get a null reference exception in the Page_Load event handler. The only changes that I have made to the original application are to reference my control library and to change the <%@ Register statement in the loading page to reference the control library dll:
Do I need to do something else to get the user control to initialize itself correctly?
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Jan 14, 2010
We have a cient we are stting up that has 2 separate physical servers, one that is the web server the other the database server. Using impersonation we have been able to get the website to connect and retrieve data from the sql server so that part is not an issue. The problem is I have a windows service application that must be installed on the web server (as it process files downloaded to an ftp site) and it must be able to connect and write to the sql server as well.We tried adding a system.web block with the impersonation stuff to the app.config file which of course did not work. Can anyone tell me what/how we need to configure this properly?
View 7 Replies
Feb 11, 2010
How is it possible to browse to one of the .rdl reports in the sql server reporting services on the report server?At present I can succesfully browse to the report by:http://servername/reportsthen I see a folder called "ReportFiles" which holds the reports (.rdl files)then I click on one of the .rdl files in there to see the report.Do you in asp.net know how I can go to one of the reports?
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Feb 24, 2010
I just browsed and tried to find a good example changing a web user control(ascx) to a web control library. I used some javascript, Css and images for the control and i need this fiels to be build to my web control library. The answer I get it is not sufficient.
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Mar 2, 2010
I am looking at the twitter api page http://apiwiki.twitter.com/ and I noticed that they have already built libraries that are wrappers against the twitter api. So I am thinking this is the best way to go but I am unsure which C# library I should use.
What I am trying to do is make some simple service or cmd line application that will help me automate retweeting.
So I am looking for a library that will allow me to get posts from other twitter accounts and then retweet them from another account.
I am not sure if the library can do this or not. Otherwise I was thinking of getting the RSS feed from the twiter account I want to get the twitters from parse out the new ones and use a library to retweet them on my own account.
I have not used twitter much so I am hopping someone can shed some light on this.
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Mar 25, 2010
To start with a concrete example, I'm just moving the logon link control from the default MVC2 app to a library called WebUtilities. In the web app, I've deleted: view/account/LogOnUserControl.ascx and instead implemented the following class in the WebUtilities project:
Ctrl_LogOnLink :[code]...
Then in the site.Master where it is referenced, I've replaced
<% Html.PartialRender("LogOnUserControl") %>
<%@ Import Namespace="WebUtilities" %>[code]...
This sort of works, except the content of the control is not rendered (if debugging, RenderView is not called). If in the control constructor, I use "Controls.Add(new Literal...", that will load some control content, however the Control's base is not initialized,
so if I reference the Request.IsAuthenticated in the constructor, the control throws an exception. how to implement the control in a library? Also, if the control is based on the ViewUserControl<Model>, how do I set the Model?
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