C# - Settings Properties Of A Child In A Composite Control In An .aspx Page

Feb 28, 2011

I've got a composite control (class) that exposes an asp:Label through a get-property. Is is possible to set the Text property of the Label through aspx-code?

I'd like to do something like this:
<cfw:MyCompositeControl runat="server" Label.Text="Test" />

One solution is adding each property to the composite class (like a public LabelText), but I'd like to set any property of any child control. So as new features of child controls become available, I'd like to be able to use them on my composite control. So basically I would like to set any property of the exposed child control.

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How To Expose Child Control Style Properties In A Custom Composite WebControl

Feb 23, 2010

I am writing a custom composite WebControl and want to expose styles of child controls it encapsulates to the ASP.NET designer. The code I currently have is similar to the skeleton below (which for simplicity only has one child control).

With the code below, I can see property "ChildPanelStyle" in the designer, but when I try to modify one of the properties (e.g. CssClass) in the designer, it immediately resets itself to its default value. It looks like the designer serialization isn't happening.

What am I doing wrong?


I've updated the sample with an additional style property that is managed directly by the custom control, rather than simply being the property of a child control.

The HeaderStyle property is persisted properly by the designer, but the ChildPanelStyle property isn't.

Of course I could manage all my styles like HeaderStyle, and apply them during rendering, but I'm hoping there's a simpler solution whereby child controls can take care of themselves, and I don't need any custom rendering.


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User Control Properties That Located In Master Page From A Child Page?

Jan 11, 2010

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so my question is how can i user control properties that located in master page from a child page?

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How To Get A Composite-control's Child Controls At Design-time

Jun 23, 2010

I am designing an ASP.NET v3.5 custom control based on CompositeControl.

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At run time, MyControl.Controls contains the two labels as expected.

At design time, MyControl.Controls is empty.

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What am I doing wrong?

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Custom Server Controls :: Composite User Web Control - Properties - Best Practice

Jan 12, 2011

I would like to ask you what is the best practice for developing composite user web control with multiple controls inside from the stand point of dealing with properieties. In my situation I would like to use header menu bar with logos, buttons, java baset visible/hidden menus itc as web control. I was successfull in implementing new control in my project.

But my question goes to issue of properties for ALL OF controls. I know how to hard code all required properties like: text, visible, enable for all controls. It's a lot of work. ( This is the very edge of my asp.net comprehension ) Is there a more elegant way provide an access to controls's properties without hard coding seperatelly?

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Forms Data Controls :: Databinding Composite Control Properties Inside A Repeater?

Jul 14, 2010

I have a composite control inside a repeater. I am trying to set the controls public properties inline like so (this is a simplified example):

<uc1:Control runat="server" ID="id" Value='<%# Eval("value") %>'>

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Does A Composite Server Control(inc. User Control, Custom Server Control) Normally Encapsulate Css Properties?

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Nov 3, 2010

I have a new VS2010 .NET 4.0 Web project and the Properties Folder has gone wierd on me. It has lost teh "Open" under the right click. There is no way to get a Settings file created now.

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Apr 14, 2010

what i wanna do is:

there is an dropDownList in the master page with 4~5 items.

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use html iframe to include another aspx page.

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Masterpage - Accessing Pager Public Properties In Child Page

Sep 28, 2010

I'm embarrassed to ask this here because it's clearly been duplicated several times already on StackOverflow. I've read a lot of stuff including:


I think I've done exactly what those article say, but it's not working for me.

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In the first case, VS is telling me System.Web.Ui.MasterPage does not contain a definition for urrentUser. In the second case, VS says the type or namespace 'MasterNoNews' could not be found.

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Read Web.config Settings In .aspx Page?

Nov 11, 2010

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Custom Server Controls :: Composite Control Which Contains Arbitrary Content Defined In .aspx Of Parent And Thier ViewState

Aug 21, 2010

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<%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="MyControl.ascx.cs" Inherits="DynamicControls.Controls.MyControl" %>

<div class="box"> [code]....

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<%= Model.someValue = "foo"; %>

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<%= Html.TextBoxFor(n => n.someValue) %>

but in these case, this is not an option for me.

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Web Forms :: Changing User Control Properties In Aspx Pages?

Feb 25, 2011

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Access Static Class Properties From Aspx Page?

Jan 28, 2010

I am on .aspx page and i want to take the width and height of a control from a static class
where i have defined them as constans.

Is there any way to access that class directly from the aspx page?

I know that i can make a method like:

width="<%= getWidthSize() %>"

and inside the aspx.cs to define this method to take the size from that static class.

But i am asking if this could be directly managed from the web aspx page...?

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Disabling Internet Explorer Properties In An Aspx Page?

Jun 24, 2010

Can I disable all properties of an Internet Explorer when it opens a particular page called "help.aspx".I want that no option should be displayed on that page,just the content of the page which include the image of a person.

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C# - Add Items To Properties.Settings At Runtime In Application?

Mar 11, 2011

I want to add an item at runtime to my global settings on an ASP.Net web application. It seems that the Properties.Settings.Default.Properties object is read-only, or at least it's Attributes are so I was trying to write directly into the web.config file. This works correctly but the stuff I found was just dropping my info into the AppSettings section, when I need it to be in the ApplicationName.Properties.Settings so it is made available through the Default.Properties object.

The code I have basically goes like this:

Configuration config = WebConfigurationManager.OpenWebConfiguration("/");
config.AppSettings.Add(mySettingName, myValue);

Which is fine and dandy, except that - obviously enough - my setting turns up in the <appSettings> section of the file. Is there a way I can use the Configuration object to access the ApplicationSettings/ApplicationName.Properties.Settings part of the configuration file? If so how? If not is there another way to write values into my application settings from code?

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Custom Server Controls :: Custom Composite Control With Custom Templated Child Controls?

Mar 22, 2011

I am trying to build a custom composite control, which allows me to add custom content to each child control. It's a similar concept to what you have with a GridView and TemplateColumn. The markup used to place the control on the page would end up being something like this:


I have the code below, which allows me to put that markup on the page without throwing any errors, and it renders all the correct HTML, except it doesn't render the contents of the ColumnTemplate. I have replaced the Render() code with a comment because it's quite long winded and doesn't add anything important here:


I have tried to follow examples on MSDN and other forums but I can't make this work. I think I'm missing the code to render the contents of the template, but I don't know how to hook that up.

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Pass Values From MasterPage UserControl To Child ASPX Page?

May 4, 2010

Senario: Masterpage with a UserControl and a child ASPX page

In the past when using this senario I've used an Interface as a way to pass a value from the UserControl (embedded in a master page) to the masterpage code behind then consume that value in the child aspx page.

My question is now that asp.net 4 have arrived is this still a good way to achieve this or is there another or perhaps better way to do it? I've read somewhere that perhaps "delegates" is perhaps another route to take.

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C# - Call Child Iframe Method From Parent Aspx Page?

Jul 26, 2010

I've created one aspx page Default.aspx. It contains iframe with child.aspx. File Child.cs contains web methods which should be called by parent page.

As I understand I need to receive the instance of Child class so then I'll be able to them call. How can I make this?

Default.aspx (Parent page)

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="Parent_Child_Iframe._Default" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<head runat="server">

So How I can call getResultData () from Child.aspx.cs by clicking Button on the parent page.

The main difficulty is that I can't use Javascript to collect the information from TextBoxes because the task is more complicated and I can use only server methods.

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C# - Assign DTO Properties To Public Variables Or Call The Dto Instance Directly On Aspx Page?

Nov 3, 2010

My UI layer calls my business layer which populates a DTO. I need to display properties from the DTO on my ASPX page. Should I create public variables on the code behind page for each of the DTO properties and reference like <%=PublicPropertyName%> OR is it ok to set the DTO instance to public and reference the properties directly like <%=dtoInstance.propertyName%>

Additionally, would it be better if I just created Literal and Label controls for every item on the ASPX page and just populate them from the code behind only?

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Forms Data Controls :: Get Html Control Of .aspx Page In .aspx.cs Control?

Aug 12, 2010


<input type="file" id="file1" name="file1"/>

now i want to call the file control in .aspx.vb page. how can we call this..

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Page Life Cycle Sequence Between Master Page And Child Page And User Control?

Jun 4, 2010

I want to share a common page load and page init events sequence between Master page and child page and User Control as described below:

Let us have the following components:-

1. TestMaster.master -> It is the master page

2. TestChild.aspx -> It is the Child page

3. TestUserContrl.ascx -> It is the UserControl present within the TestMaster.master page.

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