C# - Show Images From Outside Of Application?

Jan 13, 2011

So I'm having some trouble displaying images from outside of the project folder...

I seem to be only able to access images within the "~" directory and subdirectories...

Say, if I want to access images from "E:/XYZ/11-01-01 New Year/" or something like that how may I do so?

Note: I set privileges on all folders and sub folders as Readable to "Everyone" so IIS/Visual Studio should be able to but isn't showing the images in the Image Control

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<%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="CreditCardList.ascx.cs" Inherits="ResortManagement.Component.CreditCardList" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="exact" Namespace="Exact.Hospitality.Core.Web" Assembly="Exact.Hospitality.Core"%>
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Can you guys see if im missing anything here?

lblwalloutput.Text += "<a href='Info.aspx?infoid=" + row["fldid"] + "' target='_Blank'>" + "<img style='border-size:1px; border-style:solid; border-color:white; margin:4px;' height='" + row["Picture_Height"] + "' width='" + row["Picture_Width"] + "' src='" + row["PictureURL"] + "' />" + "</a>";
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code below :[Code]....

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Mar 9, 2011

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while (sdr.Read())


string filepath = sdr.GetString(0);[code]....

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also.. I dont use Database.. Will direct it from File location.

* Which image format is best ? which format loads faster..

* every 5 secs, inages should change... any sample C# code??

* how to create nice border effect for that image slide.... control??

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Chrome Browser Does Not Show Images Generated By HTTP Handler?

Jan 5, 2011

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<img width="50" height="50" src="http://portal/Service/GetFile.asxh?id=123&inline=true">

For some reason all browsers except Chrome (e.g. IE6/7/8, Firefox, Opera, Safari) show everything just fine, however for these images Chrome shows "broken image" icon. If I choose "Open image in new tab" then the image is shown just fine.

Edit I thought I have solved this issue, but apparently with Fiddler turned on it works fine.

I had context.Response="utf-8" left in code, but removing it had no difference.


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Wed, 05 Jan 2011 14:26:57 GMT
Server: Microsoft-IIS/6.0
MicrosoftOfficeWebServer: 5.0_Pub


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Displaying Images On The Gallery, Each Thumbnail Show The Higher Version Of The Image?

Mar 10, 2011

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Use Images In A Web Application

Apr 1, 2010

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